The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
Bomb you need to come up with better shit to say. Most of the crap you post is elementary.
butnew job starts the first week of march time to start making some real money.but i still do custom work an good luck in 2011 .
My xmas was good. Finally got my own xbox! lol. Paul and I hung out most of last week because I had the week off from school. We're doing well. Still trying to hopefully take another trip to NSH. What's the new job? No more AVCRAD?
I hop you have a great new year what do you an paul anything planed for new years an how was your xmas an iam starting a new job next week lol you will never guess what it is
lol that was a good one but i heard your girl can suck the cream right out of a Twinkie an i mean suck that poor twinkie Clean . now this is what i heard lol. oh an by the way stop picking your nose in the guard shack we can see everything you do in there also stop eating them to
all i can say is wow !
LoL you right your fat ass would get us cought faster then bomb could eat a twinkie
Sorry But you aint got chance. but b.o.m.b does let me know baby
What's your email.
Why is my girlfriend such a hypocritical bitch?
Damn, I really love the theatre room! Despite all the comments below, I'd wish someone would take me to a place similar to this one day! It's really amazing! Happy holidays everyone
How old are we? You all need to be nice. It's the Holidays dammit!
now first there is nothing about me on any wall of that nasty security shack an how many space heaters you got going to keep you an those bug warm. lol ps you will be seeing me soon an look out your shack door the building across from you top right window that's were i will be lolol
It's true bomb, they're all good reviews about your skills.
Writing on the walls of the security shack say otherwise...
Lol sorry man i don't swing that way lol
. I love you all.
good luck in nuRSing school lol pass some pain pills my way lol an have a happy xmas iam in a badass cabin in vermont beer in one hand an writing this to you lol nice thinking about moving here you never know with me right lol
I'm almost done with school. 6 more weeks before I start my extern. Hopefully nursing school in September.
i was there last weak it's sad an glad to hear school is going good an happy xmas to you an paul iam going to vermont for xmas renting a cabin lol doing the butt load of snow xmas thing lol
Nothing much. In school right now. Life is alright I guess. Things with Paul and I are great these past few weeks. Hoping that it stays that way. We want to go back to NSH one last time. You?
What's new with you
Was wondering the same thing myself.
Were is everbody !
...if they added video. Its also good for "habitual offender" status, in other words, you get caught several times, you get in more trouble.
Course, there are ways around THAT too... good luck guys.
ok i ask you that because it would help the rest of us not get caught in the same trap you did that is all ok .
Of course you would say I'm full of shit. And as a formal security guard, you would want to convince people that I’m lying so more explorers would get arrested. I see past your bullshit here bambi they got me on video inside of Earl, Ray, Steadman, Bell, lodge, and Russel. They also got a few exterior videos of me walking around shooting leaves in the back of admin.
Yeah its officially a criminal trespass too. I don't care ill admit its me. So looks like I might be bunking with baba for 60 days.. Fuck Norwich im never going back there again.
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