The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
hey there all, it has been just way too long. had a good but busy summer, havent been around nsh lately, havent heard much either. so jpt, sparkles, paul, stab, publish, and all that have slipped my mind whats new? how are things in this neck of the woods?
Re-reading some of the latest "news" from the PRA..about scrappers etc.. These guys can't be too smart. Stealing bits and pieces of copper and light iron..netting them maybe 400 bucks a pop..When there are 30,000 dollar pieces of equipment laying around. Anyone else remember the old HI-SCAN 6040i Xray machine.. I notice that someone tried to drag it to a stairway recently.. Interesting.
Out of all seriousness.. I will take the liberty to post some of the wonderful things Bomb has posted throughout the internet.. Bomb..this isn't to offend you in any way. I'm just not sure that everyone is aware of the full scale of your internet fantasy world in the UE community specifically.. Enjoy everyone
Bomb 1 (Posted as John Barry as well as Bomb23911)
Bomb 2
Bomb 3 (youtube comment stating he's "new to Urban exploring)
Bomb 4 (Comments on video of NSH)
Bomb 5 (comments on Rob Dobi's film of NSH)
What I'm trying to say here is.. He's been lurking around NSH for about 3 years..Yet never/ever coming up with his own material..Video's, Pictures, Proof of any sort making him an actual..eerrm.. Verified member of the community. To me..I don't trust a word of him.. Especially after reading his post about him and a (family) member being the Only children in NSH..yet there is documentation of in fact..many children living/being on many different time periods.. I believe he had said the same about Undercliff as well. That's some background in Mental Health Bomb/B72/JohnBarry/Bomb23911 ..I'm done now. Ignore me.. I Ignore you.
Just to raise the question of how many times was he spotted by security? And the vanishing act? Did it come with teleportation to a state 300 miles away?
roflmfao. I love seeing stuff like this first thing in the morning! It makes me smile That's pretty good. I myself can't even do that. Very impressive bomb. When you right a book about your adventures I totally want to read it! Make sure you include all those awesome pictures that you took that day. You have real potential. I think you could even make Oprah's book club with a story like that! America's stop seller! Wasn't ypur mom a patient there at one point? You were the only baby born there if I remember correctly. You should be the town historian. Maybe when Mr. DePolito makes his next movie you can help him with some information. I'm sure you would be an amazing asset to him and his future film career! (Know knows, maybe he'll end up winning an emmy or something with your help!)
And on that note, I will now have a very happy smiley day!
Just for the record, my ass knows way more about these places than you ever will!
I've really never laughed so hard after looking at a post on this site like that lmfao
Bomb was actually the co-producer of Session 9 From what I've heard. That was after he explored NSH, Waverly, Byberry and Danvers one day. He was so ninja that when he was spotted by security..he disappeared into thin air...but only after stealing their keys and ham samitch.. He's an incredible part of the community.
Publish me- lmfao. He "explored" Danvers too. You have any photosets of that? haha
Bomb..I was trying to do you a favor..this way you could continue to tell your stories of Norwich.. Your dreams and "family history" on site. You can even make an account on blogger and start up an entire web-page about all of it. I'm sure I can dig up photosets of other institutions as well..If you'd like them. ..This way you can continue your life on the Inter-webs telling people stories for 2-3 years to come..Mostly about dodging security and living in the darkness and shadows of Norwich State Hospital..Or passing out "Knowledge" of family ties to an abandoned relic. Setting up fake meetings with people who are interested in "what you know" ..It's all been really entertaining to the folks here whom have half a brain to know your ..errmm... ..Full of it. Aren't you the guy who UE'd that pyramid in Egypt and found King Tuts tomb as well.. Your famous!! Truly amazing..
just let it go its really getting old
It's a shame you never even got to see Norwich Bomb.. I will let you steal my latest photoset tho!!..Claim it for your own. ..If you'd like.
Well i never thought this day would come but its her the old girl is coming down damn! well its been fun
4 buildings are being demoed at no cost to the PRA. Ribicoff, Kettle, Seymour, and the Lodge are all on Manafort's preliminary list. There's too much asbestos everywhere to even begin to think about demo though. You guys will still have time
every building on site is slated to be demolished with the exeption of admin, its fate is still not desided for uses, there was the idea kicking around to use it for a town hall but it is way to small for that, I suspect it will be a check in type building for the golf course that will end up there one day, I suspect ribicoff will have a corperate building in its place and the rest will be 18 holes.... I'm just saying....
There's a LOTTT more copper still in the Lodge and Kettle. Powerhouse is pretty much picked clean with a few crawl-spaces that clearly haven't been accessed yet. If anyone wanted to grab it all, they would this weekend
In some cases I can agree with your post.. However there are the few occasions where a scrapper would venture off to a site like nsh..Laundry is not a hotspot for that kind of activity..or any activity for that matter..however it does present you with the opportunity for easy in and out i suppose. Security has been known for years for stealing copper etc from the site as well..It's been in the paper as well. I've run into scrappers elsewhere..and most of them aren't actually looking for food/drugs's just their way of being independent I guess..they see it as a job. I work out of SIMS in North Haven..and every morning there is a line of pickup trucks with dishwashers and bicycles etc..It's just what they do I guess. They have not talked about what buildings exactly are staying and going..I remember rumor of admin being used as a Town Hall office? As far as the others I have no idea..There's no real use for the buildings across the street either. Time will tell.
ok, its been a while because there has been nothing going on, I do want to remind everyone that the bulk of NSH is set for demo but not all, admin has been listed as a historic building and has had grants issued for repair, there are many buildings preston has no say as to what gos on and I can't wait to see where the fence ends up, Lippitt is not prestons and most of the buildings across the street and the doctors neighborhood is not theres.
I do get annoyed at the PRA smear campain and how everyone trasspassing is there for there copper, If the fire marshell really came upon copper thiefs he had the right to make an arest right there, cops, security gaurds, State police advisors and people are seen and not stopped carring copper out and I guess they just walked off with the copper because I am sure if I was stealing and I came up to a person in a uniform I would just walk away with my load of copper not drop it and run... it all makes me want to go rob a few places in preston knowing they just let you walk away with the loot and all........ what ever, I bet the only people stealing the copper are state, city and some security employees, I have seen buildings in city areas that have been ransacked for copper, and this place is not one of them, the people stealing cooper are lazy people looking for a bonus in there check not some one looking for there next fix or meal.
couldn't have said it better
The subcontracted positions mostly will have to do with the overall abatement process before demo is under-way. Preston has really put on a facade for people..making them see the site as completely blighted buildings worth nothing. You just said it..Salmon Awl and Admin should be the focus here..They are the most original buildings on site..and are most important. However if it were a choice to actual historians and (or) people outside of Preston..I'm sure we'd mostly all vote against yet another attraction on the Thames..and definitely would consider a Big Y or Walmart to be a waste as well..Leave the buildings alone if you have no plans for them. The state was foolish to sell the property to Preston. Preston was quite obviously in such a hurry to get the buildings down..Now they are spending HUGE $$$ to get her down and STILL have no plans for any development..Yet they claim that removing the blighted buildings will offer up employment for many of the people whom have been left out of work in the past few years.. B/s
Well just the fact that the buildings themselves are abandoned does make it interesting for the countless people that drive by the property every day. I've been watching that property for almost 9 years now, as I'm sure many of you have, and I've never seen as much change as I have within the last few months. True, demolition will not open any doors for Preston, the PRA as well as the rest of the people that live there could never hope to attempt to raise enough money to actually make use of the site. If it was sold to a worthy and responsible developer who was interested in preserving Admin, Salmon, and Awl, and could also make use of the land around those buildings, then perhaps it would not only bring some light to the area but also an additional attraction right next to both casinos. Several subcontractors will be hired out though as stated in Section 6.02 of the agreement signed by Manafort and the town of Preston.
hey im from mass we go to belchertown state school alot which is pretty easy to get in how bad is norwich we went up last week it seemed pretty guarded we wanted to go in it this weekend but its a far drive if you cant
I can agree that it opens opportunities for Manaforts employee's to grab up some extra hours and cash..sure. However Demolishing Norwich itself isn't helping the economy regardless at this point. Manafort is NOT going to hire every Joe-Shmo who wants a job simply because they now have a contract to demo a large amount of buildings. (over time). Preston still has no idea what will become of the Property..Demolition isn't profiting nor opening any doors for the town what-so-ever. If there was a developer in place who was willing to begin development immediately after demolition..I could agree that it would open up jobs in CT..however that isn't the case. ..Now unless your currently working with Manafort I doubt you will profit off of demolition at all..regardless of it being "Your Business" ..I'm a truck driver..does that mean that I am somehow going to profit off other people trucking out the material from the site too?
As far as the buildings not being "worth" saving or lacking purpose in preservation.. Those buildings were labeled as "Out dated" for things such as Fire sprinkler systems and handicapped access. The buildings could have very easily been brought up to the current code. The state of CT's answer along with the DMHA was to build another facility to house the patients of both NSH and FFH..Had this site in particular been preserved from day 1 with a regular maintenance crew etc..The buildings wouldn't need much in order to be a fully-functional property.. As of NOW however most of these buildings are extremely deteriorated and absolutely the only logical solution from a towns perspective would in fact be (demo)
Why are people going so "Banana's" over the site? ..Most of the regulars here have their own answers to that. Alot of people are interested in the thrill of the explore..others want to find an answer to the un-documented..Others like myself..Are historians whom like to share the history of the buildings and like to feel the buildings for what they are. When you walk into an area like Norwich where there was a TON of history..You can connect with the buildings and you can almost get a chance to feel the stress it has caused. Not from some (Paranormal) end..but more historical. Same can be said for Pennhurst..There is defiantly a bond to be shared with a building that housed such history. Positive and Negative. These facilities are a HUGE part of New England history..Frontal Lobotomy was developed in New England..that facility has also been demolished..Now it's simply words. That is why people go "banana's" over sites like Norwich.. Not for Copper pipes..but for pure documentation of the facility..what it was and what it had become in it's years of sitting still. It's a real respect thing. Same can be said for any building in history..If the White House had somehow become would be a "big deal" wouldn't it? ..Because of history.
I don't hate the world. Just 99.9% of the people in it. When you get a phone (which better be soon) give me a call. I would like to go soon. Especially since it seems to be getting colder and colder out. I get cold easily so I don't like leaving my bed and covers too much. I told you what days I am available so whatever you want. Now and then my schedule changes but not very much.
I never stated that you guys were "up to no good". It just amazes me how many people are going bananas over these buildings. Granted a few of them (VERY few) deserved to be saved and preserved in the coming years, but just look at the state a few of them are in. Take Gallup for instance. Trees are growing inside. How healthy for a building. Other deterioration is clearly noticeable all through the building. Old architecture? Just take a look at some decent buildings in Norwich to get a load of good architecture. The Wauregan was completely restored, City Hall itself has been rebuilt several times to keep that historic look. I don't think any of you that use this site go there to snag copper, that wouldn't seem literal, only stupid to post s**t on this site saying how badass you are for going in and stripping out copper. I do demolition work, I just see this as a good job opportunity for me and people that are jobless around me. The whole economy and unemployment thing? Is it mutual? Or am I just hallucinating of how many people are unemployed right now? Take good pictures and videos while you can, even try to buy some of the "accessories" Manafort sells to the general public during abatement and demolition.
If you weren't so busy hating the world we could find some time to go I'm sure.. It's not easy trying to get people to get together at one time..I have found it nearly impossible to get more than two people to agree on a time-frame. With that and work now..and you being in's a pain in the ass to be honest. I however have to go back and do some Macro video shooting..I just watched a few vids from a friend of mine's set of Taunton..I've never thought to shoot video like that..So I will be going regardless. No sweat
Who in the f*** is this Kyle douche bag and why is he here? You suck.
Seaside is nothing compared to some places. Especially when this site has places from different countries.
It is nice to be acknowledged as people who actually respect the places that they explore. Like Publish said, most people just automatically assume that exploreres are up to no good.
A friend of mine drove by on Sunday and said there was absoultely nothing going on and no construction vehicles or anything like that. Granted, it was a weekend but still you would think you would see something... I very much want to go back sometime in the near future. You guys need to get ahold of me if you want to go.
Bomb..Seaside probably isn't on this site in particular because Slyv didn't explore it.. That's the more obvious approach.. I hear however there is a site update in the works soon.
JPT good to see you pop in for a comment..I appreciate the comment about the regulars here having more respect for the site..being that most people see UE as trespassing and disrespectful in nature. I haven't been by the site lately at all..I've been extremely busy with work lately..But I gotta grab up all the hours I can while they are available..along with being sick from the recent drop in the weather..It goes from high 70's to the low 50's..That's ridiculous. Hopefully though I will get my chance to say one last "goodbye" to the site and find some time to spend with her before she becomes history. Take care for now everyone!
The regulars that have been crawling around the site for years. Folks like Stabbie, Sparkles, Paul, Pubme...I'm sure there are others too.
whos you guys
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