The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
Paper said the Preston officials surprised some copper theives- I commented that they should have hired YOU GUYS as security- you have a better working knowledge of the site, and more respect for it.
what the hell are you gonna do about it
Your right that is a good movie an the paper said chain link fence it just makes me want to go there even more now then ever. an does anybody know why seaside is not on this site
What wire? They fence it off yet? I imagine itll be temp fencing...easy to get thru... That session 9 movie is cool... check it out...
So sad there going to start tearing Down norwhich state hospital i always wanted to go see and now looks like ill never have my chance :-( i don't agree with tearing old architecture like this but it's to bad the town let it go !! There are many old insane aslyums that people actually purchase and set up tours and keep old awesome stuff like this around we will never see building built like this anymore :-( bye NSH.
You think its funny nsh is coming down if you do your a asshole
say buh bye to the Norwich State Hospital
See this yet: WFSB Norwich Story
CVH's fire pretty much burned down Admin and the right wing..Basically the side with no power nor steam tunnels..therefore it's suspect.
Tri-tech is the company..I run out of North Haven for the most part.
nice. you'll have to tell me which company. what part of it burned down?
I waited to post about CVH's fire until I knew the damage done.. It's gone.. 3rd site I've lost this year..I'm about to become an arson Investigator..I'm that tired of this crap
Done..I dug your number up. I'm subcontracted out from SIMS. It's a really good gig.
Check your email.
SMMA? I sent it to you on facebook a few days ago I think. Check and give me a call.
Sparkles.. I started working for your favorite company.. Hours are a bit unpredictable at this point..I actually have a phone now. I will try to dig up your number..yet again.
JPT- What kind of a souveneer would you like? PM- When the hell are you going to find a damn phone and call me? I really want to go explore again. I've talked to a couple people who want to go. We just need to figure out a day. Like I said, I don't have school on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Let me know when you guys would want to go. You peoples have my number so text me or call me if you want. JPT- You have my number? Even if you don't come along to explore you can still meet up with us!
There was a fire at CVH last night.. It's on WTNH ..This has been the worst year for explorers..We've lost a shit load of awesome sites..Capehart, CVH.. such a shit year.. I was happy when they caught like 8 people in connection with Capehart..But seriously? what is wrong with people. Stay away from my buildings!!!!
Glad you decided to pop in. Sorry your wife isn't feeling well.. I haven't been by NSH in bit due to my (long-awaited) new job..It's kept me pretty busy..Seems that the last two weeks has been full of amatuer explorers looking for their chunk of the asylum..But that has calmed down quite a bit from what I've been told.. I'm still hoping to get our regulars together soon..I'm just having a hard time getting anyone to agree/disagree. Hopefully soon? ..I'm not one to take anything from sites for a "souveneer" ..but I think I have something you'd like.. I can send you prints from my favorite photo sets from Norwich. ..FO free. You just have to agree to frame them.
And you kids start bickering!!
John, knock it off you already been outed, none of the regulars believe any of your claims,maybe you can fool some new visitors, but the rest of us know you history. You are just making yourself look more foolish.
As for the rest, hey there. Home for a few wife sick, thought i'd drop a line. Ignore Bombs caustic comments, and he'll go away- when you respond,its what he wants, you may believe you are fighting back, but all you are doing is making him happy.
Anyway, FP still blocked at work, and i cant see it coming back, so I'll be just popping in every so often.
Gee copper missing from the chiller? Either "security" took it or some screpper took it when they werent there. possibly during the couple weeks between firms?
Anything changed on site? Havent been by in a few weeks.
Anyway, have fun, and someone get JPT a souveneer befor its all gone! Ta.
Yeah..oops I always forget to check other addy's, I also accidentally use other peoples sometimes- when I use their pc.. I'll get at you guys when I get a chance later.
Sparkles..Just check your Facebook messages later..
---I lol'd when I saw that the PRA is billing Zimmerman 100.00 for copper missing from the chiller. I thought it was hilarious. What will they think of next..
Sounds good. I'll have to check it later. Any idea when you plan on going?
I'm not the best with phones..My most recent lasted 3 days..they don't take kindly to impact. Regardless..I sent you a Facebook msg just last night.. Check it out. Stab I also sent an Email to you as well..On one of the 9 email addresses I have for you.
How come none of you people have called me about meeting up or whatever? You guys are forgetting all about me and now I'm sad
Bomb stills sucks a lot hahahahahahaha
I hadn't seen your post before..I didn't mean to ignore it. Use your own personal preference..If your working with Light obviously it would be better going during the day. Norwich has some awesome areas for light and shadow play when your planning out a good set. If your just looking to run around taking pictures..I don't think it makes a difference. Good-luck in your quest of "seeing all the buildings" ..Most of the regulars here still haven't seen "all" the buildings. Not for any technical reason really, It's just hard to shy away from routine. I have specific places I like to see when I go..Also I tend to review photosets and go back to get shots that just aren't up to par for me. Your a bit late in the game, So I suggest just doing whatever your comfortable with and get the pictures your looking for..Out of every single photoset I have ever seen come from Norwich there are always the same few shots that everyone does.. The Blue Bathtub, The lonely Skate, Hall of doors..etc. Shy away from these..They are far over done.. I too am guilty of taking these shots for myself..In variation,. Best luck to you.
I appreciate your acknowledgments. I agree with you that it wasn't a smooth move on Borner's part to up and leave when she hit the fan. I do believe that the group truly did want to make sure that the contract setup between Manafort and PRA was going to suit their needs..Now, I feel like a dick for siding with them in the situation..especially since we are talking about demolition..I just can't disagree with them that it is one hell of a project for a "small" town to have on their hands. I read somewhere that the state made them aware that this was an extensive project, And the state wanted to be sure that Preston was ready to be responsible for something like that. Honestly, Like I said..Borner has been a prick to many different agencies..Including the historical society. He's the kind of guy who is never pleased..But replacing him now is foolish. I object to the fact that whomever replaces him is going to be any type of "leader".. They will fill the chair, But I believe that the remaining members are simply going to have them on a short leash to get the project going. If Borner was using the PRA to get a foot in the door in some sort of government agency..He blew it. If I was working on a large project and I was in charge of development etc for my job..and one day resigned in the middle of the project..I would look like an ass.
Sparkles..I agree. Pathological lair is the right fit for Bomb. I got bored/interested the other day and went to the back pages here on forbidden and reviewed posts strictly related to things Bomb had to say.. Every single post by him has been unsuccessful. He has never said anything here that is actually valid. He offends people here and then a week or so later "Apologizes" to them. ..Does anyone remember when Bomb "died" ..That was the best one.. Bomb posted here under 3 different names in an hour period talking about an accident where he had "died"...Slyv had even said it was a Static I.P for those posts. Bomb is the only person that worked any-place official that would display a static I.P. ..I had forgoten all of this. Bomb is a waste..who spends his time misleading people on the internet.. Don't take offense to anything he has to stutter..I mean say.
Bomb- Your dog is gay.
hey dickhole. i wasnt fat when u were trying to get ur dick wet now was i? and bi polar sure but at least im not a pathlogical lying sack of shit wasting space and oxygen. i dont jerk off while trolling the internet for 14 year olds! cocksucker.
pm, as always a good, well thought out and infomative post.
I will only differ in one point. Kent Borner was always the "it has to be my way" type leader and the past weeks meatings pointed to a disagreement coming with the loss of the co-chair and KB not wanting one to the point he took a meeting off just to show the world that the meetings can go on without him or a co-chair "as long as there is a succession of command" even after other members wanted a co-chair because it is state law to have one in a redevelopment Committee, and it was in there charter to have a co-chair he just didn't want one.
if you look back through the years Borner has had his hands in and out of preston gov in committees, even has been elected. he may be using this as a platform to run for something. one thing about these people and group is, like Iv'e said before don't be distracted by what the pretty girl is doing over there because is all card tricks
when the group disagreed with what he wanted, he gets up leaves and resigned, to me not a cool move, you will find he can be replaced, he was only the chair for the PRA not the Norwich Hospital Advisory Committee
is during the day a better to get in or is that sketchy ive been two times at night kinda tricky at times, no flash lights at all cuz of sercurity....... i really jus wnna be able to see all the buildings n what not in the light, any pointers hit me up on my email or on here watever
Borner's resignation was in The Day yet again today. They marked some key points for the PRA..Stating that they have lost key members of the PRA in just 48 hours.. It's obviously not a good sign for them. To recruit new members at a time of agreement with Manafort Bros concerning the abatement and demolition is foolish..Honestly I think that's part of the reason Borner had left..Knowing that anyone who takes his place will lack the experience needed to move forward. I think Borner's view is that whomever replaces him will play nice with the current position of the PRA and make a wrong decision..The town itself is scared shitless that they are now left with a blighted property and wont have the means to continue moving forward now that resignations have been set in stone. It's almost hilarious. As much as I dislike Borner..I think he's a smart dude. I figured he was trying to make a name for himself with the PRA, if all went well he would more than likely be praised by the state and town etc..For all the "unpaid" hours he and the rest of the PRA had put in on the project.
I'm not 100% that I completely understand Manafort's proposal just yet. I think they know more than the PRA is aware of at the site. Most large companies can glance at a site and see hidden goldmines buried from the "regular Joe's" eyes. More than likely they are going to be making out quite well with the salvage of most of the material on the site. Copper is all that was taken from the crackhead scrappers. Manafort has capabilities beyond any scrapper. Light Iron, Beams, Brick, Wire.. It can all be "salvageable" to a point. The published piece of the contract states that they plan to demo some buildings at No Cost. That implies that they are still making out somewhere. I've yet to tally up the grants provided by Government agencies etc..But I would be interested to see the contract and what the appraised settlement would be with Manafort.
Another aspect on my mind was brought up by (i can't wait to see if they go over the property line with the state) I wonder if the contract itself would only contain the Preston side..I'm aware that PRA is regarding the site in it's entirety..However it is possible that the overall contract as of right now is regarding the Preston side only? It's the same as with Security. Each side has (had) differing security for specific reasons.
*unrelated* ..for the individual whom E-mailed me from here regarding my comment about there being "No felony trespass in the state of CT" I am 100% correct. I use the CT penal code..It doesn't lie. You were brought up on Burglary Charges, You said so yourself. Why? ..maybe it's because you chose to take a sign from the site. Remember..The Penal code relating to Trespass does not say anything about's unrelated. You trespassed,and stole something..Therefore you are now sporting a Breaking and Entering and Burglary charge..Congrat's. FYI..I'm not your lawyer, and your not that convincing. Was the Fallout Shelter sign worth it? It's something to remember if you chose to stay in this hobby bud..Don't steal shit. Go,Experience the site, Take Photo's, Respect it and leave it for the next person to experience... I'm tired. Long night of UE
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