The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
about to leave from northern nh to come down 603 455 8437 is my phone number contact me if anyone wish to join
There's no saying that this is actually going to work out in Preston's favor. Lets just say they..misread or were mislead by Manafort's proposal..PRA is in such a hurry to get a contract that they will pretty much just "yes" anyone to death who is willing to knock the buildings down.
It's Obvious that Borner was pissed that the PRA probably wanted to review the Manafort Proposal rather than agreeing to it and being stuck in contract and loosing valuable $$.. Borner threw a tantrum and walked a little girl. I really doubt that Manafort's Proposal was a great as they think..THey are more than likely getting ripped off. Probably with the amount of $$ in salvageable metals etc..Manafort is going to make BIG bucks..guaranteed.
My prediction is..Other agencies are going to be investigating it the whole way through..Manafort will mess up..And put a damper on Borner's Glory parade..He's got the attention he asked for. I will for sure keep in touch with everyone. Stab I too am probably going to have my moment with the witch before she meets her demise..
Yeah pub, jpt- I'm with you on that.. I'm sentimental and fairly bummed by all of this. I'll be around and am down to meet up, hope to get a few more runs in before sunset though! Also, there will be some good stories to tell after everyone can openly talk about it. I'll email you guys too. -siiiigh- this really sucks... I hoped things would fall through again.
Ken, Stab, Sparkles..Email me ASAP ..
JPT..sure your right..When they do demo the site this page will probably go silent..However I can't seem to bring it to myself to lose contact with most of the regulars here. We've all spent an incredible amount of time here with each other. I've actually learned quite a bit from most of you. I wont be going anywhere..I will remain here as a source of information for those who's interests are sparked by the demolition and past of the site. It's like any other place of it's magnitude that is demolished..people don't forget a place like this.
Surely I am taking you Email down. Mine is
I suggest the regulars post their emails for the purpose of staying in touch and maybe even exploring together at some point..It's important for the UE community to stick together..especially in CT with such low numbers in the community. I don't mean to be sentimental here..But it's the truth.
As far as the Demolition plans for Norwich..It's sad really. I am hoping to see the exact contract as soon as it is available to the public.
Preston OKs demolition contract for Norwich Hospital property
By Julianne Hanckel
Publication: The Day Published 09/03/2010 12:00 AM Updated 09/03/2010 04:29 AM 0 0 COMMENTS ( 7 ) Bookmark and Share print this article
Preston — The Preston Redevelopment Agency unanimously approved the demolition, salvage and abatement contract with Manafort Brothers Inc. Thursday after clarifying the contract's language in an executive session with company executives.
On Wednesday, the agency failed to approve the contract after members questioned the language and intent of the Plainville company's most recent agreement to demolish four of the buildings on the Norwich Hospital site at no cost to the town, but not all 32.
First Selectman Robert Congdon said after the meeting that Manafort will make every effort to demolish the remaining buildings at no cost to the town.
"The reality is that some buildings may have surprises in them that none of us know about," Congdon said. "The town doesn't expect Manafort to work for nothing, but our hope is that the vast majority (will be torn down) and the net result will be as close to zero as we can get."
Inside the buildings, salvageable materials such as copper will help offset the cost of demolishing the other 28 buildings on the site. Manafort plans to use the material pulled from the buildings as a way to offset the cost for the town, which Congdon said was always the intent of the contract.
The agency's three $200,000 grant approvals from the Environmental Protection Agency and the town's $125,000 match is enough to begin abatement and demolition, Congdon said.
Redevelopment agency member and acting chair Sandy Ewing said the discussion between the agency and Manafort was "healthy."
"The largest issues discussed yesterday evening have been resolved and we feel confident we can go forward. We all look forward to working with Manafort and starting this project," Ewing said.
During Wednesday's meeting, Kent Borner, chairman of the agency, walked out after becoming frustrated with the agency's decision to postpone the approval.
"Inside of a week, we went from an approval to a rejection to an approval," Borner said. "There's been a tremendous amount of hours spent negotiating this contract and we've ended up with the sweetest contract this town has ever seen."
Borner said he will formally announce his decision to remain a member of the agency next week.
I can get on occasionally, but not like before.
The site was blocked for security reasons. recently, we were cyber attacked. cant even charge mp3s, cant have camera phones,etc.web access tightened. Still have email, you can get me there. Some of us dont have the disposable$$ to go buy Androids, add to that work frowns on people surfing private devices when they are being paid to work.
besides, Preston and Manafort have signed a deal for the demolition and abatement of NSH. Its a done deal. Kettle, and 3 others will be first, and the rest based on a cost analysis.
soon this page will be a memorial only, of what once was.
anyone interesteed, send me your addy, we'll keep in touch.
JPT surely you could keep in touch here when your sipping a drink after work in the comfort of your own home.. No? I'm not sure why your job would specifically block this site from your viewing capabilities.. Hopefully you choose to stick around regardless. You as well Stab..Not sure why you'd vacate from Forbidden..I don't want to be the last man standing here..We've accomplished quite a bit on this little forum..believe it or not. Hopefully you can all find some time and keep posting! JPT..Buy the android from Verizon, It's just as good as the luxury of a computer at work.
I think we're done here, thanks for playing- goodnight..
Well, folks, they did it- they blocked this site at work.
Its been fun, but JPT can only post from home now, and I dont get on line that much.
Anyone wants to contact me, email
Wichy says it's lonely tonight...poor wichy
No, but I've been wanting to give it a shot.
Anyone else ever use Gels or anything like that at NSH..Just curious.
Ok just so i know what did this bomb do anyway that he is hated so much by eveyone on this site i have heard alot of talk about this person some bad some good fill me in ok
I received an e-mail from a "lawyer" in regards to NSH.. I removed the names of the "lawyer","myself"..and said "law-firm".. The law-firm listed didn't exist as far as I can research and the name he had listed came up with several hits including a sex-offender registry and various other misc. Sites..However, The telephone number that was listed is directed back to a security firm..Interesting? Here's an edited version of the E-mail.
Dear Mr. ******** :
I recently viewed your photos of the Norwich State Hospital on (removed),they were amazing. I am a lead investigator regarding the hospital and was hoping that you would be willing to speak with me about your time on the grounds and possibly supply us with specific photos in relation to the Hospital site. Your identity will be taken into account in a discreet manor regarding this issue due to specific legal issues with the photos. I can be contacted via e-mail or the telephone number listed. I look forward to your timely co-operation.
From (removed law firm)
Someone else in the UE community had received a similar (more professional) E-mail recently, Yet it was from a lawyer whom was working a case related to asbestos..being that his client was suffering from the exposure over his time working in the factory in which this UE had explored..
What do you guys think? .. I figured I'd respond with my Hourly rate of $100/hourly and a Print fee for any photo's they'd like to use pertaining to the "investigation" Just to be a nice guy. I have a slight feeling that it is just Murphy/Zimmerman/Pantywaste security hoping for a handout.
I'm sure (hopefully) that the views on your Flickr account are just coincidence..Remington was fun..Lots of homeless people..etc making it not so interesting anymore as it is..This fire obviously did quite a bit of damage though.. I've never looked into the Shakespeare Theater..I had a looksie at it on your Flickr though.
There was a factory building I had explored in Waterbury that had the same safety signs..However the roof had collapsed in on the upper floors..I doubt those safety ratings are very accurate at this point. Exploring is good for shit like that..You see safety signs that are out-dated and make no sense anymore.
As far as Norwich is concerned..It's a real bummer that Borner assumes that people hate the place..TONS of people have shown an interest in the buildings and the history involved in them. He's a fool for thinking that all he had to do was cut the grass and some tree's.. The buildings could have been maintained since day one..We wouldn't be sitting here talking about him like this if that were true. The state does in fact have a handful of non-profit organizations and volunteers whom work with some of these historical sites.. They do really amazing things. I've seen an article about a guy who planted a bed of flowers in front of the abandoned kirkbride buildings in middletown..That's pretty
yea I saw the fire, the buildings of concern are opposite from Norwich, those factory floors are made of wood, there are machines still in the buildings, floors are weak, have holes, parts have collapsed and stairs are made of wood too and have fallen down. They are removing building 1 and maybe 2
One thing that sticks in my mind are the signs on the 4th floors that read “This Floor will Safely Sustain A Load of 100 Pounds Per Square Feet” and they are from when the factory was in use, and if you think about it if you stand with you feet together, that's your weight in less than a square foot, so when the factory was in use any average person walking on the 4th floor was over loading the safety limit!
I will post the pics link I took Aug 1, I don't know if it means anything but I track my flickr account to see what is being looked at and after a few days of no one really looking at anything Friday the 27th someone looked at 71 photos from Remington and 1 from Shakespeare theater.. I hope it doesn't mean any thing.
A note about Shakespeare theater in Stratford, CT. It is sealed up tight and if you look at the pics I took there is an alarm on all doors and motion detectors, they are active, and they do work, there is also a working fire alarm and working sprinkler system. Police patrol the grounds and park there to do paper work. What I am trying to say is STAY THE F*&K OUT. If you want to go look at the building on the outside and check it out its ok, the wont stop you from dusk to dawn, if your lucky and find one of the town console members who go there and clean up the place inside you maybe privy to a quick tour inside. Yea you heard right, I have met and talked to elected people who actualy care about there town, history and buildings that they roll up there sleeves and hauled out tons of waste from the building and pulled out the old carpets with help of volunteers from the town. Seems different from everything we read from Norwich eh.
Anyone see the news on the fire at Remington in Bridgeport? ..It was a really bad fire..I saw areial shots and the entire roof was a blaze. Here's a link if you haven't already seen this. Remington Fire It really sucks that people like this can't seem to stay away from abandonments ..Granted it's still terrible..but go in the woods or something. Jerkoffs.
Your posts aren't moderated here. Just an FYI. Forgetme360 definitely didn't have the facts straight about towing your car etc. "felony" trespass doesn't exist and if it wouldn't just be a simple fine. The fine he is talking about it an infraction..Which means it's a misdemeanor. I'm not saying you can't be arrested due to being on site..However it is well known through the State of Ct Penal code..what the repercussions are for said incident.
The fishing the pond comment was probably with good intentions? I'm trying to keep a level playing field here for everyone.. Let's give the guy some slack? IF in fact asbestos or PCB's did travel it's way to the pond it "could" definitely put a dent in the laying and successful hatching of new generations of said Fishies. I would probably be more concerned with the Thames River on that note..Due to rotting oil tanks and busted sewer lines that are directly offshore..but that's just me I guess.
As for being seen in photo's etc. As I said..the internet is full of lies. I once posted a picture of me as Bella from twilight.. Is it true? ..nope. However..Posting video's of entering/leaving a property which is labeled or fenced in can cause a few issues for an individual. Capehart Mill in Norwich is a perfect example..One of the 6 who were brought up on charges was arrested due to a Youtube video in which he is seen hanging out on the property prior to the arson..Not saying this is always enough to incriminate someone..however if something tragic happens on site and your video is reported..all eyes will be on you. I do agree with you Ken, I'd fight it to the end..Especially since I have made it well known to state officials what my intent is on these sites. I've talked with Borner and others and made it well known what our/my purpose is on the grounds.
ALSO- As far as Zimmerman is concerned.. Did you know he likes Arizona green tea's and cheetos? Nuff said.
OK I can't take stupidity, I have been silent because god forbid I post a comment it seems to not make it on this site, and censorship is bs, am I the only one who noticed the post below about fishing in the pond and not eating the fish because of asbestos????? are you kidding me, this is another idiot who has no idea about anything....... you going to tow my car, yea because we are all stupid and park right on site, even if I was stupid enough to park in the commuter parking lot and walk strait in you still cant tow my car from there, its public parking and if you tow my car I am suing your ass for the tow, the impound, and my rental car for the entire trial because I'm not paying to get it out when it was illegally towed to start. Who the f&%$ do you think you are. I can care less who looks at my posts and pics and I've said it 1,000 times the statute of limitations for trespassing ends when you leave the property, I can photoshop president Obama in front of the admin building and I would hope the law would do the same thing to him you claim you can do to me. You can't prove 100% me in a pic on site is real or photoshoped in or even on a set made up to look like I am on site. All I need is reasonable doubt.
ps have fun, I expect an extradision order to pick my ass up
Byberry was massive..It was also (at one time) an awesome place.. Byberry was made of concrete and had POE's everywhere..There would have been no way for them to secure any kind of perimeter around that site. It's also in another state..Where they quite possibly don't have the resources to pay-out that kind of funds to protect something that is inevitably useless to them..They're version of all of this was more than likely to pay insurance costs etc..and that's that. 24 hour security would have lowered the rates..but still costs more in the long run. If you realistically look at the difference between the Byberry and Norwich..You'll notice that Byberry (no security) was full of graffiti and smashed shit everywhere..also has death's related to exploring the site. Norwich does not..Graffiti is to a minimum and the buildings and overall site is still in good shape.(my opinion) for the amount of time it has been left abandoned.
Also as far as Authorities viewing our forums..While this is possible. It's not likely. Regardless..Use an alias and don't post stupid youtube video's with your face entering/exiting the site and legally there would be nothing that can be done. I don't admit I've been to Norwich..Not at all. This is the interwebs..I 99.9% of people are full of shit.. Keep that in mind when thinking that your going to get busted for posting under the name (TheBrain or Faker) wouldn't hold to much ground for any charges to be brought on.. The only standard risk involved with authorities and forums like ours is when people post POE's..Admitting they've entered a site and explaining in detail where/how..But I often jump on them before it goes to far.. Just out of causion and respect.
..OKay. To correct you.. There is absolutely no "felony" trespass in the state of CT. I'm no lawyer..but I've done my research. Your worst case scenario would be a Class A Misdemeanor Criminal Trespass..
Class A Misdemeanor Criminal Trespass will only be used when the individual is given notice to leave said property and refuses. It is also used if you violate a restraining order etc.
Class B states If you enter and remain in a building. (squatting)
Class C states if you enter or remain on posted or fenced property or state property .
Fact is..As long as your not destroying anything and have no burglary tools (shouldn't be your motive) it's a simple infraction.. Granted..It's not just up to the responding officer when it comes to State Police..They have to radio back to the LT at the barracks in order to issue the "appropriate" charge..However if you review the Penal Code.. It may disprove whatever rumors you have heard about upping charges etc.. It's the LAW ..There's no way they can change it just to suit NSH.. Just can't happen.
As far as the purpose of keeping UE's out.. It has been discussed often here. Insurance costs are outrageous on a site like NSH..The property is massive and is full of "Blighted" buildings. As JPT said..This is true for even home-owners..As the risk for property damage is much higher due to vacancy and lack of maintenance. It makes perfect sense.
Reading the minutes of PRA you'll also notice that they will not start any demolition/abatement until there is a fence constructed around the property..That should be a good sign that we have quite a bit of time before this relic comes down..Borner is too busy arguing over whom he want's to be part of his little club..They have they're own pissing matches and have no time to deal with actual issues regarding the site..
I guess demolition isn't gonna start anytime soon lol
Demo: They're trying to keep 'ghost hunters' out. But, the main reason is because of theft. Some are the materials used to build the facility are valuable. Beside, there is a chance of people getting hurt on the property, which is a huge liabilty (i.e. the asbestos and lead contamination, the buildings collapsing, etc.) If you fish in that pond, do not eat the fish, the absestos containated the ground water and get into the pond and fish. YUCK!! The contamintion in the facility goes 8 miles deep!!
What i don't seem to get is Zimmerman's one driver going around all day. I went up to talk to the guy today, but I didn't even come close to asking what's up when he got out of his truck and threatened me with the $90 trespassing fee. Doesn't make sense why they want the place so protected. Unless there's something to hide inside, then I don't get the heavy reasoning behind this. Byberry was 5 times bigger then this place and got no attention at all by police or security. Of course fires were investigated, but still, in regards to size, Byberry should have had a security force on campus 24 hours a day to stop trespassers. Doesn't make sense. Just sayin
I would like to inform those who have been, and plan to go, to NSH that security has been increased. They are more arrests and they frequently check sites with forums, such as this, to identify potential criminals. If you are caught on the property, there is a $93 felony trespass fee. If you are caught in a building, it's an automatic arrest. If you are arrested, they will tow your car (another fee $50 if towed) and impound it ($85/day fee at the lot, the lot is not open on weekends so the car sits in there and is charged for each of those days).
The mystery of whom would target abandoned buildings in Norwich has been solved. It's not exactly what I had pictured..but to each they're own I guess. While I'm pissed they destroyed the mill..I'm glad they didn't get their hands into Norwich State..That mill was a goldmine for photography..I've seen some amazingly done pictures from that site..Here's the link to the wall of shame for these delusional individuals.. Stupid People.
He's working at Mcdonald's playland..
Does anybody know were he is ?
Seems to me like a rather large pissing match going on.. What's the bid deal anyways?. Borner is so full of himself..It's a state funded agency..It's not like a non-profit and self-funded organization that needs to remain under a budget..What's it going to hurt him to elect someone else into the PRA? .. I think Borner wants everyone to look at him as the Top dog when the project is over and done with..It's ridiculous that they even have meetings anymore.. Grass is cut? ..Security?.. Bullshit waste of time..funded by tax payers. I hear they're coming out with a Hard cover Norwich State Hospital book too.. As much as i'd like to purchase said book..I bet I have better pictures and memories anyways.. No Thanks Mr. Boner. I mean Borner.
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