The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
Yeah, I was there recently-that place is great! Not quite as big as Norwich, but pretty huge! Wish they didn't clear all of those trees. Yup some of those floors are fun! They've moved a bunch of stuff out of the other buildings, for the haunted house. I think that whole plan is pretty disrespectful. Pretty much all of the really good institutions are on their way out...
JPT-my email is Anytime man...
Pennhurst is awesome..The floors are rather dangerous there tho.. It's actually in kind of the same situation as NSH..awaiting it's fate.. I do know that the current owners of the property are converting the administration building into "The institute of fear" A haunted attraction of some sort. I don't know to many details on it..But have read about it in multiple places. SAR also does a lot of exercises with that site..Almost on a constant basis. Those videos could put chills through you..To see patients laying on the same floors we walk is something amazing. I've thought about it I walked NSH..about what could have gone on in each room..All the situations Good/Bad/Depressing etc..It's truly something to get you motivated.
Ahh..Understood..However I'm not truly put-off by new member..I would almost prefer it..Under strict criteria I suppose. Although I don't believe going back 5-6 pages of our past dialogue would be all that much to ask. It's just odd to me..That people will so freely ask for information without even checking back posts to find maybe references etc.. You'd see 1 of 2 things in our chat log here..
1) None of us talk about when/how we go (if) any of us did go. 2) Email addresses- They're very much more personal and will give you a chance to better explain your purpose for said information.
Also, I remember last year when the weather was bad..Most of us turned to the forum to let out a bit of our frustrations about being stuck inside..I can remember a TON of really good posts that included a lot of information that we have collectively gathered from our time on-site. This is stuff you wont find in any books (yet!!) or on the internet (yet!!) ..we all have our favorite parts etc..and a lot of that interesting material is available in back posts.. Trust me..It's not that hard to skim through and find the juicy bits..I've done it quite a bit when referencing to back posts. I guess I will just zip it up and let it be..But I'm sure those "hey I need" posts will just rot here unanswered.
PM- Any underground organization has by its very nature a certain amout of doubt over new peoples motives, as it must keep itself one step ahead of those who would wish to shut it down. that where the paranoia reference came in. Or the game Paranoia. Great Fun!
Zoe- Ah yes, that Vhing Rhames debacle. Sorry, I am a Romero Zombie fan, and altho I will watch any Zombie flik once, I cant stand the fast zombies. Much prefer the shambling, relentless moaning dead. Just seems easier to suspend disbelief when they seem to be having locomotion/reaction problems due to decay. I know, I know, its all a silly fiction anyway, but we all have our guilty pleasures, and thats mine, sad to admit.
And for the record ..Poster "Brian" was a pretty cool dude. Just looking for some simple suggestions about the I said..Demonstrating good tact is rule number 1..
I dislike how the -random passerby- refuses to read back posts..Why would you ask a group for information if you have no idea if they are credible or not? Or trustworthy? It just demonstrates the level of skill someone has.. Which believe it or actually quite important. I explore solo..99.9% of the time..I like to know that I can safely go about my explore with no worries of someone else making a mistake. It's important to explore with people who aren't going to (Freeze Up) when things get a bit sketchy..Theirs rotted floors,falling debris,Security,Hobo's etc on a lot of these sites..Some people tend to get shaky in those situations. Security..Book it? hide? stay put and talk? ..How do I know what someone Else would do.. This is why I'm usually strictly solo..I know my limits, I know when to stay put..and know what's in my best interest..Rookies haven't had those experiences where they might be faced with unexpected..and in result they usually make the wrong move.
Most of this guys information is exactly as I said..Fantasy.. He take's basic information and adds chrome to it. Any half-decent publisher can Google links for Norwich State Hospital and skim an article, adding " quotes " around statements that aren't true. It's too obvious that this guy has no idea what he's talking about. It's offending to read his articles after doing extensive research on a particular subject.. He's delivering false information from "fake" "non-existent" sources. Maybe I'm being a bit rough on the guy..But after seeing him Floating around on facebook using This profile on a group called "Norwich state hospital" Running his big nose all across the message boards. I'm sure he'd post here if he already didn't know that he'd get torn apart for the rubbish he publishes. Like I said..It's more of an issue of credibility.. Not to mention that he's raping internet forums for most of his useless babbling.."A broken window behind the laboratory" You'd only know that if you were trespassing there bub..Or just full of shit. I apologize..Not everything he writes is useless!! Need a good OPINION on your local bar and grill..or Planning a trip nearby and need to know about lodging or road closures.. HERE!!! his personal Profile for associated content will do the trick.. He seems to be thrown in on all the local holes in the wall, Bottom of the barrel reporting jobs.. Way to go Bud..Your my hero!
JPT- It's not really about Paranoia..It's just in good tact..If you represent yourself as someone who uses discretion and common sense, You'd get a lot farther in an Underground community..(so to speak) ..I'd give up info to someone who is respectful and realizes that UE's get hassled on a regular basis for they're hobby/job.. Sure..There are some obvious postings that scream PIG..but they are to obvious..I'm leaning more towards the explorers who have ethics..Rather than tell some Rookie how to get in and smash shit. They can do it on their own and hopefully are mistaken as a scrapper and are prosecuted. I can tell a good UE..they're not asking for information on how to get in.. Because honestly anyone who's ever UE'd can spot a POE in an instant..not to gloat..but I catch myself looking at POE's everywhere I go..I can spot roof access sitting at a drive-thru at Dunkin Donuts.. Most of the UE related Emails I get are from out of state explorers..simply looking for tips on the layout and suggestions where to shoot/what to bring..Which is a valid concern being that it's a good 7-8 hour explore/session per-day. (wouldn't want to lug to much around) ..Pigs often post stuff like "How do you get in this place?" or the best "I'm not new to this but I just wanted to know" ..They are quickly dismissed. I don't know Flem..Do I think he's a narc? No.. Do I think he's a rookie who is looking for a handout.. Sure do..In that case.. I'd like to take this time to clarify the way to go about this. "do it yourself..learn the ropes..Dont be stupid..Dont take stuff..Dont break stuff..Do your research on ANY site's history and current events and you will learn all the information needed. Using GoogleNews you can check local papers to see if people have been caught on the property or have had problems with Guns/drugs/hobos/vandals etc.. That will give you a base to start with." ..that's the best advice I will ever give a rookie UE.. Act like it's life or death.. Or.. just don't explore.
sorry sparkles , you'll have to wade through all the posts you've missed like i did! s'worth it tho! JPT the remake. i havent seen the original. i ADORE the opening credits and music. seriously good stuff. as a londoner tho i have a special affinity for 28 Days Later (and 28 Weeks altho not as much). we all enjoy seeing this stuff on familiar terrirory i think. The arieal shots of london in 28 Weeks later are fantastic.
Thge main difference between 28 Days and Dawn of the Dead is that in DotD the zombies were global wherase in 28 Weeks later apparently it was only the UK that was affected by the virus (altho they werent zombies and i think i enjoyed that storylinje better as we can all imagine a mutated virus escaping and wiping out mankind..i can anyway but maube im just sick!
as a photo /jouno myself Corey Sipe should be shot for his abysmal journalism. I cant believe he can get taken seriously. the patient in that article was only in NSH for drug addiction mainly as an outpatient. Hardly a coup.
Zoe- Dawn of the Dead- the original or the remake? Fast zombies or the classic shamblers?
PM- Eh? What you talkin' bout, "old age", sonny? Why, you young whippersnappers, I'll take my cane and.....
Sparkles- studying will do that to you.
StabMA v2.0- Unfortunately, I cant get a lot of the stuff posted here, at work, they are pretty tight on what they filter thru. And the home PC is having some issues with email, if I can get that straightened out, I'll be contacting several of you direct, as you allow it.
Flem, Brian, dont take these guys too hard- they are leery of anybody looking for POE, suspecting a set-up, or security looking for some POE they didnt know existed. Just cause you are paranoid doesnt mean someone isnt out to get you!
And still, thru all of this- Zombies DONT RUN, and Vampires DONT TWINKLE!! Whats next, Kelly Osborne turning into a Were-Pomeranian? Yap at the moon!
Derr... That about sums it up.
Ya know; some really bad things happened to patients, from SOME staff and vice versa, but also some really good's not black and white, like with most of these places-past and present. It's all very complex... Now, if anyone wants to look into a really terrible place, but get a good picture of the really bad in these places- Here, have this...
It's in sections, but it should have them all in the playlist. This expose' was what ended up getting the place shut down apparently.
Well the only thing I left out in that list is the occasional Pun in regards to JPT's old age..
Seriously.. We've had more off-topic discussion lately. Mostly about the Zombie apocalypse..or the Survival and creation of said Zombies.(quite interesting) ..We moved on from there to the First amendment and the fact that Belgium is not part of the United States.. Moving forward we made fun of each other for a chance to reconnect..and spoke about the current status of hospital grounds/security etc..New members posted requesting information etc on public forums rather than realizing in back posts Users here have posted Email for those topics so in regards we tore them to pieces and apologized etc.. This has gone on for the past month or so..and just now I ranted about Corey Sipe.. Which is where you put your face.. : )
Little more detail plz. I've missed a lot! Dickbag
Oh and ..Sparkles has traded in her shoes on ..for Petville ..a virtual kitty-kat I assume.
Zombies are in fact real..and quite complicated individuals. People want to explore Norwich. Security is gay. Norwich is at some point going to be demolished. Pictures of abandonment's are cool. Norwich's new security consists of Babies and Killer bee's.. Corey Sipe sucks.
You all write way too much when I'm gone. Since I have a migraine and have been feeling like shit lately does anyone want to sum up everything I've missed? Don't feel up to reading everything (that's a first!) lol
OMG I absolutely despise this guys work..I'm sure he checks up on here every once and a while too. He posts the most fantastic Sci-fi fictional B.S I have seen out of anyone else related to the publishing of any articles related to NSH. He's really out there making a name for himself..With all the claims of Patients he talks to etc.. He doesn't know a thing..He's floating around Facebook with his stupid stories about Norwich.. Don't get me wrong..He's not Posing as a UE who's searching for the truth..nor Closure..He's just a douche. Plain and simple. The type of literature he actually PUBLISHES goes something like this.
It is said that "Human bodies are buried all over the campus and there is a million dollars stuffed in a sock drawer on campus" .. With his stupid " " ..always quoting some stupid shit he made up..or had a dream about. And people pay him for this crap. You know..Im usually a nice guy.. But I've gotten E-mails from the fool.. He's no smarter than my dogs..And that's giving him credit.
The plain and simple fact of Corey Sipe is that he's out to make friends.. He doesn't care about the money.. He's a lonely guy who like's to talk. It's really that simple..If people keep giving his articles 32140894812views because google hits the thread Norwich State Hospital.. He's gonna look as if he's some big shot who knows a thing or two.. Poppycock!! I wish his articles were written on toilet paper.. So that they can all inevitably end up where they are supposed to be..In the toilet with crap on them .. Thank you very much ZOE.. I appreciate you letting me rant about this waste of glasses.
i havent been here for a while and catching up on a few posts just read JPT's link from associated content by Corey Sipe. Who is this twat..?
this quote in particular had me chuckling..
'The patient (in NSH) often spent hours looking out the window at buildings on the campus which were erected between 1910 and 1920 wondering what barbaric experiments and trials gone wrong were performed there...'
likes his horror film melodrama a bit doesnt he?!!
p.s enjoying your work guys keep it up.
heh they're playing Dawn of the Dead again on sky here in in Uk again tonight. seen it a million times already but gotta love it. Excellent film
This is true about making your own plans and sticking to them.. To some trusted individuals I will lend a helping hand..I.E out of state explorers etc..I know what it's like to get to a site and not know what I'm in for till I get all the way there..I can't turn everyone looking for the general "status" of the location away..I have been victim to a bust site before myself..After traveling there it's rather disappointing.
As for people like Flem who think they could just jump on a forum asking for information in a public forum..Meh.. Try reading back posts and you will see that people leave they're email address's etc for PM's for that kind of thing..Otherwise you will be chewed up and told about killer-bee's and such..You've got yourself a whole lot of nothing. Booo
Mah bad Brian! Don't take it hard-this is how it all begins for many... We get a little crazy when people just ask like that. The best thing you can do is make your own plan and be like Nike... stay aware, always look before you leap, so to speak. If you do it all on your own and make it in/out-believe me, it's a great feeling!
Duuude, dogs that shoot laser- guided killer bees out of there eyes! And those babies are no joke, you don't wanna feel the rath! They have explosive diapies stockpiled in bell! One must not forget the beeping lobotomy machines that drive men to insanity-hungry for new patients after all these years...
Norwich is guarded by killer-bee's now..You wouldn't even make it to the POE. And even if you did..There's a ton of security babies inside. I would be careful if I were you..walking the tracks is also very dangerous..There's rumor of rainbows in that area.. The best place to park your in fact your driveway..
hey everyone ive had my eye one this place for a while. whats the best way to get in? i was thinking about parking somewhere at the right of the hospital and walking down to the tracks. any advice on a good place to park? is the commuter lot still a good place to park? i heard it wasnt.
Honestly..It would be a blast to be able to comfortably walk around and give the grand tour..A while back there was a guard that would let you do what you wanted..being that he was the only guard on for that shift. It's been hard to chat with security..Seems there's always new faces on the property all the time. The most valuable piece of information is finding out what they like to eat,drink,and read.. Bring them those items and you'll surely be given access for the day.. Just keeping the elderly in mind.
Just today I learned there's a section of Norwich I had never been..Muah? ..yep. ..My plans to relax this week may have just taken a U-turn for RT 2A.. Here's a quote you'll love via Norwich Bulletin “We will have to decide as a group what to do,” he said. “I personally think the security is completely ineffective anyway. One guy driving around looking for intruders? Come on.” here's the link to the Aug 6th article Aug 6th
Not really. Supposedly, they're contact wasnt working that night, so they just wandered around , but since they have absolutly NO experience with NSH, they didnt know what/where to go, and it was kind of a bust.
The most interesting thing is the concept of security allowing certain invidiuals to explore, at their discretion. I will try and get "in" on this, and see what it leads to. As I said before, I really am in no condition to be running from security or getting caught, but if its legal (ie. security approved), I'd love to take a trip thru the place.
JPT any news from your relative's trip? -listening-waiting-interested..
Security says the new alarms are a "nuisance" ..they seem to go off at all the time. Now it's possible that UE's are involved ( ) ..or the alarms are possibly to sensitive for the area they're placed in. You can't forget that the sensor's are placed in a damp..cold area. It's going to have an effect on any electronic device. It's good news that they have gone off at random..Because they are now discredited more than effective. On another forum there was a group (8-10 people) that blogged about they're trip to NSH about a week ago..They had all went to Wal-mart and bought $10.00 fishing poles and decided to walk the tracks to the backside of the property..The group was later stopped..not by security..nor police.. But DEP and were all fined for fishing without a license and they're names were turned over to police for being/"fishing" on private property.. I lol'd when I had read the post..that was a combined cost to the group of 100.00 for the fishing gear..then 70.00 each for the DEP fines and if the trespassing was included an additional 95.00 each.. That's epic..I love rookie UE's.
i am not the "brian" from security lol. "publish me" i will shoot you an email soon, thanks!
im hoping i can get out and shoot there in the next couple weeks!
I can't keep up with the names of security anymore..There was a guy Martin or Mat?..He was cool He'll give you a ride to your car.. If you don't feel like carrying your tri-pod.. : )
I'll send that info when a get a couple minutes, I'm at work.
Oh, and if you are Brian, I'm not hatin- you're a good guy.
Oh hai, Can someone gimme a piggyback tour around nsh? Haha! Hey, are you Brian from security?
Norwich is planning to demo the site.. It won't be for a while. My email address is in below posts..
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