The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
"it" is actually very nicely laid out.. I do like the addition of Gravatar (probably the only person to have one).. I dislike how there is no "remember me" it get's rather annoying to have to constantly put your name in the comment field.. However..Hopefully this is a good chance for Slyv to keep us updated with recent work.. Thinking about it..He can share photo's that maybe aren't as appealing as the near perfect photo's he delivers here..I mean quirky..out of the norm photo's..To show a more personal side as well..(such as the luxury of a kayak in a swimming pool). I don't think I would stray to far from my favorite Norwich page, as I relate to NSH more than any other site listed here..However "it" is surely a good chance to see a closer look at what are UE webmaster has been busy well as
Forbidden on Facebook
Slyv, your grasp of the American version of English is far superior to many in our own country.
Yes, I do take a side trip to never never land on more than one occasion. As long as no one objects, I'll occasionally venture off the beaten path. If it does become objectionable, please tell me, and I will certainly cease and desist.
I'll check "it" out momentarily.
Have a pint for me!
Your English is just fine.. Using words such as "self-stabilization" is a far cry from any of the words in my vocabulary.. The entire site is utilized..Every page that you have made seems to get positive reactions from the community. Whether it be A train yard, Coal Furnace or a dusty asylum..people love your work. Your new Photo-stream is Awesome!! Can't wait to see updates. And please Stop by more often..say hello!!
Publish me, JPT,
Thanks for all you great interventions. don't be mistaken, I'm not sitting and laughing. As PubMe said, I'm glad to read all these various interactions I get from my website. so many people posting so different things. Moderation is useless, I believe in self-stabilization. I don't post much cause my English is not good enough to sit next to your awesome posts, even if some of them are errrr... a bit off topic
Anyway, keep it up! I'm so glad that Norwich and Gary pages are working so well. You cannot imagine how happy I am.
PS: I have something new for you, hope you like it, feel free to comment. where to post it but in this page? Try it now! Tell me what you think, as this site is not being updated every week, I have found a compromise
Cheers all, Slyv
Ahh..the dreaded "are we there yet" scenario.. Your interest in abandoned homes reminds me of an amazing photo set of Pleasure Beach..That place is filled to the gills with an amazing explanation of how people lived..Graffiti aside most of the homes are still entirely furnished and most of the belongings left behind..(everything had to be taken by boat of ferry off the island when they closed it) The people there weren't given much time to leave..and also we very stubborn about doing so. Thumbing through a simple encyclopedia that was left behind is even an eerie close feeling to the one's whom lived there before. The best is kids rooms..Dirty play toys and (like you said) abandoned coloring books..that offered up a leisurely activity for the youngster.. One of the best photo's from there is a Bassinet which was eerily clean and white..while the rest of the room was molded and a dingy yellow..Really gives you a vibe.
Mommy has a bit to say about Daddy taking youngsters into strange places, quite a bit, actually. And without knowing the hazarda and dangers of a particular site, its not a very good idea to bring little ones in, and let them find out that someone left a little baggie of "candy" on the floor. If they were older, sure, but they need to grow a little, and falling thru weak floorboards could be detrimental to that goal. As you mentioned, not taking kids into a hazardous situation, and untill proven otherwise, all situations are hazardous when it comes to the safety of the kids.
As a child, you are blissfully ignorent of the adult concerns over even such a simple and innocent event such as a sunday drive. Gas, lunch at McDonalds, "I gotta pee, REAL BAD!" is all to be weighed vs. the simple joys of staying home, grilling a few burgers and dogs, and maybe splashing around in the pool .
Sexy Steam Gages-- PubMe, your inner Steampunk is showing!
VotP is why I like abandoned see a few hangers in the closet, and wonder what the previous tenets had on them, fading wall paper, who put it up, and did they really have such terrible taste (LOL). A childs scribble on a wall, you can imagine the parents horror at finding junior expressing his artistic interpretations of "Canine in Transit: An exploration in Burnt Sienna" on the then-newly-applied wallpaper. Remember that at one time, most likely for several years, a person or persons lived there, with all the loves, heartbreaks and even mundane day to day drama that was commonplace at the time. Where factoreis and hospitals have a more energetic history, its the everyday lives of Joe America that I find most touching.
JPT ..why wouldn't you think that the kids would enjoy it as well?..Sure there's that fatherly instinct of protecting them from dangers etc..But as you said ..You enjoyed it as a kid..Your imagination when your young runs wild. Walking through someone's former dwelling could surely pose amazing creativity on the younger kids. Make it interesting for them..point out things that were used or have changed since that time period etc.. My favorite is barns..You can go to ANY farm barn and see a rusty dozer..or farm tractor etc..When I was a kid I used to visit this farm quite often and would always sit on this tractor that was nearly rusted to the ground and I'd make noises pretending as if I was in a drag race with this run down machine.. I'm in no way suggesting that you should take your kids into a potentially hazardous area.. I'm just simply suggesting that SOME kids take a liking to that kind exposure.
"the vision of the past." IS something that I tend to seek out..Newly abandoned sites now are mostly commercial lots that were developed no more than 10 years prior..however most factories and hospitals etc all hold a secret within them..There's always a section that Screams out to me..Weather it be Retro pressure gauges (which oddly enough are sexy) or a not so friendly looking toaster.. It's all quite amusing.. In the modern age everything is about sleek looks..All the mechanical parts are hidden for simple aesthetics..It's boring and bland. I like seeing gears in clocks..or spring loaded devices that at one time were extremely modern..But now viewed as obsolete. It's all truly quite amazing.
Limited travel JPT.. Family could possibly bring that issue to new levels.. Family gives you a chance to explore even more opportunities!!..Family is a good reason to pack in the car and start driving in any odd direction..Sunday drives were a big thing when I was a kid..We'd load up and just drive for a while..just get "lost" ..take random turns etc.. It's a good chance to see something different..rather than 5 Dunkin Donuts 2 Taco Bells a bank of america and a pepe's pizza... Ya know?
Dont get out a lot, with family and all, but that doesnt diminish my interest. As a kid, I always loved crawling around abandoned houses. Imagination gets the best of me, in what used to be and never will. I guess thats something I share with you more mobile UE, a vision of the past.
I'd like to get some pics of whats left of the Nowich New London Drive in. Used to go there as a high school kid, sneak into the R movie side, see bad horror films, back inthe 70s.
I've seen some pics of Rocky Point, again a childhood memory of happy days . Well, except when my buddy puked on me. I got yelled at for sticking my leg in the water on the Flume, washing it off. Cant call that HAPPY per se, but it is funny now.
I'm hoping on my next trip to MAine, I can stop at some abandoned houses along the way and get some pics, exterior anyway. Dont think the kids will be two keen on sitting there waiting for old Dad to wander around some dusty , falling down old house. But if I can get a few pics, it might be fun.
I agree that the architecture in Europe is something to be marveled.. The closest we have come to that type of amazing architecture is our popular Yale campuses. The rest is all very bland. Even our somewhat "gothic" style church buildings are just lacking the particular curves to be appealing to me. Gillette's castle is nearby..That's a fun trip.. Even though the castle is just a massive stone box with a hotdog stand inside..Or the IKEA forks and knives set "from when the castle was used"..CT is kind of a hard state for explorers to really marvel at much..The best buildings for exploring is usually occupied by drug deals, homeless etc..Within weeks.. Or the state has already parked a crane in front of the "eye sore" ..I have been able to keep my list pretty updated with lots of fun explores..That lack graffiti and vandals..but they are few and far between lately.
Thumbing through the comments on other pages such as (Gary Indiana) You can see that Slyv mostly enjoys that people can connect through his site..I bet it is in fact entertaining to see some of us (Yanks!?) babble off about our opinions etc.. But I bet that Slyv is more than thrilled that the site has netted such an wide variety of users..There's people who pop in and say hi, Others talk about how a family member was involved in the history of the buildings..It's a good chance for people to connect. A while back sometime in 09 I believe Slyv posted here that he wasn't going to moderate our posts..He said he used to just delete everything here..But he would leave us be. I have been a fan of Slyv's work for a while..He's done things in the UE scene that not many people have been capable of doing. I follow his work in a few places.
If you look to other UE sites they tend to have more Moderators than Users on their site..It's actually interesting that somewhat unsupervised (we) are able to remain in good tact and have (few) issues. Where other site's are constantly taking out the (JPT) ban hammer. Slyv is a quite humorous, professional and intelligent webmaster/uberexplorer.. I think it must be more entertaining seeing us Noobs Explore these sites and post grainy pictures with no horizon lines..from our kodak powershot's with a duct taped tripod.. That's got to be the entertaining part of all of this.
And in no way, humorous or otherwise, was I intending to slap any foreheads. My belief from his posts is that our European Friend/Moderator enjoys the mindless blathering of us Yanks. I'm certain that any posting that was offensive would simply vanish, thus by default, we must not be offensive. Ridiculous, maybe. Probably. Certainly.
Never been to Europe, I wouldnt mind going to see some castles, Germany and England are supposedly cordial to Americans, but from what I hear, France is quite snobbish. Dont know about Belgium.
Dont pick on the idiots- Zombies ate their brains. B.R.A.I.N.S. Ballistic Response Against Infected Necro Sapiens!
Thanks again for the laugh..I appreciate you pointing out the international barrier that appears to be in my frontal lobe.. I've been meaning to get it removed, However someone like me visiting Belgium is probably a terrible idea to begin with..They would surely decline my passport and ban me from ever stepping on their soil after spending about 3 minutes with my vocabulary.. I also hear that in Philadelphia there's some unwritten rule of sorts that your not supposed to curse?..Is this possibly true?
Okay JPT..okay.. OKay.. You actually made me laugh with this so politely put..slap on the forehead..No..I don't believe Slyv could possibly sit around pondering if our (U.S citizens) Right to free speech is being Thank You..In the most humorous of ways for pointing that out to me..and please.. let me correct my post..
Here it goes.. Slyv Our all mighty-ninja-exploring webmaster in which I am sure is entirely aware of our U.S Constitution Lets us (U.S citizens) exercise our First Amendment via this web forum in which we speak so freely amongst one another. However using complete discretion is advised when posting about POE's on a well known open forum where State officials etc can view such posts.
On that note..Refer to the "Who are you Mr. President?" speech that Nigel Farage asks Van Rompuy costs this man with Balls the size of church bells nearly 4000 USD for his rant. The video is below.. Freedom of speech is rather expensive internationally!
Well, you DID ask me to...what was the phrase....ah, here it is:"Step up the game".
Its all about the game, and how you play it!
And I dont believe Brussels (pardon my poor spelling, Slyv) subscribes to the U.S. first amendment, as much as the moderator sits back and LOL at our ridiculous banter.
Ah, what fools, these mortals be!
Anyone here doing explores lately? ..It's been rather quiet regarding such a hobby.. CT isn't all about hospital's you know!! ..I'm going in a few hours to do a photo-set of a bunch of abandoned train cars and locomotives..There's also a bunch of really neat retro buses that are decaying into the ground..Should be loads of fun. I'm more excited that I see from the bird's eye view via Bing Maps..That there's a walking dock over a pond over there..Maybe some abandoned dock fishing is in order as well? ..But what about everyone else? If people are desperate for sites they should speak up..I can lend a helping hand to a starving UE.
Oh..well it's all settled then.. An official "zombologist" has cleared the air around here.. A man with that title..and with a PHD in said matter..WHoa..I'm amazed.
-I stand corrected in the case of the U.S military's capability to defend THEMSELVES..However I still stand strong that it will surely put an extreme dent in the human population..due to casualties via Zombie or mistaken identity. To true disappointment I can't very well discredit any of your post..However I can say that the virus aspect of things is a very possible and realistic approach to possibly the reasoning for (hypothetical) outbreak..In which case contact with bodily fluids would produce a reaction. It's not all about the defense..It's just an interest in the fact of numerous possibilities that could happen in our time on earth..We go about our days as normal..but who's to say that as your browsing for cucumbers and fish fillets that someday a crazed hoard couldn't just stir about and complicate your ritual of a fine wine and dine. THAT is what I am mostly interested in.. I suppose we have hereby covered our position of the zombie outbreak.. And I suppose your right..Those survival supplies left behind at NSH are crackers from the 60's..Meh..
I also wanted to point out to "Demo" ..please don't post POE's on this forum..I don't mean to mini-mod here..I just disapprove of such comments pertaining to the illegal entry of said location..It is in good tact to speak either Hypothetically and be vague with details or speak privately in Emails..etc with a particular user.'s not a set rule to abide by our webmaster currently leaves this forum up to the first amendment ..but remember it is in good tact to cover your words on open forums such as this one..which is quite publicly viewed by either Security themselves or quite possibly the amazing troopers which reside in the area of Norwich. Just advice is all.. After all Who am I?
FYI..there's a 50 gallon drum of a flesh eating..zombie creating..twinkling vampire..body and soul changing liquid hidden behind the chimney in lippitt.. It's worth Big bucks..they're comparing it to a life altering substance and glorifying it's potential effects by comparing it to the "fountain of youth".. (JPT left in a hurry..must be interested)
Zombie Identification Guide by Donovan Beeson
Zombie Identification Guide Basic
The most basic definition of zombie is this: a dead body that has been reanimated by a supernatural force. There are many different variations to this theme, but there are three main categories of zombie: the Voodoo zombie, the slow zombie, and the fast zombie.
Voodoo zombies, also known as zombis, are dead* people resurrected by a houngan or mambo. These zombis have no will of their own and remain under control of the person who performed the ritual who raised them.
[*Some scientists believe that these people are not actually dead, but rather victims of exposure to a powder made from dried blowfish containing tetrodotoxin that produces a death-like state. This exposure combined with the mind-control aspect of the victim’s own belief system creates the zombi state. These zombis are not the focus of this guide, as they are not known for hunting and consuming human flesh, nor is their state of being contagious from zombi to human.]
Slow zombies are the traditional horror movie zombie [see the Advanced Guide entry on Romero Zombies]. They are slow mentally and physically, but are possessed with a singular desire to consume living flesh, preferably human. They are not stronger than humans, but they feel no pain making them capable of performing acts that would kill a human.
Fast zombies are the new trend in zombie apocalypse. These zombies are just as single-minded as slow zombies, but retain more of the physical and mental capacities after conversion. In some cases, they even appear to have enhanced physical capabilities and are more predatory in their hunt for humans.
Both fast and slow zombism is highly contagious. One bite will fully infect a healthy human, often within 24 to 48 hours. Also, both kinds of zombie tend to congregate in packs and possess a sort of hive mentality- meaning that if one zombie spots you, then the others will know where to find you.
Knowing your zombies is crucial to your survival in the coming catastrophe. Your survival strategy should vary depending on what sort of zombie is threatening you. The following list is a catalog of the vital statistics of most know zombie forms. I have included the origination of the zombism where available. It is by no means complete, but will hopefully make you aware of what to look for when looking for signs of impending doom in our world.
Zombie Identification Guide Advanced
NAME: Romero Zombies ORIGIN: A space probe returning from Venus explodes in Earth’s atmosphere APPERANCE: Grey-blue or white-greenish grey skin. Dull eyes and hair. MOVEMENT: Slow moving and dim witted. GOAL: To eat human flesh, not necessarily the brain CHARACTERISTICS: These zombies are unique in that they seem to vaguely remember life. They have also been known to learn slowly over time. If one zombie knows something; they all seem to know it. If you see one, there are always MORE. EXTERMINATION: Destruction of the brain. CAUTION: Do not underestimate these zombies just because they are slow. Remember, there are more of them than there are of you.
NAME: Return Zombies ORIGIN: Exposure of dead flesh to Trioxin 245 gas APPERANCE: Very dead looking rotted or mummified, missing pieces. MOVEMENT: Of average speed and more coordinated than Romero zombies. GOAL: To eat human brains, as that helps them forget the pain of death. CHARACTERISTICS: These zombies speak, are intelligent and retain most of their memories. EXTERMINATION: Incineration. Hacking them to pieces only makes Zombits. CAUTION: Even after incineration, the ashes are infectious.NAME: Dead Alive Zombies ORIGIN: Bite of the Sumatran Rat Monkey APPERANCE: Quite gory with gaping wounds and oozing places. MOVEMENT: Spastic. GOAL: To consume living flesh, not just humans. CHARACTERISTICS: These zombies are of extremely low intelligence, but are unique in that they can reproduce after death [not producing a zombie baby as result of infection, but a wholly undead conception]. They are also susceptible to drugs. EXTERMINATION: Extreme destruction. CAUTION: Do not think that you can keep a loved one who has become a zombie drugged. Something will go wrong.
NAME: Reanimated Zombies ORIGIN: Reanimation fluid invented by Dr. Herbert West APPERANCE: No visible rot as the liquid tends to be administered to the newly dead; however, violent wounds may be visible MOVEMENT: Uncoordinated and fairly slow. GOAL: To destroy the living in a bloodthirsty manner. CHARACTERISTICS: These zombies have the ability to control pieces of their bodies, such as their intestines, to kill humans. EXTERMINATION: Destruction of the brain. CAUTION: Reanimation fluid works on any living [or dead] tissue.
NAME: Resident Evil Zombies ORIGIN: Infection by the T-virus APPERANCE: Varies depending upon length of exposure to the virus [see Mutant Zombies] as well as generation of zombie*. MOVEMENT: Shuffling, but purposeful and slow GOAL: To kill and consume flesh. CHARACTERISTICS: The first generation, low exposure zombies are very similar to Romero zombies; further exposure is covered under Mutant Zombies. EXTERMINATION: Aim for the head and chest. They are truly dead when they don’t get up anymore. CAUTION: The T-virus will also infect animals producing zombie dogs, etc. [*A zombie’s generation refers to when and how it became a zombie. A first generation zombie is often unmarked by wounds since it wasn’t infected by another zombie but was a victim of the original event or a newly deceased corpse exposed to the event. Second and subsequent generation zombies are often bloodied and dismembered.]
NAME: Mutant Zombies AKA Tyrants ORIGIN: Prolonged exposure to the T-virus/G-virus exposure, nuclear exposure, chemical exposure APPERANCE: Monstrous and varied from long, deadly tongues to masses of tentacles, etc. MOVEMENT: Highly predatory but of varying intelligence. GOAL: To kill, not necessarily to eat. CHARACTERISTICS: These zombies are not generally encountered in public environments. They tend to be enclosed in secret government facilities, but they should be considered as an ABSOLUTELY worst-case scenario. EXTERMINATION: Anything involving a well-aimed rocket launcher. CAUTION: These monsters often go through two or three mutation phases that get more and more deadly as time passes.
NAME: Queen Zombie ORIGIN: First generation zombie made from injection of DNX [subsequent generations are Romero zombies] APPERANCE: White eyes and hair, deathly pallor. MOVEMENT: Skilled in martial arts and very fast. GOAL: To eat human flesh and brains. CHARACTERISITICS: This zombie is intelligent and dangerous. It speaks, knows kung fu and possibly has magic powers. It is twice as hard to kill it as it is to kill the second-generation DNX zombies. EXTERMINATION: Hopefully, if presented with this zombie, you know kung fu as well and will employ its use in destroying the zombie’s brain and hacking up its body. CAUTION: Did I mention it magically knows kung fu?
NAME: Necromancer Zombies AKA Zombie Masters ORIGIN: Improper burial of a necromancer APPERANCE: Retains a mostly human appearance as long as it obtains its goal MOVEMENT: That of an average human. GOAL: To eat human flesh so that its own does not being to rot. CHARACTERISITICS: These zombies are intelligent and cunning. They will often possess strong social skills and powerful political connections. They have been known to use firearms. EXTERMINATION: Cremation. CAUTION: These zombies can raise other zombies and control them.
NAME: Fast Zombies ORIGIN: Unknown** APPERANCE: Bloody wounds, greenish or yellowish skin, a sickly look. MOVEMENT: Very fast and animal-like. GOAL: To eat living human flesh. CHARACTERISITICS: These zombies are like more advanced Romero zombies. They are a bit smarter and a lot more physically coordinated. EXTERMINATION: Destroying the brain. CAUTION: These zombies tend wander about seemingly harmlessly until prey is spotted. Do not confuse them with Romero zombies. [**The creatures infected with the Rage virus are not technically zombies as they did not die from or were resurrected by the infection.]
NAME: Deadite Zombies ORIGIN: Demonic possession of corpses following reading aloud from the Necronomicon AKA The Book of the Dead APPERANCE: Gargoyle-like distortions of the face and body MOVEMENT: Supernatural. GOAL: To swallow souls. CHARACTERISITICS: These zombies are highly intelligent, often luring victims with cries for help or taunting them into stupid actions. This form of zombism is not infectious in the traditional way, but anyone perishing during a Deadite infestation is subject to becoming possessed as well. EXTERMINATION: Major destruction best performed with a sawed-off shotgun and chainsaw. CAUTION: Be cautious of other forms of demonic possession during Deadite incursion i.e. trees, hands, etc.
Obviously, there have been many other causes of zombism in popular history; however, I feel that this guide explains the main forms that the zombism takes, the ways to destroy them, and things to be cautious of. If you would like to add to this guide, please just follow the format.
by Donovan Beeson Expert Zombologist, PhD
Forgive my poor typing in the previous post. Old age, dont you know! Time for my Geritol and a nap.........
Uno- Well, the bottom line is everybody is in the snadbox, and playing nice, kudos! Deux- And what would make such a path? As having spent the majority of my time is at least semi rural areas, I've seen pathways (aka traveled areas) made by cats, deer, skunks, all sorts of critters, simply moving thru an area on a regular basis. While NSH might not be a good foraging area, ther eare literally millions of sheltering areas suitable for dens. IDK that as a security guard, I would wish to stop and explore a hence unforseen trampled area, simply to end up mone-e-critter with a skunk! Or, for that matter, a human tweaked out of drugs with a knife! And I surely wouldnt call Troop E to have them come and investigate what could very well be a couple of deer feasting on the local berries> As you wisely stated, Pick and choose your battles. Trey- wow, that much damage in 8 months? I'm surprised the bank owning the mortgage hasnt been keeping it up, or have it on the market as a foreclosure. I will be visiting my place at least twice a week to check up on things, just in case. i plan to shut off the water, etc, to minimize the possibilty of damage. Check into it- maybe YOU could buy the place, fix it up and have a nice place to live for a song!
Quattro- ZedHeads. A) the living. I understand that at one time , the Z had to be alive, but my point was, whent he transformation from human to zombie occurs, a crucial aspect is the DEATH of the human, precdeding the reanimation of the Z. The Zs from 28 days, for example, are not really dead, they are infected with a virus that makes them highly aggresive. Please, grab a copy of Plague of the dead- the Mornigstar virus created crazed humans that are fsat and spread the virus thu bodily fluids, and after they die, they reanimate as classic Zombies. My point was , we are discussing the dead version of Zombies, not the living crazed people version. B)"somewhat realistic" ? Ok, we are suspending disbelief with the whole Zombie walking around trying to eat us premise, we can extend it a bit more. I believe NotLD had no defined cause, but suggested radiation for a Venus Probe caused the re-animation. Return of the Living Dead used a chemical compound that was airbourne, even when incinerated and washed down with rain, brought back the skeletal remains (Do ya wanna PAR-TEE, Its Party Time!). So I wish to just say an undefined "cause" was what generated the current Zombie epidemic, rather than speculating on how it happened, while newly reanimated George the Janitor is happily munching on my arm. C) Take a good look at the weapons available to our honorable service men and women. Our one talent above all others is our abilty to devise new and innovative ways to kill each other. We no longer rely soley on the trauma inflicted by the round itself, but by concusive force, secondary damage from on board material (bone fragments), hydro damage (body is primarily water), not to mention payload materials such as incindiary, fragmentation, etc. (I recently saw a video of an Austrailain Submarine firing a US made MK48 torpedo at a decommisioned target destroyer. It was a no contact conventional warhead, whcih detonated 50 ft below the ship. The resultant concussive force blew the ship in half, steel flying everywhere.) The point is, in todays world of current munitions, you dont need to put a lead or steel jacketed slug into a Zs head ( A relatively small target ), and and commander worth his West Point diploma would know better than to throw his troops into a zombie hoard, unless he had utilized the other equipment to reduce the mass of enemy troops to a level where his men could mop up. Add to that the predictable tactics of the typical Zombie- moving in a direct line towards his intended prey, and it would be a simple matter to establish a series of choke points, fall back positions, and clearing equipment , to virtually destroy an army of the undead. Add to that the uncontested air superiority, and you could have wave after wave of helos coming in, racking out their ammo, and going back to re-up and do it again. Bring in a couple af strafing runs of the c-130s modified to be "Puff"s, and your troops are following the tracked vehicles double tapping any who happend to miss the initial conflaglaration. Have you ever seen the effects of a .50 cal sniper rifle? Mile, mile and a half, and anything they hit literally goes to pieces. Sit a dozen up in a secure building on the roof, and they will pick off the stragglers as easy as pie.
Then go get a copy of the CIA little black book of dirty tricks- given what you would find in any over run, abandoned town, you could easily build a series of munitions to hold your own. add a few survivalist tactics, some evasion skills, and you would be just fine.
Even as a skeptic, not a psychic, I cannot say what the future will bring, and what we assume as impossible today may become commonplace tomorrow. Never say Never. But the chances of us creating a virus that simply kills us off is much more plausable then the dramatic zombie scenario. More likely some mutated strain of the flu will take us all out. Eventually, something will come along to eliminate the human infestation on earth, and evolution will bring the next dominant creature to the forefront. I hope the 8 ft tall intelligent cockroaches have zombie movies.
Play nice? Moi? I always play nice. Play nice, play hard, everyone wins. For 10 bonus points, who had that on his tee shirt, and what group of "superheros" was he in conjunction with? A hint: Two issues only were produced. Hint two- Victor was NOT happy!
Section A- I appreciate that you recognize that we here at Forbidden-places try to maintain a polite and semi-decent living space between all the users here.. I learned from watching my two dogs that sometimes the older users of this forum may feel territorial towards someone new coming around with something maybe a little off-set to our liking..But in the end all must get along.. Not to say that by any means I don't like to welcome new users. It would just be more appreciated if they take the time to read our (back posted articles) in what I like to call the Archived pages.. ..Get to know us a little before jumping right in?.. But by all means..We're grown-ups.. Say hello and express yourself (carefully).
Section B- I do agree that the last thing a gentle UE needs is some hot-dog in a golf-cart chasing them around the site. I guess my position was more on the money spent portion of the security aspect.(which you also covered in section C of this response)..I don't know that they are necessarily "unskilled" or "incompetent" ..I think it is just as it is on this forum..You pick and choose your battles..Security see's changes in the area (as any normal human can) ..I'm sure they can distinguish a well traveled area..And coincidentally enough..those are the area's least traveled by security.
Section C- I was actually surprised in the knowledge you have bestowed upon me ( Oh great One) ..Not owning a home or any property for that matter..I didn't realize that Insurance rates would climb due to vacancy..However as you pointed out this all makes sense.. This is actually more obvious to me because I look to my neighbors house which has been vacant a near 8 months now..Everything seems to be falling apart..I live in a good..quiet..elderly filled area with the lack of teenage-vandals and copper thieves..The house itself suddenly has fallen gutters and broken decorative trim etc..Time without maintenance itself..Does a number. As you said..The odds of things failing with vacancy are actually much higher due to ..the vacancy. (however this is excluding the odds of vandals etc)
Section D- ZOMBIES!!! This is the section that bothered me the most..I had spent a lot of time and thought into my previous Zombie post..As I too truly love a good zombie movie/book. Unfortunately Zombie debates can get as heated as Politics sometimes.. But at any rate..Here we go. Your definition of Zombies (as you said) excludes the most important factors..The living.. You say that "no living need apply" ..this is ridiculous!! Your a living breathing human being yourself..As it were You are well aware that 90% of viruses (also asked to be excluded in your response) travel via bloodstream throughout the body itself..As well as 90% of the antibiotics and other medicines administered to treat said infection/illness. The overall reality by your definition is implausible..(OF COURSE!!) ..The dead lack the means to be reanimated being that they are DEAD!! there's nothing ticking..just some maggots..I will give you this one..We will exclude the Voodoo Zombies..(BUT WAIT!!)..wouldn't that be the only somewhat realistic explanation for something classified (dead) to come back to life?? ..(Oh my JPT..we're really rolling now) ..I don't mean to disqualify your definition..However You also said that the manner of reanimation is not important here..(What!?) That is absolutely important here.. without the issue of reanimation there is no such zombie to speak of!! ..Now im not just pounding words into my keyboard here..but I think that for a Zombie fan..Your excluding the possibilities for your own comfort..If you believe that the U.S military is in any way prepared for an apocalypse of this magnitude..Your also not thinking about the possibility of the U.S military either A-wiping out all of humanity in defense of themselves..(or mistaking you for the Infected/possessed..or what have you) B- becoming infected themselves C- Taking the entire government to mars.
I understand you being a skeptic (who really thinks that you can open a jar of Peanut Butter and turn into a zombie anyways?) ..but unlike ghosts and vampires..The odds are much greater that something like this could happen. Which I know gets your blood boiling..the word could ..because from where you stand we would just be fighting off a swarm of Dead politicians, movie stars and working class people.. and by your definition..there's really no way for the re-animation to spread..If it's not a would merely disappear with a few dead zombies..(no biggie) ..We'll see JPT ..when your banging your head on the door of our fallout shelter begging us to let you into our insane asylum to escape the fate of being eaten alive by the not-so-vegan zombies that smell genius blood pumping from your veins.. We'll see I suppose.. ..Let's keep our responses in good tact now JPT..we can play nice
Ah, the joys of the argument!
My initial portion of my last post was to point out that the maturity level of the three individuals involved was to be applauded, as it has been a regular occurance here for certain individuals to post in a more confrontational manner. The "Big Three" started out in what seemed to be the begining of yet another slam/defend of the people who post here, yet, it did not devolve into such, it actually went the other way and I was happy to see it become a fruitfull, entertaining thread.It was a compliment to the parties involved. I did throw in my bad Sopranos impression as an attempt at humor.
Part, the second, was pertaining to security. I stand by my initial theory that allowing a lackluster security force to patrol undisturbed is vastly preferable to a hardcore- go get em cowboy security force. In any group of individuals, you will find some are more competant than others. Nature of human beings. And I feel its as unfair to the security force to group them under the incompotent lable as it is to group all UE under the vandal lable. As for them not being able to catch "kids with backpacks full of spraypaint and prybars", its simple logistics- they have what, 3 to 5 individuals to patrol a 400+ acre site (norwich and preston combined)? And the site is so littered with cover, well, you dont need to be a Navy Seal to figure out how to infiltrate the site! Any half way decent hunter will figure that out in 10 minutes.
Third part, front and center! ATTEN-HUT! As stated previously, its a pretty fair bet that the PRIMARY reason for security is not to keep all the evil do-ers at bay, but to keep the insurence premiums at a moderate level. If you own a house that has no one living in it, the insurence premiums go thru the roof! You would think it would be the other way around, no one ther, less chance of damage, but thats not the position of the insurence companies. So, IMHO, nabbing a couple of trespassers is secondary to reducing the cost of the insurence.
Now, rubbing my hands in glee and grinning like a cheshire cat: Zombies IV!
Lets start by defining what the term "Zombie" means, at least in my mind- for the sake of this argument, a zombie is a deceased (i.e. dead) human being that has re-animated and seeks living human beings to satisfy its urge to consume their flesh. Not a "Plague of the Dead" Morningstar virus (Altho I think that is the most ideal version of a necrosis agent yet in print), or a "28 Days" Virus- basically, no living humans need apply, we are talking the DEAD only. And to further cull the herd, we will remove the voodoo zombies. What is not crucial to the discussion is the manner of reanimation, be it curse, space radiation, virus, etc. Nor will we concern ourselves with the picky eaters, that only crave brains. (Vegan zombies say "GRAIIIINNNNSS") vs the full on, all the body is fair game for brunch, necrogastronomicons. Not to say all the versions of Zed are not fun and interesting, but for the sake of discussion, lets limit it to the traditional, basic model, walking dead.
At this time, said zombies are not a possibility. They are fiction. Once someone is dead, beyond the possibility of resusscitation, they stay dead. The zombie movies, as envisioned by George Romero, have the zombies as the catalyst, but not the cause, of the "evil' shown in the films. They slouch around, and when they detect the living, they attempt to devour them. They are not evil, they are not good, they are truly neutral in their motivation. The wish to eat, be it the Beautiful Heroine, the cute 5 year old , or the insane soldier blowing everybody away. They dont care, they just want to eat. The social "lesson" if you will, is the contest between the good guys, trying to survive at no one elses expense, versus the bad guys, trying to take what the good guys have worked for. Ages old story, could be a western with a bad snowstorm as the threat, vs zombies. I love zombie movies, books figures, make up pictures, stickers (no ZILFs for me tho), but I dont get overcome by their presence in the medium, that I dont see the underlying conflict. In the original, Night of the Living Dead, Duane Jones biggest fear was that he had to knock out a white woman and kill a white man. The social and political ramifications of a film depicting those two events was more prevalent than the zombies eating people- we dont have zombies wandering around, but we do have racial tensions. Much as Star Trek was very aware of the first interacial kiss shown on TV, and Kirk swearing "Lets get the Hell out of here." was testing the limits of a nations tolerance at the time. Romero does more than throw gory zombie scenes at us, there is a story behind the scenes, and I suggest you review the films and explore the social conflicts unfolding by the living characters.
As for the potential for a real zombie creation/outbreak? I have been reviewing various forums on the ability of the military to stop a real outbrak, and I seriously doubt the US war machine wil have much problem should it arrive. Their weapons are far beyond the simple lead slug of WWII, the hydrolic effect of many munitions simply smooshs flesh to goo, including brains. Add in conventional "beehive" rounds, the armored construction equipment, and the general "FU" attitude of todays soldiers, and a zombie uprising wouldnt last much longer than a week. And Big Brother U.S. would be quick to support other countries (for future considerations, ie, puppet governments) to clear them of the Zed population. The democratic liberals for humanitarian reasons, the conservative republicans for financial gain. Max Brooks posits an interesting theory, but it falls apart in the light of facts.
Never say never, but like ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, etc, at this time there is no evidence to support the existance, and untill I see one myself, I shall remain the eternal, yet lovable , skeptic!
Regardless of all the above, VAMPIRES DONT TWINKLE!
..There's stories upon stories backing the theory of actual "torture" ..But what most people assume as torture were actually very improvised ways of treating patients..Most medical procedures weren't as professional as they are now, staff were mostly untrained individuals, Mental health itself wasn't fully understood.. Let's look at this realistically .. A 200lb mentally ill patient is charging towards a nurse who's not trained to handle such a situation..What can be done?..Instinct..Go for the eyes or something of that nature..It was said that patients were restrained in harmful positions..Maybe this is due to the fact that the nurse/faculty was being attacked?.. This conversation has been had before here..All good points usually have come from such a conversation.. The true facts are available..quite easily. The state ran an investigation on the cruelty of patients in the Norwich site. Mostly because of the condition's of most of the housing area's the patients were living in..Do a Google News search (past tense) see the articles available there..I have seen documented cases of "neglect" on the hospitals behalf..due to "unsatisfactory" restraint procedures..Leaving patients in restraints for long periods of time and creating bed sores etc..The rumors of Cigar burns and patients being beaten as they entered the tunnels can't be verified legally..However I have heard this before from former employee's of the 70's.. A former "guard" who worked there in the 70's shared a story of being present for (now verified) sedation techniques applied to the more (dangerous) individuals before they would be transferred from area to area.. They actually drug the individual in intervals..and then transport thought is to keep them calm..Another theory is to keep an amount of (secrecy) about the locations they were being transferred to. There's thousands of death certificates that have been signed via Norwich Hospital.. Pronounced dead on site. Mostly in the earlier years of operation of the site..Norwich is full of amazing history. Looking back at the equipment alone is amazing..The old medicine bottles..Suction equipment..The famous dentist chair which looks like a torture device.. ..even on the outside decks that used to exists on the site were chairs that patients would sit and be strapped in looking close to an electric chair.. It's all amazing stuff that I have seen throughout the past few years of researching Norwich itself..I will leave the fun to be had by others in finding the sources.. Also..keep in the later years of operation..Norwich was no different than the modern day psych hospital..Patients whom need attention, medication, surgery, urgent care, food..etc. It's all still there..sitting there and still telling it's story. I remember in Kettle there was a hand sewed blanket draped over one of the room dividers there was a tag.."to Margret" ..It's all very powerful stuff..It should be appreciated that it can be experienced for what it really is.
There was a group of people that I ran into today who live in the area. They stopped on the site to take a look around and I was the tour guide. We passed a murphy car once and the driver (Bob) didn't care to stop us since we were inches away from the norwich border. Anyways, I guess these people heard from somewhere that torture did take place but idk what to believe since you brought up very excellent points arguing that theory
Demo..It is appreciated you have chosen a name to distinguish yourself by other than our pal Kyle.. I'm not sure I know of the guard your talking about..But if you can talk to anyone whom used to work there..that is a good chance for you to really get a feel for the site. I have talked with former employee's of all types..and of different "era's" of Norwich.. You'll hear all kinds of things about the site..Most people only sit strong to the "torture" and "death" and "criminals" ..which is mostly true...however there's a lot of other really interesting things tangled up in Norwich.. If you investigate the site can find projects that were worked on by the patients. Past-time's and drawings..maybe even a letter or two float around..Doctors releases and Physician's logs..Patient files and survival supplies..It's all an added bonus.. There was actually a group of people that were trying to raise money..(seem unrealistic) present to the PRA in order to purchase the property and build/restore sections of the campus..and turn it into an artistic retreat..It was a non-profit..very low budget organization which focused on art-rehabilitation..The woman who ran the organization contacted me hoping I would be willing to promote the organization..She had told me her mother was a patient at the facility for 10 years before she had passed on..Her mother had also taken part in sewing activities on site..which "seemed" to have helped with her mental illness..(kind of an Idle hands kind of deal).. There's definitely people out there interested in the property itself..the buildings should be preserved..and unfortunately for us..the PRice tag for the site would just be out of this world for a regular working class averaged Joe..
Slyv was apparently away from his computer..doing some Super Rad Top Secret UE always..which is why your post was awaiting approval. Just an FYI on our ninja-like moderator of this glorious forum..Also don't consider anything irrelevant..We spark back to posts from the very beginning..this is obvious whenever Bomb pokes back in.. Would you care to share said topic?
I'm merely disapointed with your response!! First..I was not out to attack Kyle..and it is in good "tact" to treat fellow UE with respect even tho you may not see eye-to-eye about a particular topic..Therefore like you said we were all able to work out the somewhat misunderstood topic.
Second- Security has been an on-going topic for nearly what..three years now? ..everyone has always looked for answers about how strict they are etc.. Thinking back to what has been posted about security I can gather tons of valid information. The inner workings of security are pretty well-known at this point. No, We don't want them to specifically attack UE and make any sort of examples out of us. UE has been given a bad rap around here for quite a while..Speaking from experience with a felony trespass for walking around Fairfield Hills..I can tell you there is nothing fun about "hot-shot security"..In some ways I think the point of the last few posts about security in general was to point out that they truly are left (out of the loop) ..they are told bits and pieces of what is to become.. I would say that the best person for the job would be a UE..someone who can point out POE's etc.. These guards have been somewhat negligent..I don't tend to carry much gear when I I have no idea how secuity can't seem to find kids with backpacks full of spraypaint and prybars..It's just beyond me..
Third- I believe that Security at a site like NSH is nearly pointless..They are paying a buttload of money annually to keep UE and GH and actual Trespassers OUT ..yet they actually only seem to deter about 5% of inexperienced individuals..To me that's a waste of real cash money..I would rather buy a bunch of snarling dogs or something..
Finally- Most Importantly!!! I am extremely disappointed in your response to the Zombie's subject. Zombie's are something I take very personally..And I was more than thrilled to have this conversation.. I think you need to refer back to the posts left last week and realize that this is more than merely some fantasy..The odds of a virus of this sort being released are actually very high..PCP is a drug that when smoked it seems to give the person no pain threshold and in result giving them super human strength..The same can be said for the exact chemicals used in places like NSH..Hypothetically your right..A wandering UE stumbles upon a drum of sorts and pops it open in curiosity..This chemical which has fermented and mixed with mold etc..has some sort of new reaction leaving this UE craving for flesh..It can happen. Also, Being interested in criminally it possible that some of these traits are the same as zombies? ..Zombies are feared killers..As are some of the criminally insane guilty of murder,decapitation,dismemberment..etc. It's all very interesting to me.
Step up the game JPT!! your posts are lacking lately!!
Nice to see PubMe , Ken and Kyle were able to politely and respectfully work out their comments, and not step on each others, TOES, yeah, TOES, that what I was going to say. I would have hated to bring out the big hammer and straightenyouse guys out, see, da Boss, he don' like when dem boys gets ta fightin', its not good for dis ting of ours, get th' picture?
Anyways, security seems to be one of the biggest topics here, and mostly negative. I'd think you would be happy that the security isnt tighter . See, if they are not real tough to circumvent, LEAVE THEM BE! You dont want some hardcore security fore or the police to step in.
I think it was Korea, or the 'Nam, there was a sniper shooting at a base. Every day, at the same time, 3-4 shots would come in. Thing was, he couldnt hit the broad side of a barn. The base commander was asked why he didnt call in a strike on the location of the sniper, knowing where and when he'd be on location. The base commander said he was afraid if he did, they would replace the sniper with one that could shoot accurately.
Right now, the security people either dont know or dont care that you sneak around. Probably, they are under orders to leave the lone UE alone, unless he's being INCREDIBLY obvious (40 ft extension ladder would qualify) or if they catch people looking to strip out copper or some other commodity from the site. Another thing, I'm sure they have to write up an incident report everytime they snag somebody. So, they dont want to be held over a couple hours doing paperwork when their shift is over! Or at all for that matter.
So, dont disrespect the "bad" security people, they may not be doing a great job at keeping off the site, but isnt that what you really want?
On the Zombie front: Funny thing about Romero Zombie movies, the Zs are more like a force of nature, in every one, its the HUMANS that are the assholes! Sure, Zed is horrific and deadly, but they are neutral towards the good or bad guys. Geez, I'm sounding like an ad for PETZ now (People for the Ethical Treatment of Zombies)
Okay, heres the scenario- Some UE, exploring NSH, uncover a secret room where "they" kept some zombies from the 40s-50s, and they break free, infecting most of the area by eating brains (Except the PRA, because the Zombies detected no brains to eat) ... Hey George Romero, "ASYLUM OF THE DEAD", Check it out!
OooH! Get Quenton Tarintino to direct it! He's a sick bastard! He'd have a ball doing something like that! Get Cheech Marin in as a security guard! Antonio Bandaras as a demolition boss! Quenton can be a UE! Maybe George Clooney, he did Dusk til Dawn....
K. DeGray Demolition is based out of Norwich, but in reality its just a subcontractor for Ernie Wiese, who I used to work for. I agree with Ken with the overpaying of security. I sit at the bottom the hill a lot and watch for people, but I don't call myself security. Its just something for me to do during the day lol
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