The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
Murphy should probably stick to Community hospitals..They do best sitting there..some of the overweight guards are almost intimidating. I don't know much about Zimmerman..However..Like you.. i haven't even seen them in my last few trips. Getting caught? ..What exactly do you think they are going to do? ..maybe yell "hey stop" "wait" ..please.. I have been spotted before..and about 99.9% of the time they just look you down as they drive about 50mph around the powerhouse.. Also..did you know that standing next to a brick building in a yellow shirt you can apparently blend in?? that's interesting stuff.. It may just be a joke on us.. The only time I heard a horror story of someone getting arrested...was a man on a 40ft extension ladder climbing to the roof of ..fact is.. He was able to walk around with a 40ft extension ladder..what a joke.
Demo, I think I know who you are talking about for the security gaurd, he is a good sorce of info and knows alot about the history and what gos on site lately
I posted a reply the other day and its under review so when it posts it will be irrelivent and out of topic mostly
Kyle not to poke fun but if you own a demo company and do well, y get a job as security, and yea they are low paying jobs I've seen the people who work security from both murphy and zimmerman. I have walked both sides and never even saw security. last time I was there I was in murphy territory and the only time I saw the murphy car was when I drove home parked in the commuter lot and just sitting there. no patrols, no drivebys, apperntly the don't log the odometer on this site? I even walked in from the street by Lippitt to get to the green house. that should have been where I got caught. your right maybe they are overpaid?
Hey my name is Kyle too lol I live in Norwich. People call me demo a lot tho so I'm gonna use that name because there's another Kyle here from Norwich. I've wanted to post on this for a while. I really don't know much about NSH, a lot of people I know have gone in the buildings and said most of the structure is safe. I wanted to hop on Manafort's crew when they would start to demo the place, but it appears that from the information given here, nothing like that is gonna happen for a while. I talked to a security guard and his mother today and the mother used to work there. Its a shame that all these buildings have been put to waste and nobody wants anything to do with restoring them to their full value. Except admin I guess lol
Byberry was dangerous.. I know of an explorer who died there..Simply walking up a set of concrete stairs..and they collapsed from underneath him. A site like that should be demolished by all rights.. Even explorers who are careful and completely aware of their surroundings can be taken victim to a dangerous location. Byberry also had lots and lots of vandalism,fires,and parties going on inside the site.. Danvers also saw it's fair share of danger..with rotten flooring and fires every other week..(i know I will get slack for this) both site's deserved to go.. But if you look closely at Norwich..The buildings are truly more sound than many people are lead to believe.. Some UE are incredibly passionate about their favorite locations..for whatever reason. There are lots of emotions that roll threw the head of a UE when they hear that demolition is on the rise for their sites. Slyv can relate..Why would a UE videotape a crane and wrecking ball tearing apart the SAFEA location? .. Love,passion,remorse's all a valid set of feelings. I think this is why you feel that a lot of people are touchy on the subject.. ..because they are. Don't take it all personal..Just remember..NSH is nearly the last location of it's kind in New England..and definitely the most extensive.. It's an important building in history and to the UE scene..Lots of explorers got their start here.. I guess what i'm saying to you sensitive on the subject is all. Realize that there are people here that don't just walk the halls for Ghost Hunting..or what have you..
Well everyone had similar opinions on a topic like this before Byberry and Danvers came down. I did not get involved with any of that because most of the arguments escalated, especially over Byberry
I do believe you are correct about Admin Salmon and Awl being part of the weatherization..And trust me..None of us have taken any offense or meant to be rude on the subject..I like many others here are personally connected to Norwich on some level.. I believe that the PRA on some levels will abide by the phases of construction..although They have been seen and video taped demolishing the tunnels.. It's hard to say.. Norwich is nearly the last of it's kind in New England..Most of the asylums of it's kind are long since gone.. We may be hopelessly addicted to Norwich itself..And the fact is there..The buildings will go.. I'm not sure you're position on Norwich..Nor does it really matter..I was aggressive about the subject due to the fact that I have spent an incredible amount of time and effort on this particular location..I'm not a (know it all)..However I follow the news regarding NSH very closely..I wouldn't want someone delivering false info to me..And I don't want that to happen to anyone else here. Just be weary of whom you hear this stuff from..Town Maintenance?? ..Your talking about the guys who are going to have to find somewhere else in town to hide for 8 hours a day and get paid for nothing.. Of course they have all sorts of things to say.. Don't fret..I didn't mean any harm here..As I said it wasn't meant to be a personal attack on you..I just wanted to make you aware that some underpaid Yahoo's are going to act as if they have some sort of TOP SECRET news to share..
I did not mean to argue like this with all of you and I'm sorry for doing so. The people that run the town maintenance seem to have an agenda of all their own though for thinking demolition would happen this soon without any abatement, brownfields assessment, done by Nobis, or thorough cleanup of the interior of the buildings. The winterization was planned for admin, and (correct me if I'm wrong) Salmon and Awl?
I said security is underpaid..Demolition however is quite lucrative.. I get my information from seeing what companies are paying their employee's..The math is actually pretty simple..The PRA posts how much the budget for security is annually..In that budget are the salary for the individuals whom are working for the security firm. Don't get me wrong..This isn't a specific verbal attack on you personally..I just think that the information here should be kept to valid and useful knowledge rather than hear-say.. The entire point of it is that "legally" the state and PRA have guidelines that must be met before any demolition can be under-way. Owning your on Demolition company you should already have good knowledge of the issues that the PRA is facing with taking down said structures..It would be against EPA standards as well as OSHA and DEP to just knock over a structure of this magnitude with all the hazards involved and just bury the debris..And for the Debris to be trucked out of the would need to be "clean" of such hazards...And also if you look at the Grants that PRA has applied for it shows that they have applied for grants such as the "brownfield" which involves hazardous site cleanup..Along with many others just like it.. There are phases they have to follow in order to start the project ..Ken has already taken the liberty to share the phases as they are listed on the PRA's website. They will not stray away from the plans that are set for the site ..there is to much government money,tax payers money and far to many agencies tied up into the site..they will be under a watchful eye for sure. As crooked as the state is..Agencies like DEP,OSHA,EPA etc..won't hold back from blowing the whistle on a project like this. It's far to large and obvious for anything to be hidden. If someone wants to make a name for themselves by pointing out others mistakes..this would be their chance to do so..
Also looking back at the minutes from the PRA meeting they state that they are winterizing the buildings for the upcoming seasons..Wouldn't this mean that they plan for the buildings to be there for winter? (maybe it's just me) Power has already been in place at the Admin building..Unless of course I imagined the humming from the freshly installed utility.
I wouldn't consider myself underpaid, considering I own my own demolition company. Security isn't the only job I do, so if you think I'm underpaid, I don't know where you're getting your info from...
Indeed you are..
To be honest, I'm just speaking off of information I heard. If anyone disagrees with these theories, oh well. I don't know what's fact and what isn't.
Ken's post is 100% accurate.. The demolition of this site is pending on a lot more than you'd think.. Ghost fanatics? ..How about architects and historian's..or Urban Explorers whom are one in the same? I'm not sure what Kyle's position is here..But you obviously don't share the same interest as he rest of us.. Apparently you haven't learned yet that what the boys in the locker room say..isn't always true.. I get it tho..Security sucks..It's a boring job detail and is underpaid..Making things up would probably make me feel more important too.
I did not know where admin was, people had me thinking Kettle was admin. Of course Kent Borner got reelected, nobody else wanted to take that seat.
it is true, murphy works the state side and is Lippitt and most of the other side of the street, zimmerman lowest bidders who will most likely get booted when mansfort takes over is the rest
not sure where you get your info but the contracts are still being talked over, step one will be taking over security and fencing whole property, the abaitment and inventory, salvage and sales (including a web site to sell stuff on) then demo. even if they were going to go one building at a time do you know what it takes to pull a demo permit on a building as big as ridicoff? plus asbestos removal, mercury and who knows what else. hes a question for you... you didn't know where Kettle was and now yor naming ribicoff..... so what building on our map is that? no one help him please I smell something like the check velve again.
if anyone read the minets from last week they know where they really are with ribicoff (is talked about) and what a shock as to who got elected chairman again
Murphy security works for the state. The town of Preston hired a different contractor who indeed was the lowest bidder. I have contacts within Manafort and they were hoping to set up camp on Kettle side within 3 weeks. I know this would be the end of the world to all the ghost fanatics and critics who never see the end of these buildings. It seems delaying the demolition now because of asbestos is not on the agenda.
The current subject is Zombie's.. However..I seem to live in disbelief that they will have any buildings prepared to "come down" as you so indelicately put it. Read back a few pages..The PRA has a lot of work ahead of them in ANY of the buildings far before they are ready to open bids to demolish any structure on the campus..Maybe Murphy security should stick to what they do best.. ..Security has no idea what will happen day to day..Murphy was the lowest bidding contractor so they nailed the gig..Your being paid a low salary and know absolutely nothing that is going to happen even tomorrow. Fortunately for you I have a softspot for taxpayers and poorly paid "Officials" like yourself..Don't believe everything you hear Cheers.
Ahh I never drift away from a subject like this. I am working with Murphy Security now on the North side near Lippitt. Power will be turned on in the admin building this weekend, and the town will begin to do work on the main campus next week. Manafort will set up camp within 3 weeks near Kettle, and Ribicoff will be the first building to come down by the end of August.
JPT this has also got me thinking.. Perhaps what film-makers were portraying with the Faster zombies and the somewhat "unrealistic" traits they is possible that they are talking about a zombie created by VooDoo.. These zombies would probably posses inhuman strengths and possibly different purposes for their hunt..It's just a possibility..I have heard of cases in which zombies are created by witches etc..
I guess JPT has just picked the movie that me and my love are watching tonight..(im sure she'll appreciate that one) I do agree that the origional movies do portray a good zombie.. They are more realistic with what is actually being said about the nature of the actual zombies..It is imagined that zombies would possess some kind of unrealistic strength and speed..When in all reality the zombie would only posess as much strength as it's origional form..(before death) ..However It is said that zombies are less agile due to the decomposition process which takes place even after said *zombie* has been created..Necrosis never stops in a "living" zombie.. For filmmakers to portray an interesting zombie with the "new age" They just sped them up and gave them super powers. The newer movies mostly focus on (brains) ..Zombies are flesh eaters..They do NOT go for just a brain..It was said in the Zombie survival guide (which is 100% real and accurate ::winik: that a zombie was given an autopsy and was said to have consumed more than it's own body weight in human flesh and tissue.. This is why most zombies are seen with what I like to call "beer bellies" ..The digestive tract no longer works and zombies do NOT posses any sensory glands..They will consume as much as they can until the stomach can no longer hold the weight *at which time it bursts* ..No worries in this case tho..Because zombies can continue their quest for food until the brain is disabled..Zombies can be (shot,stabbed,burned,kicked,punched,whipped,etc) and it will not effect their quest for food..It may slow the process due to missing legs etc..However as long as the brain is intact..the virus in which the zombie was created will still Continue to fuel the remaining parts of the zombie..Even cutting the head from a zombie WILL NOT stop them..The head will remain on the ground waiting to feed until the virus passes. What virus you ask?? ..this is the theory..Solanum is the definition of the Virus ( Solanum works by travelling through the bloodstream, from the initial point of entry to the brain. Through mean not yet fully understood, the virus uses the cells of the frontal lobe for replication, destroying them in the process. During this period, all bodily functions cease. By stopping the heart, the infected subject is rendered "dead."
The brain, however, remains alive but dormant, while the virus mutates its cells into a completely new organ. The most critical trait of this new organ is its independence from oxygen. By removing the need for this all-important resource, the undead brain can utilize, but is in no way dependent upon, the complex support mechanism of the human body. Once mutation is complete, this new organ reanimates the body into a form that bears little resemblance (physiologically speaking) to the original corpse. Some bodily functions remain constant, others operate in a modified capacity, and the remainder shut down completely.)
Zombies are much more realistic than one would believe.. Sitting here and dictating which are more entertaining is not advised.. What should be discussed is the proper precautions for said (zombies)..sure movies like to show a nice gun fight..laying 100's of rounds into a crowd of zombies and laying them out...this is not realistic to me..You'd better be some marksman to get 1000 headshots in a matter of seconds...
Just for the record, and and all suggestions of any form of vandalism at the NSh, or any other place for that matter, are being mentioned her for entertainment purposes only. I would NEVER expect anyone to actually go out and DO anything I had listed here, its all just for your amusement, gentle reader!
Go back, Young PubMe, and seek an UNCUT version of the orginal Dawn of the Dead. There is about 20 minutes of material thats been cut in the "normal" version. Not overly crucial, but nice to see it as intended. Theres something about a shambling , slow zombie thats much more creepy than a running one. Night of the living dead, Dawn of the dead, Day of the dead, Land of the dead, Diary of the dead and Survival of the dead, all of George Romeros classic slow shambling zombie films are head and shoulders above these poor remakes. Its like watching any of the remakes, they may be good and fun, but they are not original. They are a different directors vision.
You'll never be able to match the atmosphere and the "feel" of the original Dracula, or Frankenstein. The movie magic today is phenominal, no doubt, but there will never be another Karloff or Lugosi bringing that particular magic to the screen.
Bomb.. Cutting said alarm system will not make anyone look any better.. And honestly..You have no pull at the Norwich site. Security there isn't the same since the days you used to call them and ask them about cheeseburgers and manwiches.. Nothing against you..It'd just be awesome if you didn't mislead the people of the forum..You know your not gonna go to NSH..I know your not.. A few other people can say that they don't believe your going to go there..And surely your not Mcgyver...However it is possible I guess your good friends with MCGRUBER..But..again.. to keep a neutral ground here.. Have fun..Bring a bribe with you..otherwise you wont be friends with your Guard Card much longer..
I think it`s time i get rid of this alarm in admin cut cut snip snip bye bye an hey the crazy clue on the control panel this saturday this will all be gone lol iam back this is my way of saying sorry to you all for being a asshole
Alright Alright.. I can totally agree with you here.. I suppose it's not exactly the most accurate display of a vampire..Twinkling in sunlight is a definite contradiction to what we all know as "vampires" ..I completely disagree about Dawn of the Dead..I thought that movie was pretty cool..It's not exactly as accurate as the slow moving zombies in movies like (Fido) ..but it's still more accurate than 28 days and movies of that type..where zombies are cruising through woods at inhuman speed. I read that book "how to survive a zombie apocalypse" ..that book is almost scary in how accurate they portray and explain zombies..they go into as much detail and realistic accounts of how zombies act and why..In the back of this "fictional" book..they have accounts of zombie-like incidents in's actually a really awesome book.
As far as the Alarms at's like I said ..Good UE's aren't going to get grabbed up because of these alarms..They're not really set up for instant response and showing on a panel exactly where trespassers are..The alarms are set up simply to make security aware that someone has entered that area..As I said before..(someone) set the alarm off and stayed in that area searching for said (device) and turned up with no results..It's dark in that area..the device throws of no light and possibly has a timed delay on it so that a smart UE can't figure out where the device was tripped..For all I know it could be all the way back at the elbow where the two tunnels meet..or even in a stairway that I had crossed 10 minutes prior to the alarm going off.. Im not sure what the purpose is of all this..It's not helping them catch anyone..It's just more or less making the lives of security a bit harder.
Okay, since you know where the security forces are coming from, get a handfull of those dollar store alarms, disable the switches, glue the battery cover closed, and set them up along the route for THEM to trigger! Of course, a lot of quick drying super glue in the keypad would be an EVIL thing to do, so nobody do that!
Oh, we were told that motion sensors do NOT like mylar ballons, which are also available from the dollar store......
Regardless of the books being better than the film- VAMPIRES DO *NOT* F'N TWINKLE IN DAYLIGHT! They burn up! That has been a staple in the vampire legend from the beginning. They are Undead. They cant cross running water, are not able to face a cross, sleep in a casket, drink blood, can turn into a bat, and are destroyed by a stake thru the heart or exposed to the suns rays. Hell, you take that away, you might as well change them to sleep in a Toy Story 3 bed, surf down streams, drink V8, and turn into Perry the f'n Platypus! Just like this NextGen fast zombie crap! No, no nonononono NO! Zombies do not run or spider climb walls, the shamble, and eat you. I will allow some variations prefer brains only. I was SO jazzed that they were making a Dawn of the Dead remake, till I saw it. I threw my copy out. Totally disavow this crap. The remake of NotLD was awesome, they kept the Zs true to Romeros vision, which is the quintessential classic Zed. Fast Zombies? Pfawww!
Lurker..I can be contacted @
Ken- I do believe that they have since sought a power solution to the admin least I know the alarm is currently active..I also believe that the panel on powerhouse is the only keypad panel for the entire system..There's no silent alarm or signal being sent as to which alarm has been set off..Because anytime I have seen security respond they seem to always stick to a certain route depending on which way they are coming from. Having different POE's is helpful..but the traditional ways will certainly lead to a loud goose chase for security..
I was actually over the Thames today..saw the sunset on the wich..then it was Goo Goo Dolls..Switchfoot and spill Canvas..which was But was also free
publish me, Do you have an email address I could contact you via?
nice pic, yes thats where it was published for locations in the power house and admin, last time I was there the security truck was posted infront of the admin pointing to chiller. at least now we know what happens when they set off, they spent a lot of money on those alarms still not sure how they power the one in admin because they haven't powered that building up yet because of the water leaking on the NEW panel?
I could spend all day runnig up the tunnel setting off the alarm then run to admin set that off while they are reseting the power house then run back thru the tunnel when they are reseting admin. sound like a new hobby.
as far as the twilight thing, the books are good, the movies need something to make them better. I think the kid who plays jacob has a big head and always looks like he's going to fall over because of it. I did get my hands on a first printing of the first book hard cover and for some reason its worth alot. I'm tired of the latest vampire craze and stay away from all of it now.
hello gorgeous, yeah they pretty much did price us out of the market!! we're looking at Pennhurst at the minute as a substitute which has an equally interesting history, more infact due to the Court case that closed it down.
Unbelievable pic you've got there publish me.. there's security priming alarms to keep you guys out and there's you already in photo'ing them doing it. You gotta laugh!
Good books.. ..Not movies. Twilight is the type of thing you have to imagine for yourself..The movies don't portray nearly as much as your left to imagine while reading the books. ..The books themselves are a bit long..seems they try to explain far to much..Still tho.. Twilight is good..agreed..and disagreed.
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