The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
The Alarm's are more of an "air raid" type siren..The one that was set off by someone Is in the tunnel between the Powerhouse and the left entrance to theater..(someone) looked for the sensor being that (they) set the alarm off twice now..It must be well hidden or have some type of delay on it..(someone) set the alarm off and instantly stopped to see where the sensor could be in the area it was set off..Found nothing. This time it was set off (someone) went to the upper windows of the theater and snapped a sweet picture of security disarming the alarm at the location of a box with a keypad on the side of the powerhouse..the speaker is also visible on the side of powerhouse as well. This is the only location of a speaker that I have seen..However I have been told by a fellow UE that there is a trip switch located in the main of well as the stairway..Which are apparently visible..which differs from the one set in the tunnel..Admin is not a frequently travelled area..making the alarms nearly pointless..But fellow UE know their favorite POE's ..and apparently they are trying to cover those areas.. ..Security takes a few minutes to respond to the alarms. ..I believe they try to stick to the rear of the complex to possibly seek out someone running from the site..(just an assumption) ..However This is a picture of security disarming the device.
So not only do I have to defend drugs but I have to defend Twlight too? Those are great books people!
Sorry. It was assumed by "DRUGS" , that we were talking about illegal stuff like Xtacy, heroin, cocaine, mari-joo-wanna, etc, not medically perscribed drugs.
So, I guess I need to clerify: UE while on your Amoxycillian, or Insulin, or other, non- drowsy perscription or OTC medication is ok, while bounding about there wille smoking crack after snorting 8 grams of coke, while dropping 3 tabs of acid and hanging on the spike, is not.
When people are younger, death is something that happens to old people and someone else. As you get older, and build a family, and start planning for the future, you become more aware of your mortality, and the inevitable meet and greet with the grim reaper. The Military knows this ,and thats why they like to recruit out of high school- fewer ties, fewer experiences that bring death right to your face. Untill the go into combat. But, thats another argument.
What did the alarms do when set off? Did they sound a local alarm, or send a silent back to the Guards? You should post that pic, along with a nice little map of the alarm locations. Man, it would be a shame if "someone" swiped the batteries, huh? Or sprayed them with black paint- so when the guards came to re-set them, they got their hands all black! Vasaline or oil would work well too. Hmm, you know...the Dollar Tree has little alarms that howl when it comes away from the mag switch. Maybe some UE should set them up to go off when certain doors are opened by security? They use them, why shouldnt you too? Even come with convieninet self adhesive tape for ease of installation. They couyld be set on doors, debris, or anything else that would be moved to allow access. Just a thought.
Zoe: No more about coming over to visit NSH? Those (to use your terms) wankers price it out of the market?
Bomb: What, 30 days for disorderly conduct, public intoxication, or indecent exposure?
Ken: Been quiet.
Paul: U2
Jas, Kyle Megan....a few more that have drifted away?
My Dear Sparkles- email works both ways! Oh, and by the way, I sincerely hope your handle has nothing to do with that lame ass vampire Twilight crap- I watched about half that film, grinding my teeth and grimacing, untill he twinkled in the sunlight- I went dead silent, looked at my wife, and said "I'm going to bed now." Makes "Dracula- Dead and Loving It" look like Gone with the Wind!
Welcome back to the conversation.. lol .. I guess I have faded from the need for recreational use of drugs..However drugs can be a good healing tool..Provided that proper knowledge is used..I disapprove of using drugs while exploring..There are a lot of unexpected things that can happen along the way..Things that you should be sharp for.. I have no idea what happened at NSH..Any details? I have a good picture of security disarming the alarms that..someone had set off.. lol. Undercliff is still an awesome explore..If your planning to be in that area let me know ahead of time..We can plan something.
Anyways, I have to stick up for the drugs... Drugs can be a good thing people! (not always, but a lot of the times!)
For the first time like ever, I didn't read all the posts but I skimmed some of them. The good samatitan law exists however, you can still be sued personally. For example, performing CPR results in broken ribs quite often. And you don't have to perform CPR if you don't want to (you can watch someone die if you want to) But once you start you cannot stop or it is considered (negligence, I think?) Anyways, it a crime to stop once it's started. Anyone here about what happened at NSH today? I'll have to go see if I can find out I guess. I drove by Undercliff the other day and it was so tempting to stop. Only I didn't want to get my pretty pink scrubs dirty (And I didn't want to be climbing around and exploring in my kinsons!) I want to explore. You peoples need to start calling me so we can do something. (JPT- me sad you no email me anymore )
I don't know that they don't understand I think it's more that they simply don't care about the potentially (deadly) reactions that may occur. I suppose this is why there is a big issue with drugs and the youth..There wouldn't be clinic's etc that offer help to addicted individuals without common knowledge of the reactions from these substances. There's tons of different chemicals being used by people to alter their state of mind..Common household goods are now having to be manufactured with deterrents to avoid individuals from abusing them.. On another note..This makes me think about a story I saw on a documentary about a man who's wife was poisoning him with anti-freeze when he made him lemonade..The man was deathly ill and admitted himself to the hospital..Tests showed that he had been poisoned..The man did die.. And manufactures are now submitting and additive to make the chemical detectable rather than having a sweet taste to it.
Simple reason the kids take them without fear, they have a very limited undertsanding of their own mortality.
Your post is pretty awesome. ..It's hard to say that you could try to divert your kids..or even other kids away from drinking and doing drugs at a young age.. Like you said..It's one thing to have a few drinks to loosen up after a hard week of work..It's surely another to find yourself with said (shemale) .. If I had to combat the issue of drug abuse with my kids I would be slightly lost.. Like you said..Kids are scary when it comes to this issue..They take it above and beyond.. To the point where medical assistance is required yet they are to scared to seek out the attention when they're intoxicated.. It's also very scary to think that they have no idea what they are getting themselves into.. A misguided teen finds a drug dealer that's peddling coke or heroin or something..And that teen just picks it up like they know a thing or two about needles and the risks involved. ..Another thing I have never understood about the abuse of substances at a young age is the fact that drugs like extacy and acid etc..All run the risk of killing you the first time you use them..Why are kids so relaxed about taking these substances that were made by some greasy haired guy in his basement?
..And to answer your question JPT..I am 100% sober while exploring..and I don't explore with people that have been drinking or taking any drugs..This is why I am very cautious about exploring with people I don't know very often.. If something did happen where that person got blood is thinner and your adrenaline is doesn't lead to a very calm situation in a pinch. There's a lot of issues tied to exploring.. There's a guy that was a well known explorer that was killed completely sober..photographing a rail yard..He was taking pictures of what he thought was an abandoned rail system when he was struck and killed by a train.. Exploring has different levels..All of them dangerous..
Kids get to drinking, and their inexperience sends them over the edge, and they sometimes do things they normally wouldnt do . Drugs can also overide certain inhibitions. it happens with "responsable" adults all the time. Difference is, I can tell when I am getting intoxicated, and know my limits. Kids dont , and in some cases , are going to 'show them how its done'. Hoo Rah. Never quite understood the mindset for getting falling down drunk: Friday night, got $400 paycheck in your pocket, nice new outfit, and hitting the town to drink and party. Wake up Saturday about 10 am, hung over like a truck hit you, $3.19 left, new outfit covered in puke, (some yours), and you cant remember what happened. People call this fun? Not to mention any little surprises (that require medical assistance) in a couple weeks from hooking up with that shemale behind the dumpster, which your best buddy thought would be hilarious to take phone video of and post it on the internet.
Anyway, we cant insulate our kids from doing the stupid stuff, but we CAN try and educate them so they can at least have the information to make a decision. Some kids actually listen, believe it or not. And think about it a minute- most of the urban sprawls have some degree of danger associated with them, is that really a place you want a kid to be drunk in? Ken, would you go and get lit before running around NSH? Pub (yeah, with a name like that!) Would you?
Okay, back to work.
your right and there's a connection between drinking, drugs and pregnancy
you drink, (alcohol) get hung over, forget your birth control pill (drugs) and end up a teen mother (pregnancy)
I see the connection, I was thinking of teaming up with bill gates on the whole teenage rebelion thing and put the little buggers in a matrix cocoon when they are 12 and let them go when they turn 20, while they're in there we can upload there schooling and morals. they can twitter the mom and pop, and parents can jack in for christmas... I'm telling you me and billy will make a fortune
WoW bomb..where'd ya go? was it?
Iam back been out of state
Just an FYI for anyone with Netflix to check out "Into the Darkness" an informative and entertaining documentary style film..The documentary shows a lot of well known explorers in the internet community. Here is a link to the Netflix description. The movie itself is done pretty well..The locations used for the movie are mostly prime locations..including the site of "the largest rocket engine in the world" which was left abandoned and covered by the government.. Urban Explorers
I liked it..not because I'm part of the community..but because they went pretty far lengths to show just how far Urban Exploration can take you into the unknown.. Also the techniques they used to explore some of the sites.
Your point is pretty valid..I suppose that the state would have to make sure qualified individuals were entering such a site.. You did inspire me with this tho.. I think I'm going to take some repelling classes!
The energy/alcoholic beverage issue was hot a few years ago when they came out with "sparks" ..which was apparently take off the market only to be replaced with fruitier drinks at a different name.. They stated that it was truly dangerous because the drinks had such a high level of caffeine in them..along with the alcohol. There was another one out that almost fit perfectly for underage drinking..They were little "capri-sun" they came with a little straw and everything..but was filled with hard liquor..A town nearby did a whole news thing on the issue with them after a school parking lot was littered with them after a school dance.. Teen drinking is obvious in the weirdest places tho..I have found booze at almost every site I have wandered to.. Teens often drink at an abandoned trolley museum near my house..I went down there to photograph the trolley's and saw a bunch of kids all hiding out from the "popo" as I made my way near there slightly obvious semi-circle..
Sure the state could sign off on an 'at your own risk' permit, but then when someone gets lung cancer and blames the state for not informing him of the proper PPE he needed, it will all blow up. People won against the tobacco industry.
So, to curcumvent THAT, the starte will take it along the next logical step- provide proof that you have been trained in the proper precautions to take when UE. This will create classes (EXPENSIVE) that will provide you with documentation that you are qualified to explore certain levels of certain sites. But wait! What about asbestos? Need a class in that. Paint and oil and other hazardous waste- another class. Lead based paint- classes wed and fri, 7:00 -9:00, 3 weeks.
Now, the state has to classify the site, based on its precautionary requirements, and will need to provide someone to check the UE entering for the proper permits (mo' money for that) and PPE .
And after you pay the thousands of $$ for the classes, licences, permits and PPE, and you are all sealed up in your level 3 hazmat suit, you have 2 hours on your O2 supply, and you see 3 kids running around the place with black jeans and T-shirts, doing the same thing you are now, just they arent "legal'.
I dunno, just dont seem quite feasable to me.
As for teen drinking well there ya go! Finally they are focusing on a real problem. Teen drinking, drungs and pregnancy are what the elected things SHOULD be combating, instead of beeping and tooting about some kids sneaking into a falling down asylum and taking pictures or stealing a plate, or even trashing it.
In a well deserved distraction the investigation has turned to teen alcohol and how did they get it. I'll go for this angle rather than the abandon lot angle, lets face it with the teen alcohol problem out there they could have just gone into a track of woods to drink away from adults. these new energy malt liquor sound like a bad idea, I like to refer to them as hip-hop drinks because they are popular with the young adults that frequent such underage clubs.
By all rights tho.. I buy a Regional Water Authority pass every year..Me doing so I am allowed to fish,hike,bike,horseback ride..whatever I'd like on their properties..However by buying said pass..I agree that Regional Water Authority is not responsible for any injuries etc..that may happen on their property at any time.. I think the same should go for some places that we explore..Sure..they may contain deadly chemicals or what not..but post it on a sign..stating that the State of Connecticut will not be held responsible for broken faces, Dried lungs, Ghostly expierences or life threatening injuries of any nature.. This way the State won't have to worry about such high insurance costs..Also..maybe in that effect they could lower the traffic in courtrooms due to trespassing tickets. This would be effective thinking for sure..I will make a motion to overthrow the current officials in charge..Let's see how that pans out!..
I didnt say the state would cause the hysteria, I said the public would create the hysteria, and the poliTICKtions would jump on the bandwagon .
Mommy reads a story about someone getting killed up at Holy Land, USA, and starts to get all worked up that the same thing could happen at NSH, gets some more "concerned" parents together, and they start a campaign to get the place demolished before "it" happens here. Our elected things get wind of it, and decide that demolishing what could be considered a blighted site will make this special interest group happy, and thus garner them more votes next election, so they start supporting bills that would make it a state mandate to take down any and all abandoned structures that are in a state of disrepair that makes repairing them feasable. This would be to protect curious people from trespassing and getting hurt or killed in the dangerous buildings, and to deny the criminal element the use of said buildings for illegal purposes.
Not to say the skug (aka politicians) wouldnt plant the seed or fan the flames to get this whole thing started, so they could then step in and become the champion of the people.
IDK about the NY site you speak of. I can only speculate on why the authorities wouldnt want to patrol, and I suspect it is the same reason they stay out of certain areas of New Haven and Bridgeport after dark- the danger both to the officers, and to the "truce" that is in effect. See, if some gangbangers up and shoot a couple of cops, then the police will have to go after them, and a full blown war can come about. And frankly, (Shades of "The Warriors"!) if the street gangs banded together, I doubt if anything short of military intervention could win that conflict. As cynical as it sounds, the feeling may be that if you go in there, you are doing so at your own risk. Playing with fire, sleeping with snakes, etc. I know I wont go traipsing around the middle east wearing my "God Bless America" shirt!
As for the signs, I think you are probably 100% correct- its for liability. Maybe NY should post the Power Plant- "WARNING- entering these premises can result in serious injury or death." Probably should before someone waltzs in, gets the snot beat out of them, and sues the state for not warning them that it is dangerous! Hot McDonalds Coffee, anyone? Dont spill it, its REALLY hot!
JPT this is true..The state does create some of the hype themselves..However let's look at the reality of your last post. Your post says that the state will try to create this hysteria themselves to have an excuse to tear down said location.. New York actually has a site..A Power Plant that is very well known and absolutely amazing..Gangs,drugs,murder,parties. Fires,theft and rapes have all occurred at this site on a regular basis..Authorities have stopped patrolling the area because it was "too dangerous" ..Sure New York has a reputation of being a more "dangerous" place i suppose than any city in CT..but why would it be that if an area is extremely dangerous..they'd leave the massive gang house standing? It's all corrupted..I'm sure that the Power Plant in NY doesn't have the reputation of being (haunted) or most of the sites here in CT..but it has a reputation for (go there and get killed). ..To me.. Ct should probably thinking about leaving sites be.. The only reason that No Trespassing signs litter the grounds is to take responsibility off of the State and the taxpayers monies..You fall off a cliff break your leg..We don't pay cuz you shouldn't be there.
This is just the kind of crap that gets the public, and then the political dunderheads all worked up and enact stiffer penalties on "trespassers" or pass some bill that declares these sites a public hazard and must be pulled down. A few stories go out about , oh , lets say Noname Factory, where gangs hang out, druggies go to shoot up, rape and murder occur on a semi regular basis, and they get all in a panic and decide for the safety of all the good people of the State of Connecticut (taxpayers), that SOMETHING must be done to combat these dens of iniquity!
Dont matter if its true or not. Appearance is Everything. And next thing you know, Noname Factory is getting demolished, even tho there are dozens of people who have UE'd the place, and the most they found was the empty cans from a sixpack of Busch. Doesnt matter, "everybody knows" that satanists sacrifice babies there!
Never underestimate the power of public hysteria, or stupidity!
I've walked from target to the site at the top of the hill before..there is some pretty rough terrain over there..I wouldn't dare to run through the woods on any part of the property..Regardless. ..It just seems like this is the month for people to draw attention to our abandoned beauties.. It's odd how you wont hear about a place you explored in the media..and then's one after another.. As a result they will step up patrols regardless..Possibly look for POE ..and it just messes things up for regular UE's..
it is said they may have been ghost hunting, but also reported that kids "party" there all the time. the building they were seen at is down the road quite a bit, farther away from the hospital than the road comming in, they ran toward the park, that is up a very steep hill (behind target) if you look at the photos looks like they fell behind the yellowish tan house next to target, then fell of a cliff. Meriden police is not supposed to patrol state property to start with. the kids ran and the cop did not persue, 911 got the call and when the cop showed up he said "yep, he's the one who ran"
Reading up on local news.. it seems there must be a joke on me.. In the past week 3 of my frequently explored sites have made headlines.. Today Undercliff made headlines after 3 "ghost hunting trespassers" ran from the site and fell down a cliff..
This all goes along with the territory. I was at one point an amateur at Exploring..But at least used my brain. I have always been very cautious with my surroundings..Buildings fall apart..The dark plays tricks on you and things can happen. I always have a respect for my hobby..I explore like in a militant manor..looking down every corner and understanding things that may happen..That may be why I have yet to make headlines with my explores..I've gotten my fair share of scrapes and bruises....but never fallen off a cliff.
If the Norwich site was renovated to a safe condition..And they offered paid tours to the public..I would still sneak in.
There's no longer any argument on the fate of the asylum..It's set in it be years of preparation and fund gathering for the PRA or not..It will still soon be demolished. Danvers hospital was quite dangerous also..And the same occurrences has happend at both NSH and Danvers.. The main issue for me is the waste of funds being thrown at the buildings without literally maintaining them. The amount of monies spent each year on useless garbage to "protect" the site could very well have held this old asylum together over the past years. As I have been saying..Idea's like yours would be present if the site wasn't left in such shambles..Why did it have to be so blunt??
That same question goes back to the beginning of this entire forum..all of our subtopics and rambles and life stories have cluttered it up a bit..but that same question still remains through the history of this message board..Why? The state closed the site for "financial" reasons..(or)they had a better hospital in place to hold more patients in a more efficient hospital(CVH) or they were being investigated by the state of CT for cruel treatment of the patients (or)...your mind can wander to whatever direction it wants..People speculate over what the true reason is..(for themselves)..they ask the same questions after seeing our pictures..why was all this left like this.. It's like they just "Up and Left" is the same thing I hear all the time about NSH.. It's interesting..The buildings with such defined history are left for people's assumptions. (I know I know ..You can read the reasons in the media!!) ..wrong.. State of CT says one thing and does another..Conspiracies are welcome ..assumptions are welcomed..Facts will ring stronger than any.. THIS is why NSH is interesting..Because through out the years of exploring many people have done..The book work and web savvy people out there..No One person has all the true facts of what happened me a me an moron because you know more than I do..But I promise..I've done my leg work..and I had fun doing it!~
I guess the argument that it is falling apart could be used, but look at what happened at Danvers State. They made a movie, people trashed it, there was a fire, parts of the building were ruined. Now it is renovated and it was turned into luxury apartments. Beautiful outside of the building, great history, and a great place to live.
I guess you can turn these places into anything. Sure, it will take money to renovate and clean up and everything but the buildings could still be put to good use while preserving the site for historical reasons. The old asylum in Weston, WV lets people have historical tours, night flashlight tours, ghost tours, etc. They also have a whole thing that goes on on halloween. Not only does it preserve the beauty of the buildings, it gives them funding in some way or another to help keep up with maintenance and repair costs. It also makes it available for others to learn about the history of the area, the buildings, and mental health.
Theres was a law on the books called the Good Samaritan act, where a person certified in CPR who performed CPR on someone he deemed in need was immune to legal reprocussions from performing CPR. This kept the ungrateful victim from suing the CPR performer for breaking some ribs, or exposing their upper body, during the act of CPR. Sure, you still would go to court, but it went something like this: Ungratful Bastard:" Judge he broke 3 of my ribs performing CPR!" Judge: (to CPR Performer) "Sir, are you licenced by the State of Connecticut to perform CPR?" CP: "Yes your honor, here is my documentation." J "I see, this seems to be in order. So , when you found UB, was he breathing?" CP: "No, Your Honor. I detected no heartbeat or resperatory activity." J : "I see. And did you make him any worse?" CP: "I performed CPR as instructed, and he began breathing and his heart began beating again. I guess I did break his ribs in the process." J: "Under the good samaratin act, you can not be held liable for this injury when saving the UBs life. Case dismissed."
As for what I would do if I came upon a violent crime scene, I'd take the ticket, and lead the police to the area. Suspect, yup. I'd have to accept that also. Evidence of a shooting gallery, or underage drinking, would be an anonymous call. Violent crime in progress, with the victims life or safety on the line, I'd like to believe that I would try to stop it. I've been in a few volitile situations, and I've always stood my ground. Never to that extent. I guess it is in the individuals nature as to what they feel they had to do. If I found some homeless people living there, I'd let them be, and not disturb them again. "There but for the grace of God go I" comes to mind.
Been to Waterbury many times- The Brass City is a rough place, not surprised that happened near by.
As for what might have been, it doesnt really matter, because what we are dealing with is what IS, not what COULD HAVE BEEN. Yes, had a different course been taken many years back, the outcome could have been very different. That would have been great. But, we are where we are today, and have to deal with NSH in the condition it is in. Could it be restored, sure, but to what end? As a museum to dubious treatment processes? A few of the buildings might be of interest to historians, but I couldnt see Joe FamilyGuy bringing his wife and kids from Minnisota to see it. Not economically feasible for the return on your investment. What we have is a decaying and somewhat dangerous group of buildings. Someday, some UE, probably some kid that just thinks it'd be fun to run around there, will end up getting killed or seriously injured, and that will cause a public outcry to eliminate the hazard. Or the Waterbury scenario will be recreated there. Nobody wants that.
It's hard to say.. I mean Obviously there is an issue of the fact that YOU yourself were breaking the law anyways..but trespassing isn't all that big of a deal..Report it? ..okay so from the officers stand point..I'm getting a call from an anonymous trespasser who came across a woman whom was raped and murdered..Prime suspect?..YOU.
I can't say I would walk away from it without alerting authorities..but with the way the world works now..say you tried to resuscitate someone whom wasn't breathing..that person dies..all of the sudden your being brought up on murder's amazing the way the world works i guess.
Surely your right about the means of the murder..I bet it was some sort of relationship gone bad kind of deal.. This is why sites like NSH are really frowned upon..You'll never know someone's motive for being there..I have wandered into sites and found evidence of satanic rituals, drug abuse, sex, parties, homeless people, crime scene..All sorts of things..It's amazing that I haven't found something like this i guess.. A friend of mine found a backpack in a sewer he was exploring..found a massive revolver and a wadded up pile of cash inside.. He did report it..and turned out to be a weapon used in a robbery where one person was shot and landed up in critical condition..he was offered a reward and donated the money right back to the police.. See.. Not all explorers should have a bad rap.
sorry she was last seen on thursday and was killed at 10pm thursday night and was not found for 43 hours
ok here's a question, what if you are one of us who checks out these places and you come upon something like this or perhaps a rape, murder or suicide in progress, what would you do, leave and hope no one found out your were ever there, report it to the attorneys, or phone in anonymously? this girl was 16 and went missing on Friday, this guy was her friend for 2 years and obviously wanted to take the relationship farther and she didn't and ended up raped and murdered for it, stabbed repeatedly in the neck. and dumped in the woods
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