The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
..This still hasn't stopped the (state) or (town) from quietly kicking the legs from underneath the table..You'll see 5 town dump trucks come in and the next week or so there is something in the paper..or someone here posts talking about how "omgz did you guys see that the tunnels are collapsed" ..Think about it.
Most tables have four legs..kick one out..the table might stand but is no longer structurally sound.. They will continue to do so untill the buildings fall in on themselves..making it so there is no "need" for asbestos abatement etc etc..If it "collapses" ..there was just nothing they could do.. It's all part of the plan that is under the table at those town meetings.. They talk in code.
Manafort Brothers did not come to financial terms with the town of Preston, therefore any asbestos abatement, construction of a fence, or demolition will not begin for an extended period of time.
Well there was no explaining the things that Paul and I heard. Planning on going back soon so we'll see what happens...
Paul, I was the one who said trespassing when you had a family member working there was disrespectful, not Jaz. My opinion only. Just like if you were working security at an event, I wouldnt try anything foolish, out of respect for you. My Dad was an Auxilliary State Trooper (Troop D) years back, and I still have a respect for anyone working security, law enforcement, loss prevention, etc. I will always respect the office, even if the person is the Jerk of the Earth.
Jaz, glad to see you are moving on. Personally, I dont believe in ghosts, spirits, paranormal activity, etc. BUT, I do remain open to the possability of such, were I to experience them first hand. I subscribe to the Amazing Randi school of skepticism, which says I cant say it doesnt exist, but if I can recreate it (or explain it) using mundane, non- supernatural methods, then it has to remain suspect with regards to paranormal activity. However, if you know of a locale that is supposedly "haunted" and is legal to enter and examine, I would be happy to go on a 'ghost hunt' as a skeptic , and try to explain events using natural means. Again, if the ghost of Abe Lincoln were to stroll up to me and say hi, I would most likely have to change my opinions. Yeah, GH at NSH was pretty much a bust. The intrepid UE here who have visted the filmed locations where they captured "evidence" pretty much wrote it off, while I looked at it from a production standpoint- the noises were off screen, so who KNOWS if they had someone out there banging around to help their season finale look good? And as for the door moving, it was half shot, you never saw the bottom of the door where there could have been some crew member moving it. Remember on GH, they have a whole production /film crew with them . And SyFy does like ratings. You do the math. Again, as I was not there I cant say conclusivly that it WASNT paranormal, but the mundane explanation is certainly plausable enough to cast some doubt.
Thank you ken you answered a few questions on what I was feeling when I was there I appreciate the info.
Paul I never said tresspassing was disrespectful I said bieng rude to them and bashing them on here was but I really dont want to go at it with anyone on here about things that are that relvant. My main thing is to learn more about the hospital not to fight with people.
I will not go into wether a place is haunted or not, like JPT said is a subject people go back and forth on all the time and all we can agree on is to disagree.
what has happen to me durring my visits to nsh, well most of it has been good and left me with peacefull feeling. however, in Salmon I felt the air was thicker inside, in the main building under the theater, I heard voices up the stairs, I waited, they stoped, I went up and no one was there, it was raining there was a puddle on the floor and there where no wet foot prints. in the tunnel under seymour a pipe was tossed to the floor behind me. and finally in mitchell while on the first floor in the burnt wing I had the feeling I was being watched. when I go though the picks later every once and a while there is a pic of fog. the pic before and after its not there, so what the hell is it. I have the pics where it looks like I am in the middle of a fog yet before and after there is nothing there. I do not smoke and the temp is around 75 degreess sooooo, ok.......... I do also hear noises and stuff that can always explained.
Zoe, if you want pics where you do not have to worry about copywrite I will go into where you want to take pics and how meny on 35mm, and mail you the undevloped film for you to prosses, there is no chance of copywrite there. Ask your lawyers and contact me, see below for how.
Wait a minute...I thought trespassing was disrespectful...contradiction??? I worked there for awhile...Ive been in almost all the buildings...
I saw that ghost hunters I even recorded it so I could watch it later I personally think that it was all a hoak. The only reason I ask is because I was just thier recently and something just didnt feel right when I was there. Just wanted to see other peoples experinces with that building. If anyone has any info on any of the other buldings ill check back later love to hear what people have ssen or heard.
My my, we DO have a sacrcastic side, dont we?
Grammer has nothing to do with this site, nor does spelling- just ask Bomb!
Jaz, did you see the Ghosthunters fiasco? It was quite entertaining from a skeptics POV, a couple noises off screen and a door moved in half shot. They called that haunted.
Jason will say his milkshake is haunted now a days! Sheesh.
...'Does anyone here ever gone to mitchell building and something just didn't feel right about it? Just curious to what others have came in contact with.
I am very sorry for my grammatical errors did not realze everything had to be done perfect on a blog...'
No, but at least writing in english might be a good place to start.
sorry, Jasmine *slaps own wrists * you did walk into that a bit.
ok, i'll behave now.
Nothing different across the street really...lots of noise in Pondview...but that was copper thieves I think. Lodge made alot of noise last time we were there.
Does anyone here ever gone to mitchell building and something just didn't feel right about it? Just curious to what others have came in contact with.
I am very sorry for my grammatical errors did not realze everything had to be done perfect on a blog.
Jasmine wrote: "I swear you people are the biggest bunch of idiots who walk the face of the earth. You think that posting on a blog makes you big and tough you really have no life what so ever attacking people cause you think that you are hot shit. I know a man has been on the grounds urban exploring more times than you could have imagined and yet he has more respect for the people that patrol the grounds and the grounds themselves you are probaly one of those idiots that goes in there and destroys things cause you think that it makes you look good to your "girlfriend" if you even really have one and arent just some 40 year old guy who has never been laid sitting behind a computer screen."
And : "First I would like to say that I am sorry ken it wasnt meant towards you i should have been more spefic on who I was addressing I didnt mean that everyone went in there and broke things it was directed to the ones with discrutive personallities some of the other who post on here. I to am very intrested in the property I have visted it and have done a lot of research on the history of it the hospital is very intresting. All I was trying to prove that the people who work for security that is thier job they dont go and make a fuss about it when they arent at work well I should say the ones I have met don't and you are probally right the one named new security probaly isnt a real guard there. All I am trying to get across is that it is thier job and people who have a problem with getting caught shouldnt have gone in the first place everyone with any sense would know that getting causght is always a possbility when you go and do something like this and to lash out at someone because they are doing there job is stupid. I am not saying that all of the guards there are intellgent enough to function but there are a few there who are just there doing thier job so they too can pay thier bills like everyone else.
Ps: I would like to say I not concerned about getting laid I am married I can get laid anytime I want and I am not angry just aggervated that people like you who sound like they should be locked up in a hospital are allowed to be free and roam around with so many people having to suffer the wrath of your stupidty."
Finally: "First I would like to say that I am not new to this site just because you don't post doesn't mean you are new it just means you haven't had anything to say I have read all of the post and I am very intrested in the things that go on there I have done my fair share of research. I also have to say as far as bashing how is my bashing any diffrent than what was done to refering to all the security as the same wich I happen to take offense of because one of my faimly members is security there and it is not fair to couple them altogether just because you have beef with one. I have been in there many times and love the fact in certian places you step back in time and the history blows my mind I did a paper on it in my american history class. So your assumptions on me would be the same of my assumptions made towards the people I was directing it to so instead being so defensive that I am bashing the people on here try looking at from a diffrent point of view as if it was somone in your family and a person was on here saying the things that were said about mine. I will continue going back to the site so I can learn more and as far as posting on here maybe it was my mistake to even be intrested in what you all have to say about it because if your closed minded enough to push people away because they don't see things the same way you do or feel the same way you do.
Nothing I said was directed towards Ken if you would have read everything with out jumping the gun you would have seen that.
Also maybe it was my mistake to say rude things about other since that doesn't make me any better than them just try to think it of what if it was some one in your family that they were saying rude things about.
I mean no harm in posting here and wil still continue to read what is posted because maybe I will learn something new about the hospital then agian maybe I won't since the only thoughts that are wanted here are those that people that agree and feel the same way you do."
Okay, lets start this off from the top, shall we?
Your first POST is the first evidence that you, as "Jasmine", have been to the site. As I have no software that can monitor who "ghosts" the site, I have no way of knowing if you had been studying the forum for years, or just hopped on and started "flaming" some of the regulars here. Your initial offering was somewhat caustic.
Now your apology to Ken post,
Nicely done, and correct, some UE are vandals, some are not. Also, some people here respond to antagonistic posts that are purported to be posted by security personel on the NSH site. I also believe that most of them are from individuals that like to try and get a rise out of people, "trolling" I believe is the term . Dont take them to heart, as you did not direct your comments toward Ken, neither were these comments directed against all security at NSH.
And frankly, I couldnt care less who here gets laid, by whom, what where how or when.
And lastly, the "assumptions" post
You have a family member working there, and you still trespass on site? Wow, how disrespectful is THAT?? Did you ever consider the embaressment if you were to get caught, or the potential problems it could cause the family member if it appeared they were looking the other way for you? Just posting that HERE could instigate an investigation into the people that, as you pointed out, are just there trying to make a paycheck.
And you can drop the defensive line also- your initial offering was bashing ,well, pretty much everyone, as you did not specify untill the second and third post that you were basically responding "knee jerk" fashion to what people were saying about a family member in NSH security. Not exactly the way to win hearts and minds. Think for a moment, if you walked into a room full of people who did not know you, and said " people are the biggest bunch of idiots ...", what do you think their response would be? "Oh, hey, stranger, you're right, we are all idiots, thanks for pointing that out to us."?
When you write anything, you are using that medium to represent yourself to anyone who reads it. Once its out of your hands, you have no control over who reads it, and they can only base their opinion of the author on what is contained in her writings. True, assumptions are based on what is read. Human nature, I'm afraid. Much as you yourself did here. And after you settled down and realized not everyone here was a bonehead, you seem to have revised your opinion.
No one wishes to push anyone away who is interested in the NSH site. If you have read back over the past months, you would have seen there are many who believe NSH is haunted, and I am a skeptic who doesnt agree. Different opinions do not make enemies, but insults and personal attacks can. Nobody wants that. We want to share info on the site.
So , here is a suggestion, Jasmine: How about you post some info or questions or the like about the NSH site itself? Where you went, what you saw, any "paranormal" activity, and if theres anything that the people here can help you with. Its pretty obvious you are passionate about the site, so how about joining in? You and your adventures are certainly a welcome addition to the forum. Bend your verbal sword into a plowshare, and share your experiences with the forum, please.
sorry for my rather acid Brit humour here jasmine and i know you wont like this but i hope when you did your paper in your american history class that you speak of your grammar was a little better because frankly, reading that gave me a headache.
you dont have to apologise for Preston being greedy JPT its hardly your fault but thankyou!i guess they dont care much one way or the other now demolishment is imminent. the insurance would just be too high for personal safety as the place is in such a shit state. if i were in the states right now id meet you for a drink and probably go in anyway but do i want to jump on a plane only to find i cant get in? probably not. at least not today but looks like i may not have a lot of time to decide if its worth it now
The copyright issue is bothering me less and less now as you say, hard to prove when or by who the pix were taken.
can i just say thanks to all the guys on here (and sparkles ofcourse) who have been so welcoming to me and a mine of information and great pictures (ken) that have helped me with my research into NSH. You guys rock
First I would like to say that I am not new to this site just because you don't post doesn't mean you are new it just means you haven't had anything to say I have read all of the post and I am very intrested in the things that go on there I have done my fair share of research. I also have to say as far as bashing how is my bashing any diffrent than what was done to refering to all the security as the same wich I happen to take offense of because one of my faimly members is security there and it is not fair to couple them altogether just because you have beef with one. I have been in there many times and love the fact in certian places you step back in time and the history blows my mind I did a paper on it in my american history class. So your assumptions on me would be the same of my assumptions made towards the people I was directing it to so instead being so defensive that I am bashing the people on here try looking at from a diffrent point of view as if it was somone in your family and a person was on here saying the things that were said about mine. I will continue going back to the site so I can learn more and as far as posting on here maybe it was my mistake to even be intrested in what you all have to say about it because if your closed minded enough to push people away because they don't see things the same way you do or feel the same way you do.
I mean no harm in posting here and wil still continue to read what is posted because maybe I will learn something new about the hospital then agian maybe I won't since the only thoughts that are wanted here are those that people that agree and feel the same way you do.
found link to agenda, maybe I am paranoid but I think they are hiding them from me now? looks like they are not going with Shimelman or Manafort Brothers Inc either, now talking to a company called S&G funny how they narrow things down to two companies and go with someone else completly. I seem to remember they did the same thing then they switch security firms. I like reading the minutes better but the agenda does give you a pre look at whats going on
also found this that tells that they are useing motion sensors for alarms and talks about exterior lighting but is written early in the month
the statue of limitations on trespassing ends when you leave the property, unless they get you on video and it can be 100% identified as you, even if they catch you on the street with a camera filled with let say 1000 pics (I can see this happening to me) and you are not in any of the pics they can't prove with out reasonable doubt that you just found that camera on the ground and would like to know where the lost and found is located, you can have a back pack full of knifes, lock picks, hammers and well anything and they have to prove 100% that it is yours. that's what is so great about our country. I can kill someone on video tape, in front of 10 witnesses and when they book me, i am still just a suspect.
the pics become public domain as soon as they are posted with out any type of copy writing on a public forum, like mine. I can really careless who uses them and what happens to them. I have had a few of my pics added to collections with my permission. you can water mark any photo which will stand up in court as long as you have an original copy that is stamped digitally as all cameras do. these cam be faked but it is very hard
as for they idea about doing an article about UE, there have been articles and documentarys about this already. lawyers hate this and it will not compare to the story zoe's already doing about old sanitariums. but if it was me I would go a slightly different angle, I would do a small story on how bad UE is and how much trouble and damage has been done by some, I would shed a negative light on the activity and then do a tag along. as long as you shame us very bad people who trespass your lawyers will love it. once you have your pics for that article you can just resource them for your current article
I can care less what anyone thinks about me, maybe I should be locked away........ then I wont have to sneek into these places. I can just wait till they close the one I am at. lol
Zoe-curity..... that made me giggle
Well, if you could see the size of this place, it is huge, with no fence to prevent anyone from just walking on site. Add plenty of wooded areas, trees, and the buildings themselves, and infiltration for even the most rudimentery U.E. should be simple. They have a handfull of security personel on site at any given time, and theres just NO WAY to secure it as it is. Lets put it this way- Just how effective would the Grenadier Guards really be against a squad of S.A.S., Luv?
Unless they fence the whole damn place in with MacDougal fencing, or hire about 500 guards to stand about 20 feet apart 24/7, it will remain pretty much an open door site. I wouldnt blame the security for being ineffective, I believe their presence is simply token for insurence purposes, as stated earlier.
Ironically, the only sensable way to keep people out is deniablity, to demolish the buildings. So, untill that occurs, I expect there will be people wandering around the facility.
I'd like to apologize for the town being so damned greedy- they bit off WAY more than they could chew when the State bamboozled them into buying the site for a buck. And when you get more than 10 politicians in a room discussing anything, the only thing they will agree on is giving themselves raises, and when to adjourn for lunch! So they are basically screwed, they know it, and the PTiC (Political Things in Charge) are too arrogant and egotistical to admit they made a dumbass move.
Just curious, what is the statute of limitations on trespassing, or more precisely, on photographs taken while trespassing? Trying to figure a legal angle to let you use some of the pics that the good folks here have taken. At what point do they become public domain, and therefore are useable by one and all for free?
Hmmm, wait a minute. What if you did an article on the U.E. themselves, instead of the site? Kind of an expose? Investigative reporting , maybe taking a trip in with them, to see their methods and write first hand about the people themselves! A few strategically placed distortions to maintain anonimity in the pictures, and you might have some workable photos? You see the I.R. here always going in with petty warlords in Stinkyboolooland, Africa, or some other 5th world cesspit, so the dictator for life can explain to the world his righteous fight for freedom of his people, before he gets overthrown by another faction, which is generally the next day.
Anyway, still trying to work an angle.
If you ever do get the green light to hop the big pond, let us know, we'll meet at a local bar and you can see why Monty Python says American beer is like making love in a canoe!
The transformer where the garages were powers chiller,pier lights,pump house lights and pump itself... I still dont understand retro fitting Admin with electric the whole system is shot...huge waste. if you stand behind Theatre you can hear the tramsformer buzzzzzin was a big part of rounds because if the pier lights went out CoastGuard had to be dispatched right away...and the pumphouse had to be checked hourly to ensure it was working......
Obviously it has been a while since I have posted here..I however have ghosted the forums here while dealing with moving and a bunch of other personal issues. Forbidden has always been a place where 4-5 of us have shared relevant information about NSH. I know..almost factually that none of the regulars here are responsible for the condition of Norwich. People have read the stories put out by PRA and others saying that trespassers are responsible for the condition of the grounds..Granted WE are not the only people who may have dared the Norwich site, Surely others may be responsible for theft and the increase in damage of the site..However reading through the article posted by Sparkles and the minutes from the PRA ..and everything else along those lines..I want the people whom believe that this message board is a dwelling for vandals and look back at the posts..realize that when the town the state and every other organization has had a presence at the Norwich buildings is when things have collapsed and damage has been done. The state talks about the out-rage because of utility bills in the article..B.S ..for anyone who knows the site..NO pumps there have any means of running the powerhouse houses a small electrical box meant strictly for the chiller..everything else is dead..either decayed and water damaged or torn out of the walls. The state is making more and more excuses to tear down a building that has been placed on the historical societies preservation list..If the buildings are unfit..there is an excuse to remove them from preservation and excavate the property..They talked about how much money has been set out yearly for security..and then talk about the amount estimated in loss of downspouts,gutters,copper flashing and copper pipe from the entire site..Honestly.. I say take the wage you paid security and add the estimated amount of loss to the budget for you know how much you have literally paid security to walk around and pick the place apart..They can't nail this on trespassers..most things that are gone from that place are nearly impossible for one person to pull off..a group is obvious and how can you transport from the site without being seen?? ..isnt it clear..?? OF course UE will get the blame.. Because we go in and take pictures to preserve..and feel the buildings past..Flash photography clearly is responsible..
I guess..what I am trying to say..overall that the new users to the site should take into account that you can read our back posts..You will see that none of us want anything to happen to the site. Norwich means a lot to most of the users of this specific board. We can in fact all get along..If Norwich means something to you..and your maybe jealous we have the nerve to go and feel that buildings past..or not..You do belong on this get your answers from the people who have them..FACTS assumptions.
I dunno JPT, we didnt expect them to be asking for so much money, around 10k (around $16,000). the boss is still talking about it but im not holding my breath and looking for alternative sites
also id like to know who Jasmine is referring to with this comment
'.....I am not angry just aggervated that people like you who sound like they should be locked up in a hospital are allowed to be free and roam around with so many people having to suffer the wrath of your stupidty..."
i sincerly hope it isnt Ken. He most definitely doesnt deserve that bollox
Nice link from Ricky B to the Courant. thanks for posting. Whatever the personal opinions on the NHS sec posted on here it cant be denied from the article that they've been hugely unsuccessful over the years at doing the job they were paid alot of money to do.
Ah well.
Perhaps a bit more...colorful... than I would have put it. In no way should anyone feel that they shouldnt post here, all we are asking for is a little respect until we display we dont deserve it. And if any go back, you will see that contention and disagreements are a time honored tradition on this forum. However, mostly it has been between the FP-NSH-UE regulars, who have come to know one another a bit. When someone comes in out of left field with guns-a-blazin', its time to defend our "turf" so to speak. So Jaz, Delta, and all others who wish to be heard, c'mon in, the waters fine, just come with a smile on your face instead of a snarl, and you just may find you make some fast friends here. Who knows, we all may just learn something new!
BAE, I wasnt really gone, just lost. Paul, Still the charmer! Ken, dont fade away, you seem to be a good fit here, even if you have exhausted your U.E. of NSH, you still have a lot of valuable and usefull information for others who are interested in what appears to soon be naught but a memory, NSH. Zoe, any chance of getting in before they turn NSH into Norwich State Rubble?
All others, new and old, keep the faith, it appears we are all about to witness the final chapter in the NSH saga. As such, you are all a part of her history, whether you ran thru the halls smashing and stealing shit, or silently walking thru the now quiet buildings, you left your mark in your own way, and when she is long gone and forgotten, your pictures, documentation and most importantly, your memories, will be all that remain. You have been the last who have walked thru her, and what many see as an eyesore, your eyes have unveiled the beauty and sadness in her death throes, and NSH could not have had a better group of people to know and love her as she becomes no more.
JPT says its a fitting end to a place of hope and fear, success and failure.
That's my baby!
YEA! suck it pig!!! go back to myspace you pompus douche
JPT, you're back! yay!
I love when people come on here talking shit and saying how stupid we all are. So reading all of our nonsense, wouldn't that make you stupid? I think it's pretty stupid to go wasting your time reading everything on here if you really think we're all idiots. Umm, and Paul does have a girlfriend. And yes, security does have a job to do which is fine by me. (I don't get caught) And FYI, none of us on here destroy anything in that place. (Except maybe bomb based on previous posts from months ago. but that's besides the point) So basically, to anyone looking to start shit, Fuck you. No one wants you posting.
I agree, cann't we all just get along.
JPT is not at all out of line and I agree, I am not in the shape I used to be, you CAN hurt yourself, my rib still kills me when I try to sleep, that was just a slip of the foot and all my weight came down on it and that was it. I thought it was just brused but its been 3 weeks so it must be fractured.
if you go any place that is traspassing, realize you are breaking the law. you must respect security, they are only doing there job. and just chill out, I do this for my own enjoyment, I know the risks and respect the people at and places I go. don't take anything anyone says to hart.
I like most of the people who post here. they share an interest the same as mine, wether you go in or not.
this weekend I will probly go some where else just to do something and then I will get back to NSH for my last visit and will fade out on this part of the site, some of the places I go are not on this site at all, or anywhere at all, I try to vist them every once and a while to see how they have changed, try new palces, and just enjoy myself for myself.
Also, to all newer viewers: Dont be jumping in here full of accusations and holier than thou attitudes, lest you find yourselves on the knee-side of a forum spanking. There are some venerable posters here, Paul , Sparkles, Gatekeeper, Shadowhawk, and Bomb, who will keep you in line, As for the newer posters who come on in with a real interest in the NSH site, Ken, Zoe, etc, welcome aboard.
Be nice folks, play nice with the older kids here, and we'll all get along just fine. Now everybody hold hands and sing Kumbuyah!
It's amazing what has become of the forums here. Having fun?
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