The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
Well to all the people who have left comments.. Im so glad im not the only one!!!! Ive been in a few buildings and took a few memoribilia ? peices for myself. If you respect the place theres a way. If you dont , dont even bother. Its scary! I admit. The people were not just let out on the street, they went to middletown. The last place that holds the crimminaly insane. As for NSH the bridge you cross over from the highway has a cat walk,if come from across river, its locked but if your an experienced climer you can make it. That will take you to the train tracks on hospital side, (best way to get in.)tracks go all the way to norwich train station you can park there if you know where the bustation is and make a day trip outta it. Take tracks all the way to NSH. My mom and dad use to cross the cat walk all the time as kids. My mother grew up right down the street and my sister rented the house across from the commuter parking lot. So I know a littlle. Across were my sister lived I took my metal detector, found silver diper clasps, brass door knobs, theres and old road in the woods, across from commuter parking , and behind parks place thats a lil breakfast nook. Back in those woods was the old REAL state hospital, if you hike you can find it. Its all demolished, but underneith the ground its all still father and I went and his stories are amazing, for instance on the river is the best way in. Under the bridge. If you park at davids is your best bet./ plan on going in the wee morning hrs. best time for a good sunrise on the thames. Walk the tracks but beware there are houses that still people reside in but they have nothing to do with state property. On same land but nothing to do with hospital. If you can find the old oil storage containers the morgue is right there.!!!!! people are still in glass jars bone dust but its people! The creamatory is on the water and theres plenty of ways on the tracks stay away from the road.!!!!!!!!!!! theres always a way. And I understand about all the asbestos and lead, and stuff, ghost hunters did a film on norwich insame asylem, watch it!!!! Google it, you wont beleive you eyes. This site is a love of mine, and in america land of the free, and be free we should be able to go and walk around, why not make it a museum and put it back to its original state , fix it up if you cant knock it down, get some money back into the community,. I would love to hear the history, and say WOWOW I was there that place is CrAzYYYYYYY! lol... the buildings are so beautiful i dont want them to go. Thats a part of norwichs history. LEAVE THE BUILDINGS ALONE! ITS a GRAVE SITE FOR THOSE WHO NEVER MADE IT OUT! THE CEMATARY PROVES IT GO CHECK OUT THE GRAVES !!! there are those who died in the tunnels from tourcher chained n beaten i wanna protest there were alot of murders on that site, and it should become a resting place for history and for those who cant tell there story, should start with across the street and start digging for artifact's and all of us should get together and protest this stupid plan in preston to make condos and studios for the rich i hope the ghosts of nsh haunt them for eternity, ...... I have alot of infor if anyone wants to go we can! text. me. NSH IM IN. to set up a time and meeting spot im for those who are really interested. I dont wanna go alone. I know what haunts that place i have felt it seen it and it will forever haunt me. THe fire dept is burning the buildings and doing drills there, WE CANT LET THEM DO THIS WE MUST PROTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP DESTROYING HISTORY!!!! its ILLEGAL!!! THINK ABOUT IT. WOULD YOU DESTORY HISTORY??????? rACHEl 8^0 8606398560. my bf and I love this place. hope to see you soon/
Yes, yes they are watching the cams.. For those who don't know: the state police barracks are about a minute away. That is who comes to deal with you when you get caught. They WILL bring dogs and multiple troopers!! Apparently, very recently- someone trashed some of the demo crews equipment. They are not amused by this, and want the police to arrest anyone caught! It may seem like no one is around and all, but as I said, the cams are live and being watched now!
Norwich is done, do not go! People have been getting caught!!! I know that to you, I'm just some random person on teh interwebz..but you have to trust me on this- been doing these places for a while- DO NOT try the wich right now! Not sure if they remotely watch the cams now or what-will find out and keep you fine folks posted.
i'm starting up my own urbex magazine and i could use some help with locations in the tri-state area. always down to collaborate with fellow explorers, would love to make this happen over the next few months. e-mail me at if this interests you
Hey, I'm interested in visiting. I'm really interested in photography and bring my camera everywhere i go. I dont know about the security there or that isnt there but if anyone has more info or wants to go and willing to meet with a group im all for it.
email me at or search me on facebook with that email address and msg me there.
im dying to get in there. one of my friend went but he hikes through the woods, hopped a fence and ran until he saw a clearing. if anyone has gone and is willing to go again please let me know.
hey i havent seen security there in months i go by alot im def interested in a trip if anybody is going email me or chat here
Its good to pop on and see new excited explorers attempting to breech the NSH... we plan on a walk by soon. Its been 2 years since the site brought us together ... anyway good to see...
The construction co. handles security now for the most part, and the state police. Then I think there's still normal sec on the norwich side of the street. Can't remember which co. though, as there have been so many. Pretty sure its Madison or ssc though.
Does anybody know what security firm patrols this property?
I'm looking to meet some people to visit Norwich with. Maybe some other sites too. None of the people I hang around with are really interested and I'm not exactly at a level that I'd wanna go myself. Yes? Pl0x?
Just so everyone knows: there are serious cameras now, and the tunnels are completely sealed between buildings (steel plates). I wish I was joking...
And so the cycle begins, all over again..
wyo4x4 id like to talk to you about your experiences on the property. do you have an email?
Hello all, I have some good pointers for anyone wanting to get on the site. I have not been to the larger areas or buildings but I and a friend have gotten in several times. There is an access area in the security fence which is easy to find if anyone is interested. Thank you for the recent relevant posts. Have a good New Year!
So no sammich then?
lol ham sandwich
I'm hungry. Someone go make me an asbestos and tunnel mung sammich.
im confused
the end is here the old girl is coming down slowly so get all your pics an videos .
Love you baby. We gotta go back one more time.
Hey good to see some activity! Sparkles and I still together still exploring! What's new?
Those houses are part of the grounds. They're doctor/staff houses. Most of the other buildings over there are also employee and nurses housing. One was a special needs school, one was a rehab. Would not recommend going on the other side without someone who knows the place well! It can be tricky, it does get patrolled- and they will arrest these days!:0
im surprised i havent seen anyone comment about the ghost town up the street from the buildings. i went there today and in the woods i found a path that lead to about 20 vacant houses. They looked fairly new. Also in this shall i call it neighbor hood was what looked like a hospital. I dont know it all seemed pretty weird that an entire commuity would up and leave. And why were they all built around this hospital? crepppyyy. Also across the street from the fenced off buildings are a few other accesable buildings, anyone know what they were? And is there anyway to get into the fenced in area??
well it sure has been a long time since my eyes have been near this site, just wanted to say hi and i still think of this place from time to time. met some cool people on here, i sure do miss talking to you all everyday. i no longer have a desk job where i can chill on the computer everyday, picked up some very cool job skills that have me working like a dog and makeing money for the navy. lol i have moved out west but may be putting in for orders to head back out near connecticut, what do you guys think? been a long time since ive talked to you sparkles, bomb, paul d, and the rest of the gang. send me an email if yall want to, sparkles maybe? been a long time since ive talked to you, would be cool if you emailed me got a few things i wanna say. besides that, whats new with the place? they started demo? it sure is a sad thought. but theres plenty of cool places ive found out west here!!
Like many of you, the gradual disappearance of Norwich hurts me deeply, and I think Higher Hopes makes a good point. At the very least it would be wonderful to see a meaningful sample of the architecture preserved. Even if that just means the admin. that would be wonderful. I am concerned, however, having kept track of the news, that even plans to save thiz building may be more tentative than concrete. I would urge any of you who would like to see some small part of Norwich last through these dark days to write to the city officials of Preston and Norwich expressing a concern for the valuable history that would otherwise be lost. Really, writing a polite and sincere letter takes only a few minutes of time and can make such a difference.
On behalf/in defense of the Town of Preston. It is sad to hear so many people “Urban Explorers”’ love the Norwich State Hospital and are angry about the developing changes. As you all know, the State of CT owned this property until 2006. Prior to and afterward many of the buildings had been vacant and left for ruins. For those of you who have been to the site before closing or trespassing since, you have enjoyed for countless years, the many unique aspects of the site; whether it be the beauty of the buildings inside and out, the incredible 400 acre piece of property the former NSH sits on, the well documented history of legendary research and events or the what some call the “spooky” paranormal ambiance that surrounds the property both inside the buildings, tunnels and throughout the grounds. It was the Town of Preston’s intention, when purchasing the property for $1.00 and consuming an approx. $30,000,000 (30 million) clean-up debt to develop the property and provide new permanent jobs and still is. The development plan was and is not official to demo all the structures. The environmental clean-up of all the building and grounds is part of the sale agreement and extremely necessary! Through grant and private funding the clean-up, is underway. There has been some discussion of saving some of the buildings for renovation. The Administration building, one of the buildings being restored and saved, this being the Towns own interest and efforts. Preserving the site “as it now stands” isn’t even an option! The buildings are so badly deteriorated, structurally unsound, environmentally deadly for human/animal traffic. Instead of bashing the Town’s effort and the hired contractors, protecting the Towns liability and ultimately yours “the trespassers” from serious harm/injury; why not take the hundreds of thousands of stolen pictures and videos and start selling them to pool your revenues. There are many wealthy people, who may have an interest in the same in offering Donations. The proceeds to fund purchasing from the town, a lot containing a couple buildings to preserve and restore for public access to visit and hold onto your much loved history of the site, for many years to come. There could be an admittance fee, for day and night time tours, rental of a building or rooms for party events or over-night ghost hunting/paranormal seeking stays, publicly advertised documentary presentations, museum of photos and/or art exhibits are just a few ideas. There are so many of you who have captured some amazing photos and/or videos of the site and have done so with deepest respect and love for the site. The site currently is extremely dangerous and for those of you that take this lightly, are encouraging potential harm to yourself and others. View the many of pictures and see for yourself the asbestos and mold, structurally un-safe structures you have photographed, exposed yourselves and encouraged others too. If none of you creative paranormal seekers, elite photographers, urban explorers don’t come up with a creative proposition, the now known Norwich State Hospital will be gone FOREVER!!! So STOP complaining, and DO Something. You will get the assistance and funding even from state agencies, if you have a PLAN with an IDEA you can SELL. Good Luck. I hope you, save at least part of your home, for you to continue to explore and expand on the already incredible history the site holds, and for many others to also enjoy!
Scott is absolutely correct, I went there yesterday, and security has ended pretty much every tunnels existence. You need to get into every building seperately now, and it is a huge hastle. It has gone from being fun to a cruel game security, and the demolition fellas have forced upon us. They have gone from blocking tunnels with wood to straight-up welding massive metal plates in the way. It looks worse everyday there now, and when I go and see something different there it makes me sick to my stomach. As long as there is a building standing there I will be there, but I see a bitter end approaching very soon. It is hard to say my goodbyes, it seems weird to me, and others to love an abandoned hospital so much, but nonetheless, I have grown a huge attachment to this location. To me at this moment it is extremely unfortunate to witness what is happening to Norwich, you know I could cry, but it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
Norwich has become less than it is worth. Security is just playing cat and mouse now. All the people who hold Norwich in their thoughts are giving up, the time that I have spent there will soon just fade into a memory.
Was there last night... They have started demo, but only on a few tunnels and few outter buildings. All the main/big/important buildings are still there. If your gonna go, go now. Only prob is they put huge concrete slabs in front of all the doors... There are still a few places you could get in, but i wont ruin it by posting it here. Email me if you want to go and get in. Everything is still there, but not for long at all.
I'm actually here at the hospital now seems like a lot of demo has is a joke,I'm actually starring at the camera wearing a freddy krugar mask lol while writting cold night about to leave in a few.
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