The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
thats a woman writing... then there are 2 deadones....cuz I know a guard was using the name....
and there should be pictures of naked chicks here too!! and weed. that would be cool...
Of course "she" wouldn't care about sentence structure or punctuation considering the fact that hers is atrocious! (talk about a run on sentance! You ever heard of a period? And I mean other than the one you seem to be on) lmao. And it is what it is. It's what the people make it to be. There is nothing stating that a forum has to be structured a certain way. If you don't plan to go back then don't.
people have been using my name i am the real dead one and yes i am a woman as i have had 2 near death experiences and yes i have been to nsh prior to security i did get an evil sick type of feeling when i was there it is highly contaminated and i don t plan to go back if you want to use this site to discuss these types of topics i am a paranormal investigator why would one care about cops guards and relationships?! The person obvious has a good point that the buildings are in a serious state of disrepair i find it hard to get my punctuation straight when i write in these small spaces. If you wish to have discussions about the paranormal i will be checking the posting periodically if you have anything useful please post and this site is not about sentce structure or punctuation but about free and open discussion or at least it s supposed to be!
Ob(liv)ious. Haha. Nice one JPT. And it may be a bit rundown, but does that mean it looses any significance or that the history there just disappears? And he's a loser so if he wants to pretend he's superior to all of us to make himself feel better then let him. I know it's not true so it doesn't bother me any. (I pity the fool who it does bother)
Phd- M.A.T.T. and Abby are pissing me off. I want to throw them out the window. (I probably would if I could get the cartoon reaction of them bursting into flames upon impact) haha
Based soley on his postings, it seems obvious to me that Ob(liv)ious is just as pretentious and "know it all" as he contends others here are. Except when it comes to sentence structure and punctuation. A bit lacking there, are we, bunky? Consistant capitilization would be nice too.
One thing I must agree with, the NSH site is run down, it does seem (from what I've read) to be heavily contaminated with asbestos, and the pics I have seen do agree with the contention that the buildings are indeed crumbling.
And yes, you DO care, else you would be dealing with the more important things, rather than posting a semi coherant ramble against the regular contributers, in a feeble attempt to elevate your status, not by demonstrating why you are superior, but using the method of attempting to run down others. That creates the illusion that you are better, only in your own mind and those foolish enough to believe you.
As for the part " more important thing s to deal with than people who are full of themselves! ", re-read your post and turn your critical eye inwards.
But thats just JPT's opinion, and OBVIOUS-ly you are welcome to your own.
Go to hell
I have a life thank you. And if it is nothing but run down asbestos filled crumbling buildings then why are you on here talking shit? And you are a hypocritical douche bag saying that we're all know it alls. "Oh yeah by the way the real dead one is a girl and only posted in october" Who's the know it all now? Asshole
wow martin z spar kles it is interesting to know that everybody on here is a know it all and extremely pretentious you all argue on here for nothing but crap a run down asbestos filled ,crumbling buildings and you have such boring lives that this site is what you live for i really don t care what you believe got more important thing s to deal with than people who are full of themselves! Oh yeah by the way the real dead one is a girl and only posted in october ask slyv because alot of people have been using other peoples posts! Au revoir!
Haha! Sparkles slammed your ass! maybe pick another site to be a fool on...cuz you aint cuttin it here. dork.
It's obvious that you're an idiot. How long did it take you to look up those words? First of all, what you said doesn't make sense. You basically called him a novice ass kisser. (relevance?)And second, you spelled neophytic wrong. Neophyte; a beginner or novice at something. (Look it up if you don't believe me) So take your egotistical mentally incompetent ass out of here.
Nice Gay porn link ya are you Lees man? you big sweaty homo you!! way to look like an ass....U truely suck....
Oh HES a guard alright...I know this is fact. many have tried the "Im a girl bit here" however men write like men and women write like women. so if you look back as I did...and check the content and times of posts Its quite clear that Dead1 is male. works 3rd shift. and makes shit up in his head. so moron? no. way smarter than you? yes. lies come thru no matter how hard you try and convince people... Its just plain science....douche.
What other tid bits of useless information do you have for us oh great one?lol you r nothing but a neophitic sycophant! Hahaha rflol
Being of the K-9 variety... Id chase that kitty bow wow wow...ruff!
Rawr! this kitty has claws now!!
Projection room in the theater. Let me know when is best for you.
Dead one is a 3rd shift cop. trust.
teach us o great dead one of the ways of being sneeky!!! lol so yer a cop from what i hear, thats pretty cool. the only reason i would become a cop is if i had a cool ass sidekick, like in the movies, lol but anyways, down to buisness, i havent seen a post from you in a while, but ive been meaning to ask you, do you ever experiance anything that could be considered paranormal while patrolling nsh? ever hear anything unusual or have any odd feelings in certain spots? just thought id ask i havent seen ya in a while. topic has been sitting in the back of my mind.
where did diggity go? i thought his posts were halarious!
I have been standing back at a distance from what I have experienced most of you all get caught by the
Just go dude...whats to plan? kettle is open...go in there. have fun.
Is there anyone here who is serious about visiting NHS? There seems to be a lot of bullshitting going on here, and I could care less about anyones lovelife. I'm going to be in the area in May and wonder if anyone here would want to plan a trip.
tell me when an were GUARD damn lol
Great crowd! try the meatloaf...dont forget to tip your bartender and waitstaff....(sound of crickets chirping)
Ok, maybe I should clarify things a little bit here. I do not make fun of those who stutter or anything like that. (Everyone has there flaws) I only say this to John because his is outrageous when he starts to lie. Like the deeper the lie gets the more he stutters. That's all. Not trying to make fun of those who have issues.
Ok John, I will tell Paul to be nice. But here's the catch; I will only do so if you return my belongings, or give me the money to replace them. Ball is in your court now. Do with it what you wish.
Bomb- Wow. Things are not good nor will they ever be good. You know you were nowhere near kettle so don't even try and pretend you were. And learn how to spell GUARD right you idiot. (It's pretty sad that you can't even spell your own job title correctly) Too bad you don't stutter when you type. That would be awesome. People would really be laughing then. muah haha
hey did you like the light show iam in kettle now if you have a smoke mybe i will come out an talk to you lol
so were good now
How you get it from Rat fink? Him an Gary both love takin Fags No time for paybacks yet...goin back 2 Haiti asap!!! love them tropics! gotta stay warm...
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