The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
i think your wright NOT!!!!!!!! sorry man this is what i do
married with children, and no intention of changing that. Also, my days of clambering around old buildings is long gone, too old and fat for that. all I can do these days is live vicariously thru the younger generation. Plus, my employer wouldnt look too kindly if I was to get busted for something like trespassing- security clearance issues. Fredrick Barny Ike would take a dim view.
Sparkles: Uh Huh. well, good luck with all that. Sex and Death. Seen plenty of both, and not afraid of either. Have you? Just FYI, once you smell a decaying human body, you'll never forget it, Rotten with sweet undertones. Be carefull, as I mentioned earlier, you may find a predator. I've seen a guy take 3 shots of Capstun to the face and still come back for more, and if someone is on PCP, you can empty a 9mm clip into him and he'll still keep coming. Groin shots included. Some whack job dont realize you're just flirting, and you could wind up somewhere you dont wanna be. And you'll never see it coming. Google Micheal Ross.
Martin Z: Why do you keep letting people push your buttons?
GK- Okay, why dont you take a few pics and a quick video and post them. I for one would be interested to see it. Not interested in games. but I am an open minded skeptic, so like they say in Missouri: Show Me. As for your other theories, with all due respect, the logistics of running an operation like that would be so enormous, you would have trucks in and out all day long. Not to mention support personel. Even Skunkworks had an tremendous amount of people and supplies flown in daily. Check it out after a storm, not much more than the guards vehicles. And believe me, the US military is NOT subtle, they would be posting hummers with .50 cals all over the damn place!
Bomb- look, you seem to know a little, you have at least done some research. Why dont you stop fooling around and put it to use? Get organized, stop being so antagonistic, and maybe you can do something significant. You get enough documents outta there, maybe you WILL have a smoking gun.
Oh and to all- I drove by a few days ago, and noticed a couple buildings on the opposite side of the street, the trees and brush has all been pulled down, and it looks like all the windows were opened. First thought was airing it out/clearing it up for demo, but with the asbestos there, they wouldnt be opening windows, but covering it with plastic. Dont know whats what, just an observation.
But this is just JPT's opinion, and you are welcome to your own.
Holy fuck! I'm becoming more popular than the hospital itself! Queen of the grounds, huh? Bomb, thank you for putting a claim on my pussy. I was worried someone else would take it. haha..... And what do you mean, "I will pack it up an become a damn ghost hunter"? You're part of my team so that doesn't make sense you ass. lol..... Martin- you realize you spelled "there" wrong when you were telling bomb to spell correctly? lol. I happen to look hot during a full moon... And I lure the horny dimwitted internet population to the grounds. It's only because their blood tastes better though... Virgins are the best.... You know what I've learned? Having a pussy is great. I wouldn't trade it for anything! Do you guys really like it that much? I can mesmerize you with pussy and control you all.... muahahaha. (And fyi, I DO purr) Hey bomb, call me tonight mee-oww
~*The Queen*~
Oh, and if you guys decide to go there then watch your blood. I'll steal it when you least expect it... And a tip, I like the vain that runs through your groin (especially if you're a young pretty lil thing) haha
First fucking take 3 seconds and spell correctly! jesus! bomb we proved u aint been thre in years so shut up...gatekeeper is on acid thats all! Sparkles is a zombie Im just bored... zin!
this is to everbody you my read this THERE IS NO DOOR IN WITCH HE SPEAKS OF TRUST ME I THINK THIS I A SET UP OR JUST A REALLY STUPIED JOKE.hey gaykeeper way don,t we both go look for this so called door tell when an were to meet you an if there is a door me an you will find it ok . ok if he is right i will pack it up an become a damn ghost hunter ok
ok, so, since everyone seems pretty skeptical about my theorys, i propose a challenge, through interveiwing many people i have learned of a door, i challenge you all to find this door and take pictures of it, the door appears to be brand new, and warm to the touch and voices can be heard behind this door, and just so you know that you have found the right door, it is said that this door is secured by newer looking padlocks. find this door, and then open it, or at least attempt. there is no reward for this challenge, but this is simply a call to bring an old investigation back on the table, a cold case you could call it. since i hope we are all here because we investigate things and try to find answers, im hopeing that this is what will prove my theory, even if you guys arent into my theory, just pay attention to the things ive told you, and keep an eye out for them. especially the specifics. that way we all can bring something to the table before we lose these buldings to time and the art of decay...
ok first off there was no testing second there are no ghost sorry sparkles this is just a very big nut house that through the years people like to tell tall tales about what they think went on her not what they know ok.come on people have you listen to your self you sound crazy dew sorry man this place closed in 1996 an the onlything going is the gaurd driving around an around looking for us lolololo. dew try this find somebody that worked her ask them what went on her.this is what they will say .i think this is what went on her/not in know what went on her turth is in the words sorry i know people make this place out to be some great haunted nut house but all in all its just a broken down old nut house by people telling all there tall tales throw the years making in bigger then it is sorry man
did you have fun driving around in your clown car tonight you coffee drinking fag i was there every night you never got but you did do alot of sleeping an talking on your phone you mall cop
it sound like your talking about this first hand or did she break your heart .anyway this sweat pussy all mine meowmeowlololololololol
I bet she purrrrrrsss....if you know where to pet her...IF....being key... I think maybe Sparkles is an escaped "Test" subject....I think perhaps this NSH "Siren" lures the dim witted internet population into the facility...forced mating rituals date back to mongoloids forced re populaion of certain new england areas most of us know about. has anyone seen her durring a full moon cycle? be careful when planing your trips she leaves the drained bodies under the Theater storage areas with the coolers. why else would she be queen of the grounds? think about it. I did........ .......... .... ... .. ..
lol bomb hey everyone happy new year...some of you have some wild imaginations dont ever stop being creative just use some common sence.
i think your right because he the new kid on the block. hey sparkls have a nice life see you an jpt in the shadows some time have fune with hime goodbye
sounds to me like meow is looking for a date
What's wrong with big pink stuffed animals? I love them! But anyways, what you're saying makes sense. But you can say it til you're blue in the face and people are still going to believe what they want to believe. And if you can find a non-paranormal way of creating the same effect then why don't you come along with me some day... I need more people like you. And I don't think that everyone who reads this can add 2+2. You've read the things some of these people write.... And as far as rational and logic go, you may as well be talking to a wall because that just soars right over most of these peoples heads... You should seriously think about talking to me sometime...
Well, lets just say this about that: I've been involved in goverment /military interests for nearly 30 years, and what I've found thru hands on experience is this- if NSH was being used by the US govt/military, at least half of it would be full of documentation, mil-specs, form blah blah stroke blah blah dash blah, and at least 20 to 1 support personel for each "test subject". As for the bucket, someone probably stole it from the sub base. I used to have golf balls with "PROPERTY US GOVT" stamped on them- I wouldnt get too excited about that. COuld have been from an Army Navy surplus store too.
GK, the GRD is a Gods Honest Truth- I spent 2 1/2 years filling that retarded shit out, and I dont think anyone even reviewed it.
As far as a military office, just a guess here, but they probably had some US Vets in there, and some obscure reg insisted that there be an office there in case someone started spouting DOD sensative information.
My question to you, bomb, is if the guards are so lazy and inept as you suggest, why would you be surprised they hung out around the most open areas? If they are THAT bad, they wouldnt be there. They would send MPs or Marines at the least. And yes, they can be given orders to shoot first and ask questions later.
My gut feeling is therers more politics that poltergeists left floating around there.
But, thats just JPT's opinion, and you're welcome to your own.
i agree with bomb, just driving by you can tell that there are a lot of traffic between those buildings that bomb has mentioned. the army people that i interveiwed, from what they could tell me, (you know they gotta be secretive!) have said that besides the testing, they have heard people screaming, all around the campus, screaming that they are being held against their will. and its not just the military people that have heard the crys for help, i think they are trying to use paranormal as a coverup to make people think these crys for help are just spirits, i think these crys for help are real people. real people trapped, and being subjected to inhumane type of testing.
jpt that is only half the story man i have the rest everything you are talking about i have see it,s true. when the trueth get,s out it,s going open people eyes about this place. ok why is there a miltiry office in the basement of kettle an also one in lodge an admen. funny anybody that been here knows this is the area the gaurds hang out the most.there job is to patrol the hole site but almost never go acrost the street funny ha if you every watch this gaurd one night what you will see is they do patrol the grounds but they really gaurd this three building as if there something in them an don,t mean us . the building iam talking about are kettle,admen,lodge,mybe also gallup
hit up my email, the one without the number after it
hahaha you do have a point with the americans thing! lol i havent heard about this but i really wouldnt put it past us hahahahaha. anyways, just so everyone is clear, my statements are just crazy theorys i have come up with, just by putting peices of the puzzle together. basically my beleif is that there is human testing going on at nsh, i know for a fact that the army is involved in some sort of testing on the nsh grounds. i know this for a fact after interveiwing some extreamly reliable rescources that wish to remain anonymous. if you guys havent noticed there is a picture somewhere online with a bucket that was found somewhere on the grounds of nsh with the words u.s. department of defense on the side of the bucket. i will find this pic and post the link. so i guess my warning to all is be careful when walking around on the grounds of the place, you never know if you will be grabbed and never heard from again while they r performing lobotomy on youre brain, and who knows what else. but i am a firm beleiver in my theorys, call me crazy, call me a conspiracy theorist, but seriously all just take a step back and ponder the possibility of it. just think about how real this could bee.....
Well, I can address the homeless issue- when patients were released from NSH, the were taken to downtown, given x amount of $$, and told to get on a bus to their home towns. Now, these folks were 'cured" so that shouldnt have been a problem for readjusted members of society, right? Wrong answer. A fair number of these people wandered off, spent their money on whatever, food, booze, big pink stuffed animals, and then just hung around the area, indigent.
Now, being able to add 2+2, kiddies, its pretty evident that when the NSH shut down, they were no longer dropping former patients off with instructions for a bus ride home, and therefore fewer were remaining behind and bolstering the homeless population of the area. Thru natural attrition, the population has dropped. (There is still quite a large homeless population in Norwich, btw.)
Sorry if this is too mundane for the conspiricy theorists out there, but it IS a rational, logical, reason for the homeless issue Gatekeeper mentioned.
As for the other paranormal items mentioned, I coform to the Amazing Randi school of thought: I'm not saying it isnt possable, but I will say I bet I can find a non-paranormal way of creating the same effect.
Americans not stupid? Well, when a major defense contractor names a design validation process for (arguably) one of the most sophistcated ships in the world after a redneck comedians catch-phrase (Git R Done), I might have to debate that point!
But HEY! Thats just JPT's opinion. You are welcome to your own.
I forgot your email... Is it the same as before but with a number or something after it? And where are you getting your theories from? I told you what day I am going, right?
Hey C. Rag, I'm hungry! I want ravioli dammit! haha
and one more thing, notice that since i started posting my theorys, it has cause quite the stir, like dammed makeing warrents acusations. come on guys, we americans arent stupid. stubborn but not retarted. the state can try to hide as much as they want behind there gaurds but i assure you the truth will come out. very soon. i have one more fact for you: every company that has ever shown interest in purchaseing the property, were only given a limited tour of the property, they were not allowed to veiw certain areas of the property. which is funny, if you are going to buy something, dont u want to inspect the whole thing? state, you can only hide behine youre gaurds for so long until someone finds you out, or in this case just puts the puzzle peices together and starts suggesting it. come on guys, look at the big picture, they are hideing something there........
hey my friggen email isnt working today, they friggen messed with the system today trying to install a new type of program. nobody here has email so i guess if i cant get into contact with u email me on my personal email. ok so down to buisness, i have good reason to beleive that there is more than meets the eye about nsh, on mulitple occasions, there can be seen on the side of one of the buildings, either a hearse, or an ambulance accomanied by a police car. i think there are still some type of operations going on there. im thinking medical reasearch, and not the legal kind. there is a hidden door somewhere there that is supposedly a new looking door, and when you touch this door it is warm to the touch and voices can be heard from behind this door. i have no idea where this door is, but a few guys stumbled upon it a couple years ago and with the recent gaurds being there has made it impossible for them to find it again. has anyone noticed that the indigiounous (homeless) population in the neighboring cities has slowly decreased since 1996 coincidently the year the place closed. also ironically, how is the homeless population going down when the unemployment rate is going up. also, does anybody find it odd how the state has been complicateing the sale of the place for years, and you know the state pays over $150,000 a year just to have the place guarded. what r they trying to hide guys? just a bunch of crumbleing buildings? trying to keep people from getting hurt? i dont think so, i think there is way more to the story than we know. think about the location of it, nobody would even think twice about it, a few miles down the road from pfizer, o yeah and think about this, pfizer has said they dont do any sort of animal testing anymore. yet a friend of mine who used to live next to somebody who worked there, found a binder in the trash one day accidently, outlineing the testing of a chemical substance on dogs, and this was dated very recently. he threw away the binder for fear of being silenced and you know what im talking about. come on guys, you have to look at the big picture. there is more than meets the eye. way more.
Gee, warrents are being pursued because of anonymous posters on a forum claiming to have commited misdomeaner tresspassing/ vandalism?
Somehow I seriously doubt a judge would issue a warrent based on the ramblings here! Add to the fact that you can only at best tie down a particular IP, not who was actually posting from it, plus the cost to process said warrents, the cost to serve them (via CT Sherriffs, who dont work for free), etc etc, it seems that even if all served were found guilty, and fined the maximum, it would still be a money losing prospect.
Damned, either you are pulling some legs here, or you need to invest in a better quality of liquid refreshment.
But, thats just JPT's opinion. You are welcome to your own.
fyi ongoing investigation warrants in progress you have yourselves only to blame.
when you plan to drop the name you claim to know and how you know . You are making up stories such a lyer.
hahahaha copper has you all pegged. I agree . stay in school myob and get a real job with an your info is not secure.
So you know bomb is a kid.... You know noone times and amount of guards are incorrect. Where do you get your information from marvel comic books?
I suggest you all watch what you are doing a few of you are being monitored and e mail names are being monitored. Heed this warning!
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