The hospital first opened its doors in 1904 in Norwich, Connecticut. It was built in an idyllic location chosen for its therapeutic properties overlooking the River Thames.
The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. All of the structures were interconnected by a large network of underground utility tunnels. These tunnels transported electricity, hot water, and patients to various areas on the grounds. The hospital remained self-sufficient, almost like a small town, with its own power plant, pump house, working farm, kitchen, theater and church.
Over 3,000 patients and 1,000 employees were residents on the asylum grounds in the 1950’s.
Slowly patients began to leave Norwich State Hospital due to deinstitutionalization and it permanently closed its doors in 1996. Since then time has basically stood still on the property with a few exceptions. Currently there is talk about converting the grounds into a theme park, but nothing has been set in stone.
After a long tedious drive we leave the car in a commuter parking lot close to the buildings. Ever the vigilant group of explorers we notice a State Trooper making his rounds and dive into the forest for cover. Luckily we outsmarted the police yet again and after regrouping walk along the Thames River for a few hundred feet. We finally see the abandoned pump house looming in the distance and decide to make this our entryway into the campus.
This site has a reputation for being well guarded, well patrolled, and does not take kindly to trespassers. I am always on edge when exploring across the Atlantic and the numerous “State Property – No Trespassing” signs that litter the grounds did not bode well for my paranoia. Instead of exposing ourselves above ground to security and prying eyes, we decided to take the underground route through the utility tunnels.
Using the tunnels we explored many buildings without ever being forced to go outside. This method of travel was soon confirmed to be the safest. On our first attempt to venture outside we were only a few feet away from a security officer in a black uniform. Fortunately he didn’t look our way and we quickly receded back into the tunnel network. For a while we hid in the abandoned theater so we could look around the campus without being seen.
This encounter with security dampened our spirits and made our visit a whole lot shorter than we would have liked. We made our grande exit through the empty chapel, this allowed us to avoid walking back through the forest. As we were walking back to the commuter lot to pickup our car we noticed the State Trooper had been watching us as we suspiciously walked down the road. I wonder where we went to and were coming back from?!
Archive document introducing a new therapy (click to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
JPT and Sparkles. I have to hang my head. I have been living in CT almost my entire life and had never heard of Holy Land. As in all the other areas of exploration there are those who go to study the architecture, paranormal activities, etc... and those to destroy and mock. I like to study how things are built and what nature does to things we build once we leave. I will post some pictures I took in the future.
Here's a website that has some pictures. If anyone should go there let me know if it's worth checking out. I wouldn't mind going to see it myself one day.
Just found out about Holy Land yesterday, dont have an particulars besides a Christ theme park shut down in the ninties, owned now by nuns (!), and being over run with vandals. Waterburys not that big, should be easy to find with a little digging.
No, I'm afraid my exploration days are over, I can only rely on the younger and more spry individuals to crawl around and bring out stories and pictures for old fahts like me!
I just stumbled upon this (website and hospital history) for the first time tonight. I'm fascinated by paranormal activity and I have an appreciation for architecture. I'd be VERY interested in exploring this hospital, but I don't know that I have enough experience running from security and cops. Especially if they have night vision goggles. (WTF with that?) Does anyone know what security is like now? As in, October 1, 2009. Or, better yet, is it even possible to go exploring these days? Some posts make it seem like its not possible to even get into. Thanks.
Anybody ever venture to Holy Land in Waterbury? Abandoned Jesus-theme park. Love to see some pics of it.
brandee i was wondering, what did the guy in the truck do ? was he security or one of the state workers or contracters that have been driving and looking around for demolition possibilities. also i would assume for photo ops it was a daytime encounter?
I am a full time model and was asked to meet a guy off location and ride with him over to this place. I told him i would have to have a escort to at least drive me over to meet him.When i told him this he canceled the shoot. Then i had another model from NH write me and tell me the same story about how they wanted to pick her put but she would have to have a friend at least drive her to meet him. He then canceled the shoot on her also. He wanted to do strait jacket stuff there. After him canceling i thought i would go on my own i got around the place by car for about 15 mins got shit loads of pics. When the guy in the truck caught us he was extremely weird. I just dont get why its sooo guarded
Sean, the tracks are usually one of the best ways in, the place is dark and hard to cover. You just have to be quiet and careful. I almost walked into one who had parked the truck and was standing in a doorway just listening. Night vision does come in handy. Since the trouble out there has started though I haven't gone there. I was travelling last few days to check out other areas. Level, You have it right and I got suckered into the fool's act. Security has been in an uproar lately though and they're real touchy.
I suppose you are right. I just get so annoyed when little twirps like bomb try and ruin things for other people. Very selfish. If it weren't for people like him than maybe the rest of us could explore without getting into that much trouble. Security is so uptight because of people like him. So good luck to those of you who wish to visit without confrontation.
Going on October 31st. That's the best day to not get caught. haha. And it doesn't matter what or who you are. Bottom line, you're a loser no matter what. If we are all so dumb then why are you wasting your time? You really have nothing better to do? You are a very pathetic individual you know that. Whatever, karma is a bitch and she has a major ass whooping waiting in store for you. Have a nice day!
And all I wanna do is take some pictures.
I walked the railroad tracks yesterday, found a trail leading to an access road that took me back out to the main road, right next to the main campus. If I walk the tracks a half mile or so further, that will seemingly put me right in the back yard of the main campus. Is that a good idea?
And maybe I shouldn't be talking with "guard" on here? I'm one of the good guys though!
I don't think they will take you in the buildings for liability reasons. I'll check the paper and see when the next tour is set up.
I have yet to see the tunnels this year, but I can attest to the stepped up patrols out there. I played tag with them for a while last summer and they came damn close to seeing me. Luckily the cammo I was wearing held up and I didn't breathe while they were about 5 feet from me.
Overall, the kiddies doing the vandalism and stupid behavior have really ruined it for anyone just out to take some nice stills of the asylum. Thanks to them, the Securitas folks have stepped up their game and have itchy dial fingers to call the state cops. I actually got rousted last time just walking on the road and taking some photos from the street. The cop came up and harassed me, saying I could not take pictures. This was a bogus argument, but he wanted to make it. I even whipped out the law on the subject where public property is concerned... He still just gave me the BS line of get out of here.
I too have tried to get permission to shoot there. I in fact contacted Jodi Rell and she sent me to the DEP. DEP just said "no" end of story, even with waivers, legal agreements, and a promise only to shoot exteriors. All in all, this site is a problem for the state from its history being a mental institution that alleged abuse occurred to now being a superfund site really for cleanup. So, they really don't want people there for a few reasons. The top of the list I think is they are afraid of a multi million dollar law suit and bad press should someone get hurt or killed there.
On the whole IR thing and starlight scopes, I think its exceedingly stupid to attempt to run about the place at night to start. That said, I can see them investing in the tech to catch the fools who are doing this. If you get busted running about in a ninja suit at night because they have thermal IR or starlight goggles, well, shame on you. Honestly, the only way to shoot the place is with any ambient light you can get and maybe some strobes.. But at night, its just asking for trouble.
On another note, its pretty bad form to be leaving your email addresses and phone numbers in an open forum... Its just asking for trouble or, you are a plant looking to bring people to the site to make a bust... Just dumb.
I totally agree with PhotoOP... Umm As for >>bomb<< & >>NorwichTunnelDog<< I don't know if you really even read what he was saying or maybe you should be admitted for your mental and temper issues.<br /> I say this because I clearly noticed that PhotoOP says at the end and I'll specifically quote it... "I hope this bit of info enforces the fact that this place is well guarded, but I also hope the dedicated and determined explores still prevail and enter the facility...I patiently await your stories and photos. I'm envious! Good luck!!"
I'm going to assume you obviously didn't give him the curtousy to finish reading his comment! So grow up and clean up your mouth. And that's for >>bomb<< and >>NorwichTunnelDog<<</p>
Wow, such a hostile crowd! I thought I was doing a favor by sharing some knowledge I obtained, but I guess it rubbed everyone the wrong way.
To NorwichTunnelDog: I never said they are driving around with goggles on, but from what I was told they now have them in your vehicle if necessary for foot patrol/chases...and yes, I minored in thanks for the compliment and recognition of my verse.
I can care less what any of you do and my post was far from a scare tactic. If anybody on this site was spooked by my post you're truly a gutless coward. I obtained some info and thought I'd be doing a service by take it for what it is worth. I'm not a security guard...or a cop....I'm a corporate slave by day and studio photographer by night. As I stated, I have a lot of admiration for what you guys do and for those who respect the history and visual wealth held within the walls of Norwich. If you feel the need to blab you hatred and anger at me, so be intention wasn't bad blood!
Well done, PhotoOp- You're very versed in the teachings of Psychology. First, grabbing us with compliments, as to make it look like you're a friendly dude/gal, AND that we can trust you. But then- THEN- you come in with the zinger.
"I'm going to use the State Police scare tactic, THEN put some night-vision-goggle frosting on it and REALLY scare the fuck out of you guys".
Just like the dogs in the tunnels who have bees in their mouths.
Or the ninjas in the woods.
Or the killer bears with guns, who work for security.
How the HELL would state police/security DRIVE AROUND with night vision goggles on?!?!?!?
Just stop. Seriously. We're not all that retarded.
PS- Spell check, people. Christ.
I would love to go check it out before anything happens to it. Is there anyone that would maybe want to get together with a few people and go exploring with me? I don't really have any friends who are interested in going and I def dont want to go alone! If anyone is up to it then text me and let me know. 860-550-5974
I love the passion and determination some of you explores on here have! I'm an avid photographer and would love to shoot in some of the Norwich buildings, but I'm far too concerned about getting caught, hurt, etc....I have a wife and kids to worry about at home. I have a friend who is a State Police Officer and upon discussing the facility with him yesterday he brought it to my attention that security and state police are now equipped with night vision goggles to use on site. Apparently there is a big push to crackdown on vandals and security is now required to immediately contact State Police in the event of the slightest disturbance on the Norwich grounds....they won't attempt to confront of chase and pretend you're unnoticed. This plan allows them to get police back up and have strength in numbers, which they're hoping will result in your capture. I hope this bit of info enforces the fact that this place is well guarded, but I also hope the dedicated and determined explores still prevail and enter the facility...I patiently await your stories and photos. I'm envious! Good luck!!
your right bomb, the kids that do crap like that ruin sh$t for anyone else. I want to go only to explore the historic site, take some pictures and audio recordings. thats it. yes i know its tresspassing and illegal but it is harmless. vandalism and taunting the guards is BS you deserve to get caught and busted by the staties if you do that. If people could respect the place for what it is then things would be alot easier for everyone. maybe the town would even allow tours of the site. but not with people just going to see if and what they can get away with. I WILL visit the grounds one night. I WILL do my best to gather information. and also I WILL personally bust your a$$es if i see you around there vandalizing or showing any disrespect even if it means getting busted myself. I hope others with the same intent as me will do the same. keep you thrill seeking punk a$$es outta there.
yeah mike there is no safe way in an ther is noplace to take pictures ok good. now i have been going to norwich state hospital for about 3 years but last night i almost got caught it is then i ask myself is this all worth it no its not. you sit down an make this plan to get in then you park somwere or you walk the track to sometime sit for about a half hour to an hour. for what to screw with some gaurds i thaught it was about the hospital. the last time i was there iwas in the lodge building i wach three kids screwing with the gaurds by the ballfield throwing rocks at one of them. this is when i felt like a dumnass because not to long ago i would have laught my ass off not now.i bomb am going to help these gaurds out starting wright now. i know you guys read this so listen up ok we all have been coming in thur the cematery or by the brewster house an right to earl building on 2nd an 3rd shifts an also coming in by lippett an thur the green house an to a window at bell now i still will be coming but just to find out new stuff for you from time to time an i will post it here. good luck bomb those kids really pisst me off .ps you guys kick ass every night so keep up the good work an thats form the heart .an i do not know any of these gaurds from this an i do this on my own
i agree, someone should post the most recent safe way of getting in without getting caught, or at least where the best areas are to take pictures. anything would help
someone should definitely answer these questions on how to get in these days, i'd really like to know..
I had been to the hosiptal when I was a very young girl. My biologoical mother was a patient there. My brother and I had to attend supervised DCF monthy Saturday meetings. It was a very small room decorated with mickey mouse, donald duck and snow white....which scared the pi...... out of me. We would walk thru a huge administrative room or section of the building to reach this room. She was drugged out of her mind and insisted on being called Mother. Very scary for a 4year old........and now as a 52 yr old woman. I'll never forget that place let alone venture back....but it still draws at me. I might consider going back but would need some help with that.
I want to enter the grounds one of these nights. could someone tell me the best area to get onto the grounds and possibly a good building that still has doors open so i am not running around like a chiken with my head cut off trying to get in while dodging security. would LOVE to see the morgue also if anyone could telll me what building it is actually in on the maps.
Me and a friend went to NSH about a week and a half ago.. Saw some good stuff. Not stateing that we entered a building but still saw some good stuff Would very much like to see the Morguem, and some of the Medical facilties. Maybe even find the Hidden Room that is talked about in the house accross the street. If anyone is serious about putting together a exploration email me at only been there once so would like a person that has some experiance with the tunnels and such thanks and happy hunting.
i am gonna go to this hospital on wed. aug. 5th with some friends of mine...could anyone tell me ANYTHING that i need to where can we park without being can i find the tunnels....what buildings are the best ones to go to and what ones should we watch out for....i hope someone could let me know anything. my email add. is
im looking for any building plans, maps, blueprints, fire exit plans, tunnel maps, etc or any current info on norwich as far as its current state of condition tunnel blockage locations. doing a history project and anything is really apreciated please email to
JTP, thanks for the suggestion! I honestly did not believe that the Town of Preston would agree to any requests to walk the property, but I'm of the "it never hurts to ask" school of thought. I'd much rather approach things honestly than running the risk of getting myself arrested. I think instead of spinning my wheels in the direction of the Town, I'll keep a camera in the car and next time I drive by, I'll try and see if Security would be helpful in the manner you mentioned. As you said, what have I got to lose?
I sent an email to the Town of Preston, asking permission to take pictures, escorted. They never bothered to reply. I think you would be best advised to flag down a security vehicle (from the road), and ask them. Bring your camera, just in case the officer says he'll take you right then. He may tell you who to contact to get permission, or just tell you to get lost, but it never hurts to ask. Just be courteous and respectfull, and thank him no matter what the answer is. You wont be any worse off if he says no, and just maybe, if you present yourself in a friendly, earnest manner, you may get some of the pictures you want. Really, what have you got to lose?
i don't know about 'tours' per se (great thought though! - they'd make a mint, even just allowing folks to tour the grounds!) but i plan to approach the town of preston to see if i can get a 'pass' somehow - an ok to be on the property, just to take photos, and not get arrested or fined. i'd love to get into the buildings themselves, but i can't take the risk of ducking and running from cops and security guards. as much as i highly doubt the town will give me the go-ahead, its the only thought i have. i've been fascinated with NSH for as long as i can remember. the buildings are hauntingly beautiful, and i have family history there as well. however....if anyone does have ties with state police or security personnel and can 'get me in'.... please help a gal out!
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