Rare in Europe, these drains are everywhere under the australian cities. These underground drains carry out the canalization of rain water, completely separated from sewer networks.
Many of these drains are present below each city, each one having its nickname, story and features. Different shapes, sizes, entry & exit...
They are popular meeting, expression and exploration places for the Australian Cave Clan, THE urban exploration organization. The photos shown here depict the variety of these underground canalizations.
Explored drains:
Thanks to my Cave Clan underground guides from Sydney, Melbourne & Adelaide: Doug, Curly, Eli, Al, Rogue, Drac... Big big thanks to you guys and... Go In Drains ! ! !
Somewhat following up from the debate, I wonder if the Sydney branch is dead, or on a long hiatus until a determined group from a later generation picks it up. Have not had a follow up since an expo in October, and even that was the first expo in several months.
I suppose most of the original organisers are GenX and have understandably mostly moved on with their lives, and its apparent that most of the best destinations have been demolished or locked up, meaning not much in Sydney anymore to sustain enough interest...
Subject: No flyzone Anyone know anyone that was on the Noflyzone BBS? used to have some of the bunker boys on there and maybe a couple of clanners, looking to catch up with the guys off there.
I am so happy to see this site up again! I was almost brought to tears when both sites where pulled down afew months back. Long live!
im from adelaide i want to explore theses tunnels but i cant find them please i need to know some one tell me
I didn't have the time to look yesterday - but I kind of thought I had been helpful to SgtDan so I had a look at my post that I made to him on UER (below).
Maybe he's getting me mixed up?
I'm not that silly that I can't see that SgtDan isn't fishing for some flaming (he loves chucking in his anti-Clan line - it's obvious there's more to it), but I suppose the point is that there has been a hundred SgtDan's aprove on the scene.
I reply to the SgtDan's depsite others pleading for them to be ignored... probably because I'm a co-founder of the Clan and probably because it's a hobby.
I really don't need to stick up for the Clan nowadays because so many known explorers around the world have had good experiences with the Clan that it speaks for itself. Maybe SgtDan wants to be another rebel. Good luck to him.
Slyv, please feel free to delete my posts from here as it's a bit rude to hijack your comments section.
Posted by SeargentDan in reply to a message from Hatsumi.
That's okay mate. I was getting fed up with waiting anyway. I'm sure there are others in Sydney that explore things. I really don't have an issue with who I explore. But I do have an issue with waiting ages for a reply, and then replies like this. You guys come across a bit over rated.
Posted by Dougo in reply to above You could try URBX (PM Stud69) as I think they had something like 50 Sydney members that explore nearly each and every day and night of the week.
Panic's site is back up and has a forums ( that will soon be bigger than UER! He really seems to have got it all happening this time.
They are the main two that I can think of that would suit you right down to the ground... or under it for that matter... ho ho ho, hilarious
Good luck.
Sorry Dan, I wasn't replying to you.
I bother because I care
The same way that people can say whatever they like about drains, the Cave Clan or whatever, I can also give information that many people don't know about from a different angle (most people in the Clan agree with you and ignore online crap).
Would it be too obvious for me to ask you the same question... why bother (replying to my post)?
If you don't care who explores, then why bother posting big replies here to protect the Cave Clan reputation? Why bother? It's all Internet shit anyway. The typing of so many fools, just piss in the wind. Who cares what we do in the drains? Who cares what you do in the drains? If you don't care, then don't reply. But seriously, I've seen only a few posts from you, and they're all replies to people like me who want to be independant saying stuff like we can;t do that and the Cave Clan is better. It does not lend to your reputation mate. It just makes ou come across as a control freak.
Who gives a shit who is better? We're all just doing our own little thing and getting out and having fun. This is not a pissing contest.
Tim says... "The Cave Clan are not the original drain explorers.. Hundreds (if not thousands) of others have done so before them..."
And? What's your point or are you just stating the obvious? There were dudes exploring under Paris before Australia had even been settled by the Poms.
Cave Clan were the first group to move beyond it's local area, to statewide, to national, to international, but we were no way the first. Ha, we even collected information about old groups in Australia such as The Drainiacs and Alf Saddlier plus the many dozens of groups that used to hang out around their local drains.
Timmy also says... "Urb ex/draining is for everyone, don't get caught up in their petty wanna be elitist crap"
I think you are making an incorrect presumption there Tim - We don't care who explores drains - we just care who explores within the Clan. We also try and protect the locations we explore for as long as possible. It's a fact that has been proven hundreds of times (and thousands around the world) that once a good secret topside location gets "discovered" that it quickly gets ruined (Melb Power Station was abandoned for more than 10 years before it was "discovered" - it took a few years until graffers, vandals and junkie squatters (and some explorers)ruined the place.
It's easy to sit back and pay out on the Clan (especially when you can hide behind the Internet , but unless you're in the situation where there are 100s of people exploring in your group it's hard to compare the difference to just checking out drains with a few friends.
Nice site by the way Slyv, let me know if you ever plan on coming back - I have a few more good places for you since you were last here
Yes, it is I, Panic, and my horde of imaginary friends. I have come to give you and your imaginary friends a hard time. Ahh, but that would make me and us iaginary enemies wouldn't it. Beware drain legends for Panic and his imaginary friends will make you Panic in the drains.
Hahaha, good stuff. Panic is back with his group of imaginary friends to save the day.
Things will be more fun now.
Go down drains!
It's the middle of winter so no new explorers expos are being held at the moment.
Regardless, the Cave Clan is just a bunch of people with lives and obligations, we don't sit around all day waiting for emails to come in. You'll get an email eventually, maybe, with an attitude like that you might just been thrown on the 'not worth it' pile.
I highly recommend everyone with an interest in exploring consider joining the Clan, you get to see and do some amazing things, but patience is a virtue, if you wait it out, weeks, maybe even months, you WILL get the chance to come along to something.
Kindest Regards,
I googled some old drains names and found an old 1995 drain location sheet from the Cave Clan.
Well Beanz sure the Cave Clan may be the legends of the underground, but they can't answer their email for shit. My girl friend and I plus my mate have been trying to get in touch with the Sydney branch for over a month. We got a half hearted reply then nothing. Pull your finger out! We'd rather explore with experienced people so we don't end up trapped in Lurline Bay but really, you guys are effing hopeless. A MONTH and you're too slack to reply to three additional emails.
i mean get with the groove, go with the younger generation. Maybe you guys are all too old and grey to keep up with the needs of a newer generation of drain explorers. I geuss what I'm trying to say is, we don't need you any more, and you are no longer the legends you claim to be. Either be legends and step up to the plate, or be the bogus you come across as and treat new people like shit like you have been doing.
This page tells how to locate and find drains
Hi all. I found a cool Google Earth file of drain locations. It looks to be 2 years old but it is still good. And you can view it on Google Maps
i was wondering if someone would be able to give me exact directions on where or how to get to the entrance of one of these tunnels? please email me if you know c:
The Cave Clan are not the original drain explorers.. Hundreds (if not thousands) of others have done so before them.. Urb ex/draining is for everyone, don't get caught up in their petty wanna be elitist crap
Does anyone know locations in Melbourne? Any details are greatly appreciated.
Hi guys. where abouts is the entrance to the drainstation in sydney? Cheers
yeah, true that...
having said that, cave clan are much better than us, so go with them
Before you run off with random loons from the internet and join their crappy groups, take a minute to learn more about the true original legends of draining and exploring in Australia, the Cave Clan...
have been to Hercules pillars, is there anything in Gobbledox?
is there a abandoned part of NSST in willoughby?
I dont think its a smart idea to give out exact information on drain locations. I do know of the drains that are mentioned below and found them on my own. But anybody under 18 who reads this is now going to know as well. As for it is an excellent site when it was readily available, I've just signed up so I can access it again, cause I thought it was gone for good.
hey i found this very intresting area that youd might wanna look at. its this huge basin right next to a pumping station and there a whole heap of drains there its madd as and i can send you photos of it
Ahh, so that's why I am getting so many sign ups from this site. Yep, indeed has LOTS of photos from drains. And yes it also does have a Google Earth file of drains all over Australia. But the site is not just for any air head who would wander down a drain and get themselves drowned. Urban Exploraation is dangerous folks. I've compiled a small Google Earh file showing the names dates and locations where Urban Explorers have died and I have 15 already. Don't think it can't happen to you. Always check the weather forcast before going into drains. Never trust wooden, rusted, or burnt floors in buildings. Always treat wires like they are live. ALWAYS tell a RESPONSIBLE person where you are going, when you expect to be back, and when to send an emergency team to search. If you change your plans, let tthat person know.
I'm not saying don't have an adventure, but there are risks, and you need to know about them. Do your research.
Hey there. I only just discovered this website when a friend told me about the drains. I'm a photography student, and really interested in the different drain locations + how to go about getting inside. I'm from Bentleigh, and wondering where some of the easiest access areas to the drains are. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Lol, you might want to wait for the weather to clear up a bit more before heading down there.
The caveclan website is down. How can I get in contact with this group? I really really want to start exploring the storm drains in Melbourne
heya guys just a quick one anyone know the drain near doncaster park and ride? if not, you do now!!!!
need help getting to The Maze, ANZAC and The Great Stairway
I used to frequent the urbanadventure web site. It is still around but you have to sign up to be a member. See They have lots of drain pictures, maps and best of all, an up to date Google Earth file of drains and tunnels all around the world.
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