Welcome to the Hudson River State Hospital located in the United States in Poughkeepsie, New York. This gigantic hospital has overlooked the Hudson River for 136 years since its initial construction in 1871. The various hospital buildings were constructed and belong to the famous Kirkbride architectural order (read more on this excellent website).
The hospital was divided into two wings, for male and female patients, with an administration section located in the center. The male wing was much larger than the respective female wing. This was caused by the number of patients being unequal between the sexes (see the sky view from the hospital using the link above).
The beauty of the decay was unbelievable in this hospital. Most of the original constructions had been preserved.
Future renovation construction of the hospital were planned long ago. A fire, caused by lightning, burned the male wing in June 2007. As of the date of this article, the fate of Hudson Psyche Center remains unknown.
Hopefully this awesome Kirkbride will be saved. The United States is certainly not Europe and listing historical buildings as monuments might not be enough to protect them…
Archive documents dated between 1891 and 1918 (click on a thumbnail to enlarge):
Special thanks to Dr. Bob for sharing the old postcards.
Reference for the scanned documents: Handbook of the State Hospital Commission and the Hospitals for the Insane, 1918, E.S.Graney.
whats the rumors going around in Marist i have never herd anything but what ever it is then im pretty sure its false but anyway there is no legal way to get close to the place because Hudson Heratige now owns the buildings and they will not allow anyone on the property but i am pretty good about getting a closer look (if you know what i mean) but i do know the property and most buidings so if you want hit me up on facebook @ urban xploration and just maybe i will show you around-------oh yeah and i aint security or cops but you better watch out for the cop parked in home depot in a shitty blue pick up he will put you on the roster...he is a asshole
I live about 5 mins from here and i would love to explore and take some pictures before i move out of NY,If anyone can help me out or is rounding people up 2 go please let me know
Is there any way to explore the grounds legally? I am a student at Marist College; my dorm is right across the road from the hospital property and I could spend hours staring at it. It would be amazing to be able to see the buildings more closely, but I don't particularly feel like having a run-in with law enforcement. Is there any way to accomplish this?
Also, does anyone know if there is any truth to the rumor going around that Marist is going to buy the land, demolish the buildings, and construct new housing in their place?
I will be rounding people up to go soon msg me if u wana go oww and mike 845 is a fag so ya hit me up
Anyone been here lately?
Heyy guys,we plan on going back agin on the weekend of the 18th,we all know our way around the main building,tunnels morgue and a bunch of other places,check my previous comments. if anyones interested please e-mail me!!
What's up everyone? I love this place - been up there a few times but not recently. I'm working on a multimedia project about the legend of the Hudson River State Hospital, so I'm looking for anyone who has info or any cool stories & also pics they would like to share. If you got something for me, hit me up via email with HRSH or something identifiable in the subject. Thanks!
I remember a lot from when this was opened. I had a scholarship from their school of nursing and would go to classes there. A number of the nursing students lived in some dorms there. The patients used to come up to you and want to wash your car windshield for change. We used to use the roads to cut through from route 9G to route 9 or from meadow lane (by the American Legion). I remember watching baseball games there, also. Such a shame that it was just abandoned. Would be interested in more information about the site.
Hi just wondering if anyone knows where the cemetery is for Hudson River and if they even have one similar to Danvers State? I would like to go there and pay my respects to what I'm sadly guessing are just markers with forgotten numbers on them.
Also is that section of the former hospital open to the public (as in I would not fear arrest if I were to go there)?
(Also this site is obviously crawling with cops)
mike i got ur email but need to know your not security or cops before i just hand out a map....and its not a map of the mourge its a map of every building on site with there building numbers ans shows some tunnels.....and im still not sure what building is the mourge still?? but if someone wants to meet me contact me on the facebook page Urban Xploration
Hey all. I've been hearing about this hospital for quite some time now, but I haven't been able to go up there. I'm a little worried about going alone since I don't know the place at all. Would someone want to meet me and show me around? I'm an illustrator /photographer and would love to get some photos of the buildings. It's very rare to find big abandoned buildings these days. I live in Brooklyn but I have a car, would gladly meet someone up there. If anyone's available February 4th or 5th shoot me an email: Much appreciated!
I was there last week. If you guys want to lurk around that property just stay out! But I know you're not, so be careful. Everything is asbestos, lead and other nasty crap. A lot of people forget that is it a Super Fund site. There's a lot of crap buried in that soil that is coming up. Remember when the state sold it, they left. They did not pack up anything, they just left. When I have to go there, I have to wear an asbestos respirator and a tyvek suit. It's cool as hell, but very dangerous. I at least have keys and know where to go and not to go. I would stay FAR AWAY of Cheney since some one knocked off the asbestos piping in the crawl space and people are starting to knock off the top row on the roof. Ever notice that some of the ward doors have burn marks on them? That is when they allowed training for SWAT, SEAL and EOD blow open doors. That's why it looks like someone punched the door in. The Admin building leaks like a sieve, because the roof repair was a shit job, and that's why the floors are collapsing on top of each other. I think the south end of the building was shut down back in the 60's and 70's. The power plant still has live 14.2kva and the tunnels are in real bad shape. The pump room off to the right is usually under water. Some are dry, but they are having main breaks here and there, and that 36 inch sewer pipe isn't in the best of condition. As far as getting patients records (ones you want and not find) call the Records Assessor at NYS OMH and ask. (518-473-7863) Aside from that, the place is not haunted, ghosted or anything freaky going on. It's just a bunch of old dilapidated buildings that need to be torn down and buried, like the ones you don't see there anymore. That is because when they knocked down a building, they just dug a hole and knock the building into it. The morgue is to your left of the lock shop if the shop is behind you and you're facing the Admin building. It's the squarish 2 story with the ZOMBIES!!! I think there are tunnels still open in the Snow, Store House, Ryon Hall, Cheney, Power House, DOYS and the old day care building and Old Church on the grounds with the bilco doors.
Looking for info for a project I am doing would love to talk to people who have been there recently? Please shoot me an email if you have anything of interest I.E. Grounds map, building maps, blueprints, tunnel maps? Thanks and my email is
My grandmother also spent some time in this facility, following a suicide attempt in the 60s (I imagine). My father tells me stories of how he hated going there. He said back then he imagined the place much like the movie A House on Haunted Hill.
Does anyone know how I can go about getting patient records from this place? Just recently found out that my Great Grandfather was put here in 1927 until he died in 1938. Would it have been for mental illness? Incarceration? Military? The paranormal activity it interesting.
I want to go to the hospital, its been tempting me for years. I live within walking distance. I'd like to talk to someone who has been there before to get some information and perhaps spend a day of exploring with them and some of my friends. Were all athletes so I figure worse come worse we could always run it half mile or so back to my house through the woods. LMK, this is a serious though, ill be moving soon and this is a once in a life time opportunity.
Does anyone have a map or can just help me identify all the buildings...
does anyone know what building the mourge is in....ill trade info i do know my way around...-CatchMeIfUCan
Hey Led Zep could you plz email me @ am planning on driving up from maine & have a cpl questions for you...Thanks I'd appreciate it ~K
So is this were your hiding out now an telling bull shit story to anybody you will read them lol ileft you a really nice post at the norwich state hospital site an by the way i hate twinkie
last friday at exactly 12 midnight patroling near the front gate near home depot and when i left a cop in a patrol car at the far end of the parking lot tryin to be a sneaky bitch -CatchMeIfYouCan
If anyone wants to come up this weekend please contact me@ The tunnels are no longer flooded,when we went this past weekend. Never had a run in with any cops ever so we'll be fine. Want to get back on the roof,go farther in the tunnels and go see the bowling alley&pool again . The burn building still has some interesting pasts in it if your careful,got to the padded rooms as well. found a room with blueprints and old patinet files in it along with the movie theatre&tons of other smaller buildings. got tons of pics juss e-mail me ill be glad to send them,like i said were goin this weekend with a bunch of people who kno thier way around if your interested,more people the better!!!!
Tunnels are flooded - bring waders if you plan on entering right now.
Hey led zep, as it seems like you're one of the few people that knows what you're talking about around here, could you shoot me an email? any info you could give me on strategies to get in or good times etc. would be appreciated. Thanks
drove by there and saw no signs of cops or security.have heard all the stories and my father and grandfather both workedhave there. i am very interested in going in to check out the buildings.i've heard that there are bums on the grounds living in there,so i would not go alone or at night without a few friends. if anyone has gone recently,what was the easiest route on the grounds?
Place is wide open right worries.
I'm planning on going some time soon can some one email me some ways to get in and good times to go?
so yeah im on the blotter or am i??? this suppost to be cop that sits at home depot.... waiting ...get a real job!!!!....anyways if you wanna reach me hit me up and i will see what i can do for anyone, i have been here many times and have maps and know a lot of routes.....-catch me if you can
How do you guys get over there? i've tried a couple of places and all have locked gates at the entrance, so do you just walk over? and which way is the safest way to go?
I went there a couple month ago and almost got arrested. and yes, they do still have security there. EVERYWHERE.
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