During the XVIth century, Catherine de Médicis built on the chaillot hill a leisure house finally bought by the Maréchal de Bassompière.
He was executed at the Bastille where he burnt more than 6000 love letters he had received. In 1651, the Queen Henriett from England bought the castle to set up the "couvent de la Visitation" where many famous ladies retired.
In 1937, in front of the Eiffel tower the Palais de Chaillot was built for the Universal Exhibition.
The Palais houses the musée du Cinéma, the musée national des Monuments Français, the musée des Matériaux du C.R.M.H, the musée de l'Homme, the musée de la Marine and the Théatre national de Chaillot.
The architects were Carlu, Boileau and Azema.
Whatever. We infitrated the museum while it was being renovated, one year before the reopening to public. Explore Chaillot with us like you would never see it. Enjoy!
I Don't get this site, where are the access plans to all the locations??
...the Grande Dame does indeed, carry her excesses nobly and well...
I was assigned a French Architecture project to reconstruct Le Palais de Chaillot as my monument. These pictures were extremely helpful in looking at the different views and the phenominal artwork of Le Palais. I can't thank you enough for posting these; photos like these cannot be found anywhere else.
You have made an interesting building appear to mysterious and far more beautiful than it would appear to be on a fine summer day. Thank you.
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