Rare in Europe, these drains are everywhere under the australian cities. These underground drains carry out the canalization of rain water, completely separated from sewer networks.
Many of these drains are present below each city, each one having its nickname, story and features. Different shapes, sizes, entry & exit...
They are popular meeting, expression and exploration places for the Australian Cave Clan, THE urban exploration organization. The photos shown here depict the variety of these underground canalizations.
Explored drains:
Thanks to my Cave Clan underground guides from Sydney, Melbourne & Adelaide: Doug, Curly, Eli, Al, Rogue, Drac... Big big thanks to you guys and... Go In Drains ! ! !
Me and some mates recently stumbled across Tiffany's Tomb (a drain found by Clan Clan) and have been searching for some new locations since. If you have any nearby to the CBD and North Melb let me know and send me the coordinates. It'd be greatly appreciated.
I just want to say that The Cave Clan ruined my life.
Hang on a minute. Sorry. No it didn't, scratch that. I was getting confused with Ice cream (stupid Ice Cream!).
The Cave Clan is great whereas Ice cream melts, is sticky and is hopeless when used as an alternative for motor oil, but I'll let you make up your own mind.
Go in drains!
The Cave Clan
Hey, i’m trying to go find abandoned places and drains so if anyone havs any location please email me
Wow, this is so old now
Were is it
hey guys I'm trying to get into the draining scene the if anybody has locations or hints please do hit me up! <3
Ben, have you heard of dungeon?
Juno, obviously when it rains no drains. Always bring a friend and a map, and be careful as some drains can fill up with poisonous and flammable gases.
P.S. I have a list of all the drains in Melbourne, though everybody seems quite secretive about this stuff, so I’m unsure if I should share it as it might be immoral.
Hey there, I’d like to have a look at some maps if you have them, myself and 2 friends go in around Melbourne but have been looking for maps to use to make it safer. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated
Hey if you have any locations of any of the Melbourne storm drains would be greatly appreciated as me and a friend would like to check some out ????
Is there a drain tunnel that goes under NSW Parliament? if there is Can yo please give me the coordinates for the drain entrance.
Hi a few weeks ago me and my mate explored The Maze Drain in Hawthorn it was my 3rd time there its so big i wanted to see the other side this time !
Id like to know if there are any other drain systems in Melbourne as big and complex as The Maze is ?
Thanks Ben.
Hey there. Look I’m just wondering if this account is still in action...I explore Melbourne storm water drains a lot and find it interesting and it’s really fun. Anyway I get very very nervous when exploring and wondered if I could ask some tips on safety and stuff? Thank you. Hope you guys reply soon :) Cheers, Juno.
hey guys im interested in drains to go to in melbourne, could you please send me a list of places and locations. cheers
I'm after any places to explore in and Take photos in
@COOKLAN on Instagram get amongst it
Hey guys, interested in finding some abando places and/or drains to start exploring. Would love any as just wanting to get into them now and obviously very hard to find online. Thanks heaps, dm me on insta (ashleylouisee) or send me an email if you can help me out.
if you want to start draining theres a good one to begin in northcote inside the golf course just off moreland road you have to jump a small fence and walk down to the creek bring a good torch cause its pitched black best of luck
Hey dudes
I'm a very curious person looking to get into urban exploring drains, trains everything would love it if you guys could help me out a bit contact me at thanks guys
Hey guys, If anyone has any locations for abandoned buildings, urbexing, underground tunnels or anything like that, I would appreciate any suggestions. Email myself or my mate at Or
Hi I am happy to trade abando locations, I've done many but don't usually do drains, However i really want to find the wormhole tunnel... (Grille room) in Melbourne. My ig @lipstix_grimes to contact . Cheers big ears
does anyone have anything on the Melbourne CBD? I will take anything fun. Drains, maps, rooftops, abandoned building and anything elsa that might be fun. send me an Email:
Does anyone know some good rooftops we can access in Sydney ? Preferably the CBD
Hi everyone. Is anyone in the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane area who is active in exploring abendomed places that i can tag along I'm 20 years old and love a good adventure!! My email is: Cheers everyone Callum
Hey everyone I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good locations if they could shout me an email, In need of some new places X
Has anyone found any part of a tunnel system from parliament House to treasury place & or the Windsor in Melbourne? I've recently moved down from Queensland & am looking for this & more. I'm also figuring out why the royal Melbourne children's hospital is shaped in the symbol of the freemasons symbol! Google earth it & check it out. Email to join the hunt.
Im trying to find an open storm drain channel in Sydney for a photo set up. the wider and most derelict the better. I've seen one drain in Marrickville, but its too skinny for what I'm after (below). any help CC
Has anyone, or does anyone know someone who has, lived underground in Sydney for an extended period of time. I mean living in communities in storm drains and the like. I am writing a literary non-fiction piece about underground life and want to get in contact with someone who has lived/squatted subterraneanly. I am happy to keep identities anonymous. I have found a lot of information about these communities around the world but not about the ones in Sydney. I just know about it through a friend of a friend of a friend.
please get in touch if you have any information:
Hi guys i was hoping you could check out my website its: Thxs cya
another good website is
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone wants to trade drain locations (Melbourne only) my email is or my Skype or Kik is: damian12st6. I know lots of drains like the maze, the great stairway, sloths, Dougos and more I also have a Instagram it's urbexclan I also have maps thanks damo
Nice pics here cheers!
Check out [UEGA] The Urban Explorers Group of Australia. All New members welcome! Sign up and join the community today
Stay safe, Nuggs
Im interested in checking out the drainage tunnels in Canberra, does anyone know of any good spots, or wants to come down with me - email I've heard theres some beautys undernesth black mountain
There's some small but decent ones near kaleen shops
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