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Comments (534)
I'm quite happy to find again the site. it's been literally two years that i haven't posed a foot here.
It's really inspiring and a pleasure to the eyes
I'm going to dublin and i wanted to know if anyone could suggest some places to visit
Keep up all this good job !
What about releasing a photo book? Your pics own the pure magic of intense decay, but watching them on a web site is not really the first choice, my friends ! You´ve just entered my own photographer´s heaven to the right of Simon Marsden, very good job!
Im trying to write a horror-story and a girlfriend showed your page to me. from the photos I got many impressions and also inpiration for the story, so thanks allot
Your pictures are historical very interesting ; keep up the good work.
I thank you very much for this impressive collection of fascinating and brilliant pictures and
that you share them with the world for free...Please keep on your great work.
Best regards
very Goooood Site
see You From germany
Very impressive and beautiful pictures! Keep going - can't wait to see more of this stuff.
Best regards,
Very good pictures and a great idea to show us them!
Greetings from Germany Kerstin
Absolutly Fantastic Places
welcome to Amerika
A good Site! My English isn´t good!
Very instristing!
Hallo und herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deiner beeindruckenden Page.
Deine Fotos sind absolut fazinierend, aber auch schockierend zugleich.
Ich glaube, dass das der Stil ist, den viele Menschen sehen wollen.
Ich wünsche Dir noch viel Erfolg auf Deiner Suche nach dem Unerforschten.
From now I will keep an eye constantly on your homepage. I'm very impressed of your art.
Hi There,
I found your page by accident... incredible!
I explored an old Cannery on an island near Victoria, BC, Canada a few years ago and have some very nice pictures. I would be interested to contribute to your site!
Let me know.
I have been to 1 abandoned mental hospital, but i know for sure there are others. I live in VICTORIA. doesn anyone here know of any good mental hospitals/hospitals/asylums in VICTORIA AUSTRALIA?
Yes, this architectural thing is a shame! A pox on city leaders who won't do anything about it!
I also am curious as to how and why Seth died at such a young age.
My grandfather, Boris Shapovalov, worked in Anderlues cokerie during the 40's and it was the birthplace of my mother. This site has provided the only photos and important geneological research for me... THANK YOU! I am glad it was captured on film before it disintegrated into dust. My family moved around many countries and it is difficult to compile valid information... we greatly appreciate this addition to our cherised ancestry!
I came across this site by looking for some economic indicators. I could not help but make a comment. I grew up in east chicago-graduated from high school in 1982. In 1980 I believe there is when 1,000's of people lost their mill rat jobs in 1 day. Since then the union people crawled away and the mills have been sold to foreign investors. I can't stand the stupid mentality of these retired mill rats with their fat pensions and health care for life while they say the hell with you and me. They do not understand reality. It is not just gary but the entire country now-all of the major manufacturing has left the country now. It is gone people-wake up. Our elected officials have sold out everything to foreign people. Every politician has been bought and paid for everywhere. If you are stuck in that area-get the hell out of there. We have a communist police state set up that laughs at people that use the drugs that the government ships in. You are lambs going to a slaughter faster than out here in the country. So please get the hell out of there any way possible.
Wonderful views of hidden areas of the church and views from the rooftops, but there exists in full view on the street at the far eastern end of the church an amazing architectural wonder called a trompe, the exact shape of each piece of stone having been calculated geometrically before being assembled. St Sulpice had numerous architects ; I would like to know who designed this.
great site really! and it's very remarkable that most of the buildings are in Belgium.. i wish i could visit them all! it's so fascinating! full of history, stories, mysterie... really fascinating and very well done, this site and all the pictures and all! castle of mesen is great, and it's really cool to visit! i'm happy i've been there. especially on a winter's day. it was a day to remember. scary but also really cool! x.
The place is Centralia Pennsylvania USA, i didnt realize the subject wouldnt show up....
You guys should look into this place, it was abandoned due to an underground fire which is still burning today.
Hey, I'm from Argentina. I saw your page described in our most important cultural magazine! And it's great, I'm a great fan of these kind of places since I was a child, maybe I was a lonely child... Well, great work with these phtos, I'm an amateur photographer, but not as good as you
Is there any way I can save some pictures in my computer? Cause they are with flash, and I don't know if I can save them.
Well, bye, and thanks for these fantastic images!
some of the greatest memories i've had in my life are fro the emerson area of g.i. The cities demise is everyones fault. Whites ,Blacks ,Hispanic : and every one else.How could we all let a city sittng on a gold mine of natural resources go down the way it has! Most people like myself have great memories but no solutions. Some people like in "the quickly" have no desire to help the city ,but have all negative things to say. I say put up or shut up!
Chapeau, très bein, génial...quel superlatif encore ..? euh .. chouette, cool .. tout ça quoi.
Je vais vous mettre en lien sur le site. Lidée est très bonne bien choisie, le site est bien fait.
bref j accroche.
Je vais appronfondir, mais je pense que vous êtes dans l´esprit dans lequel je développe mes activités.
Bien à voous
Bonjour Sylvain,
je viens de lire un article dans Le Soir en ligne au sujet de ton site web. Et je suis littéralement fasciné par ton travail.
J´ai un contact afin d´aller visiter le fort de Pontisse (Herstal) en province de Liege. Cette personne fait partie du personnel administratif de la commune, il n´y a donc rien de frauduleux ou d´illégal. Cette personne m´a proposé d´effectuer une exploration un peu inhabituelle du fort l´été prochain.
Ma question est : serais-tu intéressé?
this website is amazing, not long ago me and a group of friends done this sort of thing at a old mental hospital. we got some realy scary and good photos
Hello, very interesting side! We are one trenches from miners on a coalpit in Germany! We would become pleasing to us about a return visit and an entry in our visitors´ book! Nice greetings from Germany!
Je suis ravie d´avoir trouvé ce site! Superbes lieux, très beaux clichés pour la plupart, à venir je tenterais de poster quelques clichés d´un foyer de l´enfance maintenant détruit et d´un hôpital maintenant rénové!
Je partage totalement cette fascination pour nos lieux urbains désafectés
Merci pour le partage!
Bonne suite à bientôt
Alleluia !
aux risques de me repeter ( m´en fou ! ) je beni se site et vos clichés ! je vous " congratule" tous pour votre courage et votre bravoure ! et milles merci de nous ramener des photos aussi belles. Rien qu´a les voirs on imagine l´adrenaline que vous deviez ressentir !
longue vie au(x) site(s) et longue vie à la carriere de nos photographes
salut ! et BANZAI !
Nice pics and where did you find those old locomotives?
Forbidden Places answer:
Somewhere in Belgium...
nice site, great pics & txts